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I regularly check out the offers on Robosats to see if I notice any trends. I know this is purely anecdotal. I wonder if there has been any comprehensive analysis done to gain insight into the actual P2P market?
It's fun to notice trends. What is most obvious is the number of offers that exist in Brazilian Reals. The currency is very active on Robosats, ranking behind only the euro and dollar. I would have thought the British pound would be used more often than it is.
I have seen an offer using the Peruvian sol, which got me hoping that the @JoeNakamoto videos are having an impact. I also regularly see offers in Russian rubles. I saw one offer using the Hungarian forint. There are also offers regularly using Colombian, Venezuelan, and Panamanian currencies, and less frequently the Argentinian peso.
If anyone knows of any analysis done on this data, I'd really like to see it.
I keep an eye on both Robosats and Bisq to find an order asking for INR but I've never seen one. I don't understand what's 1.6 billion population doing?
9 sats \ 3 replies \ @ek 12 Feb
I don't understand what's 1.6 billion population doing?
all waiting to see an offer for INR
If I needed INR, I'd make an offer. But I want someone make a sell offer so that I can buy sats. Before I was buying from an exchange which allowed no KYC for a very limited amount. But I knew that's not true No KYC, they needed mobile number and email to make an account.
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 12 Feb
If I needed INR, I'd make an offer. But I want someone make a sell offer so that I can buy sats.
If you would make an offer if you needed INR (sell bitcoin), why wouldn't you make an offer to buy bitcoin?
Oh, I already did that. The order was there for 2 months and no buyer. So, I deleted Tor browser then. But ok, I'll give it another try.
Wrote a script to just query federations listed in the robosats source. As of 1 minute ago:
will make onion this weekend ❤️
script, in case i get hit by a bus before the weekend (assumes tor socks up at port 9050):
curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RoboSats/robosats/refs/heads/main/frontend/static/federation.json | jq -r '. | to_entries | .[] | select(.key != "local") | ["curl -s --proxy socks5h://localhost:9050 ", .value.mainnet.onion, "/api/book/ -o ", .key, ".json"] | join("")' | sh && (curl -s -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RoboSats/robosats/refs/heads/main/frontend/static/assets/currencies.json && echo $(cat temple.json lake.json veneto.json moon.json | jq --slurp )) | jq --slurp | jq -r '["temple","lake","veneto","moon"] as $fed | ["buy","sell"] as $tp | .[0] as $lkup | .[1] | (to_entries | .[] | .key as $k | reduce .value[] as $b ({}; .[$fed[$k] + "," + $lkup[($b.currency | tostring)] + "," + $tp[$b.type]] += 1) | to_entries) | .[] | [.key, .value] | join(",")'
Excellent work! Thanks
My pleasure, truly. This is just the preliminary oneliner - I'm fully spent after coding for the past 13h so the final thing will have to come later. For real: getting old sucks.
PS: 💡 Let's see how far we can go in supporting all the research stackers need with sovereign, open-source automation. There's so many bitcoiners with great automation/research skills - and I have seen many of them hanging here.
I am not a coder at all, and I wasn't going to mention this because I don't know how difficult it would be, but I think it would really help liquidity to have some sort of open source trading aid that can be used by anyone who wants to be a market maker on p2p platforms. It would help set prices to generate a target profit, considering fees, market premium, etc. Then people would be incentivized to provide liquidity. It would be almost like open source prop trading software.
We can plot the bid/asks to an extent, and the premiums too.
This is what the orderbook json contains for each order (with a couple optional fields we can deal with):
    "id": 31829,
    "created_at": "2025-02-13T10:08:07.472893Z", 
    "expires_at": "2025-02-14T01:08:07.472893Z", <--- can check what doesn't expire
    "type": 0, <-- 0 = buy, 1 = sell
    "currency": 2, <--- see frontend/static/assets/currencies.json
    "amount": null,
    "has_range": true,
    "min_amount": "500.00000000",  <--- could use this for liquidity estimates
    "max_amount": "1840.00000000",  <--- could use this for liquidity estimates too
    "payment_method": "Revolut", <-- looks to be freeform-ish, not sure how useful
    "is_explicit": false,
    "premium": "0.51", <--- looks good for everything I looked at thus far, except XAU
    "satoshis": null,
    "maker": 1234, 
    "escrow_duration": 28800, <--- may be interesting to measure over time
    "bond_size": "3.00", <--- interesting
    "latitude": null,   <--- hopefully NO ONE USES THIS
    "longitude": null,  <--- hopefully NO ONE USES THIS EITHER
    "maker_nick": "xxxxx",  <--- i'd strip this
    "maker_hash_id": "1234567890abcdef...", <--- i'd strip this too
    "satoshis_now": 1994359, <--- i need to reverse engineer wtf this is
    "price": 92260, <--- this is a bid price (because type=0)
    "maker_status": "Inactive" <--- interesting too?
Wow! That's terrific. I can't wait to see it in action.
You would think more people would be using it from the countries that actually use bitcoin. Like El Salvador.
Well, maybe they are, since the US dollar is one of the Salvadoran currencies.
I am also surprised the Yuan isnt being traded for bitcoin as much. You would think that the chinese would be trying to dump theirs for bitcoin. Or maybe it is just banned in china?
I was wondering about that too. I'm sure the tor network is available in China.
I have a few friends in China. They know how to use vpn and everything. There are days they go on facebook, but they cant always be online.
I love that Siggy has a such a hard-on for RoboSats.
It’s def the best IMHO.
I really do
So do I.
Glad it’s gaining traction.
I think a lot of people that are selling sats on Robosats, are actually buying them just moments earlier, on exchanges like Strike. I read something in a Robosats forum that implied that was the case.
How does that effect things? Privacy, security, etc?
I can't say for sure, but it's probably all on the lightning network, so privacy and security shouldn't be too bad. That's good for liquidity.
That would explain stupid spreads.
Just now @flat24 commented on his mother in Venezuela is using np2pbot on Telegram (#883744) , and how it's more useful for people with small amounts to trade. Might be interesting to look at np2pbot as well.
Yes I will. I have heard bad things about telegram's privacy/security though, no? Are there ways to improve your security on telegram?
Yes, apparently it's terrible.
Actually I tried to get an alternative mobile number, to create a new, more private telegram account. I was NOT successful, even after trying all kinds of things.
I see robosats as a temporary solution, just like bitrefill. The ultimate solution for buying/selling sats is creating a community around it, family and friends is a good start.
I'm not sure I see a distinction. Buying and selling in a local community is ideal, but there will always be a need to trade long distance, no?
Only when it's about swap. You only sell fiat and never come back to it.
Hmm. Now I'm wondering if any of the ForEx folks are also looking at markets like Robosats as a way to increase their profits.
(I looked at ForEx briefly and realized that it would, for me, be a great way to go broke really quickly, but some folks clearly make money at it.)
I thought the same thing. I love the idea of it, but I know my execution would suck😀 I'm still interested. Charles Schwab had an account called something like a world account, where you could hold other currencies and buy securities. The universe wasn't huge. I think about 12 currencies.
I have never been motivated to check out RoboSats. Now you make me wanna check it out to see if anyone is offering SGD - my country’s currency lol
Glad you're checking it out. So far I haven't seen your currency. I have seen:
EUR Euro USD Dollar BRL Brazilian Real GDP British Pound AUD Australian Dollar CAD Canadian Dollar RUB Russian Ruble COP Columbian Peso VES Venezuelan Bolivar PAB Panamanian Balboa MXN Mexican Peso HUF Hungarian Forints ARS Argentine Peso ZAR South African Rand PEN Peruvian sol
Looks like I need to be the first Singaporean to spice things up!
I like Robosats because you find people 👥 to trade with Monero or USDT.
I don't usually find orders with only Peruvian pesos, which is my local currency, where I always find orders to trade in soles in the lnp2pbot of Telegram.
I like to see that the offers on Robosats are growing every day
I consider it to be the best p2p tool there is.
I like because you find people 👥 to trade with Monero or USDT.
The only use case for Robosats or any other P2P platform should be: "I will pay x sats if you pay me this bill with your fiat"
I totally agree with you @DarthCoin.
and even though it bothers you that it was mentioned that people use XMR or USDT it is something that cannot be avoided.
since the rest of the people are not bitcoiners like us, but rather their adoption has been to cryptocurrencies but not to Bitcoin in particular.
my wife had a birthday a couple of months ago, and her mother wanted to send her a gift in money 🎁 and guess how she sent it?
prepared for the stomach ache 🤢
it turns out that the lady only handles Binance and does not listen to advice on self-custody or anything else.
so she sent us the dollars via Binance Pay. dollars to which I immediately after thanking her.
I ran to Robosats and exchanged those USDT for SATS. after having taken them from Binance to a Wallet I have for those things with USDT on the polygon network
If it weren't for the fact that on Robosats there are other merchants that accept those stablecoins or whatever. If it hadn't been possible to secure that value, the most I could have done would have been to spend it.
You did wrong. I would immediately reject that "gift" and explain to the sender that I do not accept garbage. Maybe trying to explain why (if their brain can handle the truth). I will tell them: I don't want your garbage, you could stick it into your ass. Is totally worthless for me.
By using those shitcoins YOU give them a reason to exist and to be used. I would choose to die of hunger or whatever but not use any of them.
When somebody is "giving" (throwing) you a shitcoin it means it worth nothing for them, they do not value it, is worthless.
For more people will use only bitcoin, stronger will became. But if people still continue to sustain any shitcoin (by using it), it will dilute bitcoin's power. If you use any shitcoin and fiat, it shows how less you want bitcoin to succeed. TOXICITY IS A MUST.
seems that you still do not understand my toxicity... and why am I toxic
seems that you still do not understand my toxicity... and why am I toxic
Of course I understand your toxicity, but it's very difficult to bring up that topic with other people.
`Bees 🐝 don't waste time explaining to flies 🪰 why honey is better than shit'
"We should think like bees, and when another bee asks for help collecting honey, we help them. On the contrary, we leave the rest who are still flies working on their shit alone"
My time is very scarce, only 24 hours a day to exist, and I try to sleep 8 or 6 of those 24. I can't spend my minutes explaining without any success why the dollar and other currencies are shit. I'm already at a point where I only care about saving myself, and if you listen to me because you also want to save yourself, fine, if not, too.
Also, I won't be the one to tell my mother-in-law that her money is garbage and that I'd rather die than take it. 🤣
At the level I'm at, I accept all the shit they want to give me. Euro, bolivar, sol, peso, dollar, I accept all that shit, and later I convert it into real money 🍊⚡pure and simple to move forward with my goals.
You see? That's the thing. All these useless debates and discussions about x and y shitcoin will occupy most of your time. That's why I never want to debate with any shitcoiner. Is totally useless and wast of my time.
People should have only one focus: how to use bitcoin day to day and learn more about it.