Will the children save the world?
Our 10th graders are slowly coming to the end of their school term and will soon be graduating to go to college or to start vocational programs to enter the workforce.
Now, in the ethics class, the most interesting subject begins. Since they now have 6 years of ethics education and 3 years of exposure to my thoughts, the final milestone is upon them.
They have to master the last subject. Something simple, something easy, nothing more than to create a utopian state where everyone will be happy.
Now, in the ethics class, the most interesting subject begins. Since they now have 6 years of ethics education and 3 years of exposure to my thoughts, the final milestone is upon them.
They have to master the last subject. Something simple, something easy, nothing more than to create a utopian state where everyone will be happy.
We are playing a thought experiment. You are stranded on a lonely island with 100 people in their prime, plus some old people and children. This is a Robinson Crusoe experiment. With the task to create a new state, a new society and a new order.
The task:
Their task is divided into three parts.
First and most difficult is to create a new society:
You must identify the fundamental values and principles that will hold a large group together.
Then create an organization of society with a system of government of your choice and a constitution of your choice with at least 10 commandments of your choice.
After that, they have to describe an economic order and how they plan to manage the resources on the island and what will be money.
This is followed by how to promote cultural values and traditions to get a group feeling. Last but not least, how to secure the structure for future changes and how to think about the future in this new born society.
The second part is much easier:
Present your work in a way that is most understandable and entertaining for the other kids in the class, and of course for me.
Vote on the other kids' projects. Which is the best company and why! You are not allowed to vote for your own city.
I am so bullish!
This is the most fun part for me as a teacher. After three years of work, I see my fruits ready to be picked! These kids will come up with fabulous ideas, only to be crushed by my arguments as to why they will not work, and they will go back to the drawing board and impress me with thoughts I never had!
It is such a privilege to see nearly 90 kids working on more than 20 companies. Surely more than half will be AI and crap. But there are usually 3-5 societies that just blow my mind about the ideas the students have to solve problems and show me critical thinking way beyond our education system! They will hardly think about society and problems of society for the first time!
This project will take weeks, so there will be updates and of course I will show you the "best" society in the end!
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