I regularly check out the offers on Robosats to see if I notice any trends. I know this is purely anecdotal. I wonder if there has been any comprehensive analysis done to gain insight into the actual P2P market?
It's fun to notice trends. What is most obvious is the number of offers that exist in Brazilian Reals. The currency is very active on Robosats, ranking behind only the euro and dollar. I would have thought the British pound would be used more often than it is.
I have seen an offer using the Peruvian sol, which got me hoping that the @JoeNakamoto videos are having an impact. I also regularly see offers in Russian rubles. I saw one offer using the Hungarian forint. There are also offers regularly using Colombian, Venezuelan, and Panamanian currencies, and less frequently the Argentinian peso.
If anyone knows of any analysis done on this data, I'd really like to see it.
curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RoboSats/robosats/refs/heads/main/frontend/static/federation.json | jq -r '. | to_entries | .[] | select(.key != "local") | ["curl -s --proxy socks5h://localhost:9050 ", .value.mainnet.onion, "/api/book/ -o ", .key, ".json"] | join("")' | sh && (curl -s -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RoboSats/robosats/refs/heads/main/frontend/static/assets/currencies.json && echo $(cat temple.json lake.json veneto.json moon.json | jq --slurp )) | jq --slurp | jq -r '["temple","lake","veneto","moon"] as $fed | ["buy","sell"] as $tp | .[0] as $lkup | .[1] | (to_entries | .[] | .key as $k | reduce .value[] as $b ({}; .[$fed[$k] + "," + $lkup[($b.currency | tostring)] + "," + $tp[$b.type]] += 1) | to_entries) | .[] | [.key, .value] | join(",")'
because you find people 👥 to trade with Monero or USDT.Robosats
are growing every dayRobosats
and exchanged those USDT for SATS. after having taken them from Binance to a Wallet I have for those things with USDT on the polygon networkRobosats
there are other merchants that accept those stablecoins or whatever. If it hadn't been possible to secure that value, the most I could have done would have been to spend it.