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If Trump invalidates SAB121, then yes almost for certain Fidelity will (this has been Fidelity plan since 2017 or so when they had their "coinbase integration" feature).
Its actually far more likely Trump invalidates SAB121 rather than a SBR, since SEC is fully under Executive dept, so Trump can simply order the rule to be removed.
Trump's bestie from Cantor Fitzgerald said so
Trump's comptroller of the currency, Brian Brooks, said he was getting banks prepared for it back near the end of term 1
Fidelity's Digital Assets infrastructure has been ready to go for awhile
Per the lending thread the other day, the market demands it
The plan has always been to make it the world reserve currency and put an end the Triffin Dilemma, inevitable milestone...
Don't think the timing is a coincidence either given the emission schedule, these big banks no longer have to worry about the impact of 4 year supply shocks
Yes. They would love to hold your bitcoin and print fiat out of thin air to lend to you so they can collect interest.
Bitcoin is much better collateral than real estate due to its liquidity. The volatility is an issue but I expect Bitcoin will eventually be demanded as collateral.
Not my BTC 😎
The other effect of this is going to be lots of M&A in the crypto space.
Maybe Strike by Fidelity?
Maybe Schwab buys Coinbase?
There is no way I would give a Bank all my coin. However, I would consider lending a Bank some coin, so I could borrow some worthless fiat from them.
One can use that worthless fiat to trade with nocoiners, they actually think it has value! You can even buy more Bitcoin! (this window will not be open forever, as eventually no rational person would trade fiat for Bitcoin).
I know Darth will dislike this, but until the last human refuses fiat, we need the ability to buy things without reducing our Bitcoin holdings.
I'd say it's pretty much inevitable. Technology is a one way street, and adoption comes along with it.
It depends from your country plans and regulations not all countries will take that action.
Its on the horizon. People and institutions are going to learn how important self custody is.
Yes, banks will hold some BTCs, but not mine SATs. I'll look and protect my funds myself, no need any help with it.
Let them try
Institutional custody of Bitcoin is growing rapidly already. Within five years, at current rates, they will hold most of the available sats. Bitcoin as a censorship resistant P2P payments protocol is being captured and controlled and neutered into a speculative commodity plaything. Hard to see how you could stop them.
Who's holding their keys? Plus you can't make a global currency that is censorship resistant and censor big players because they're big players.
Coinbase hold them mostly.
The Big Players enjoy their power due to their ability to censor and control payments.
Capturing the majority of Bitcoin market defends their position of market dominance.
Hard to see how you could stop them since you don't even understand or acknowledge the nature of the problem...although you at least admit they cannot be prevented from doing what they are doing already.
Good old Andreas...so sad he's not on nostr
You can't stop them from buying, I know it's a problem but there's no solution for that or if I am wrong explain it how teacher. Making ETFs ilegal? lol
So we agree ~ they cant be stopped...and they are trying.
The only hope and potential solution might start in first acknowledging the problem...instead of pretending there is none...for example educating that ETFs undermine the purpose and principles of the protocol and thereby undermine Bitcoins longer term potential and value...
Yes and yes! They will charges fees though. Self custody of you can because you MUST to win!