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Should territories be free to start or be ran by SN admin?
Most are not profitable currently and struggle to stay
What if you could found a territory for free with profits if any sent to rewards or SN then have an engagement incentive for founders for engagement like YouTube or others pay founders etc?
Interested in your thoughts as always
No, that would create territory spam and abandonment.
A high upfront cost is appropriate. But I do think there should be a secondary market for territories.
There's nothing stopping a secondary market for territories, if you just mean territory owners selling them to someone else.
While the cost may be high, you can find partners to go in on the territory with, like @realBitcoinDog and @IamSINGLE did, with ~HealthAndFitness. That reduces the downside risk for each party.
Yeah true but why does there have to be a risk at all?
Because territory rent is how SN makes revenue and no cost territories would likely be very spammy, as others have noted.
How would they be spammy ? If SN gets rev from posts from all territories instead would that make up the difference
SN doesn't get revenue from posts. It only gets revenue from territory fees. That's the business model.
Spam would not last as it’s still pay to post so making simplestacker territory for example wouldn’t do anything except be ignored anyway if it’s not a valuable territory?
Nah simplestacker territory would be super valuable. The only reason I haven't created it is to give other territories a fighting chance ;)
They could have a vote in process for suggested territory and if it gets enough in favour it launches or doesn’t? They could also stream line posting fees across all territories
No. 50k sats is not too much to invest to test a territory for a month.
50k is still a lot of sats . It’s all good if you ran Bitcoin or potentially your territory but for the more niche ones it’s a lot
it used to be 100k
Maybe you could see if someone else wants to go in with you. 4 of us got together to revive Health and Fitness.
It's an interesting idea, but I think the current system keeps the amount of territories to a reasonable size compared to the population. It also incentivizes territory owners to drive more traffic to SN. This is only my second day of having a territory so 🤷 we will see.
Yeah like the previous owner of ask sn it’s a good territory but mustn’t have worked for them not sure is there a better way
I have a higher price to post, and a few ideas to drive traffic here. I'm also doing my best to figure out which questions drive engagement. It's going to be trial and error, and I'm willing to operate at a loss if I'm trending in the right direction by the end of the month.
I think we don’t need to have a worry about a loss or treating territories as a business and if it’s a positive sub page for the platform it should exist not for individual gain but for the good of SN
I look at it more as an incentive to create good content, and a chance to invest in this platform.
Yeah for sure but could it be done differently is all I’m asking or thinking. Not saying that I know anything about anything but just asking questions
I don't think it should be done, but if you think it's too expensive, you can establish a territory by partnership like @realBitcoinDog has done with ~Healthandfitness. He created the territory with three other partners.
And you still could but without the financial requirements? The weak territories will just ignored and die anyway? And the thriving ones will go on? Reddit has a heap of territories and works. Spam will be sorted via posting fees like always?
You are comparing Reddit with Stacker News, but Reddit has millions of users; that's why they need so many subreddits, while Stacker News has few. Imagine having maybe a thousand active users a day but also 1000 territories on Stacker News; wouldn't it be a lot of clutter? What I have noticed is that most founders of territories don't create territories with the intention of making much profit at all.
I would not even notice if we had any new territories added I only discover new ones via the recent and hot tabs. But I might be unique how I view things on SN I only noticed asksn was back was there was one in hot one day. So if there was 1000 territories I’d still only see hot or recent posts
I guess another question for those that don’t run a territory do you want more territories,same or less?
free to start? no run by SN admin? no
update: Sub-territories are still on the road map
What’s a sub territory
they haven't been implemented yet...
territories within a main territory
Take for example Sports a sub territory can be gambling or soccer or olympics
  • mining
  • beginners
  • security
And same fees for all or is the bitcoin owner can open and close anything under his territory for free at that point