This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Spent today doing legal-ish stuff for SN, mostly finding documents related to incorporation stuff I did earlier in the year so I can create an employee option pool, and it felt like I was back in high school. It just all feels broken.
переходить по ссылкам тут не опасно? текст сюда из ссылки не помещается?
just came across lightning network today.
blown away.
many questions coming in mind. any good tutorials to learn more about how it works?
I transcribed this talk by NiftyNei which I think does a good job of explaining Lightning channels:
have you heard of openai's whisper for automatic offline transcription? I've been using it and I'm really excited at how well it works
first time here.
cant believe - a comment gave me 100 sats :)
stoked about the possibilities.
quite cool.
Leaving my slashtag here. Add me! slash:j81i8qqk1wwdweu1utoxmqcwo1aemnras9kra3fh4xxgfdf5eaqo
Hmm it looks like SN us is blocking the string after the semi colon
You can use a backslash before the ":" character:
I just want to say that SN saving your post if you accidentally leave the page is awesome!
I agree. That feature has saved me more than once
It also saves comments which is nice.
Very excited about all the work being done on Bitcoin. There is so many things that wont pay off for another year or two. -RGB (Iris Wallet in testnet) -Taro from the Lightning Labs team -Omnibolt from Synonym -Slashtags from Synonym -TBD from Jack -Zion using Web5 also from Jack -Impervious Browser & -holepunch also doing p2p
Planted alot of seeds last couple of years, cant wait to see them bloom.
I am completely zoned out. Between the massive volaility over the last 12-24 months, the competition from other coins, i am like,
Happy whitepaper day!
It's like the game monopoly u can't win unless u know the rules...I started to study Austrian and keynesian about 5 years ago...being at my job an auto assembly line it use to blow my mind seeing people conform to such a position because it had benefits....I was miserable and put in 2 years...but what kept me was my mentor and the fact I could listen n watch all the bitcoin content I wanted for 12 hrs straight...I'm never going back family still thinks I'm crazy but they understand when I am able to Dustin Hoffman them aka the rainman 😄
being at my job an auto assembly line it use to blow my mind seeing people conform to such a position because it had benefits
As someone from a white collar social bubble I cannot I have a hard time imagining that. You mean there are benefits which make people enjoy or okay with standing at an assembly line all day? Really? What kind of benefits?
Yeah life health and dental...when I'd tell my family I had that job everyone was proud but me..was a real eye opener more power to the people that like it thought but just wasn't for me..monotonous work and 12 hr days...hard pass..
Oof 12h days sound rough indeed. Health&dental is nice and listening to podcasts (if i did't missunderstood) is also a perk. But if you're literally spending 12h at work there is almost no life left...
I added the podcast and YouTube because I would wear a beanie even when it was hot lol...we were not allowed to have headphones in ear... and yup would literally get home have about 3 hours to yourself then bed time...but it's cool I had should of seen the reaction when I would say I pulled my 401k as soon as I could 😄
Come one, come all This rhyme is a call Lightning is for y'all Like the hypertext transfer protocol
Just woke up thinking I was running late for work. But then I remembered it's fine, I got laid off 8 "business days" ago.
It was a short lived remote position that turned into a permanent layoff due to lack of projects. Those suckers are all getting ready for the Monday morning huddle up.
I think I'm gonna drink coffee and stack SATS.
When was the moment you realized the first realm only serves to drain ones life force?
I think everyone knows it intuitively — think how many complain about the "hamster wheel" — but can't articulate it fully, and, what's more, don't know what to do about it. But there's a reason why "I Quit My Job In Spectacular Fashion" is a popular genre on YouTube, full of comments of people "dreaming of doing this one day."
It's simultaneously interesting and sad.
Here’s some sats for the good life dammit! Cheers mate! 🍻