TL;DR Recently Fold announced the opening of their credit card wait list that you can sign up for here and today they followed it up with the announcement that starting tomorrow they will officially be trading on the Nasdaq.
The last week and a half have been truly ground breaking when it comes to earning BTC as a reward. Currently, the credit card world is dominated by credit card points... something that's value is entirely up to the reward issuing company and can easily be devalued or suspended more often than not without recourse from clients. Obviously this is far from ideal and while it might have worked in the past that does not guarantee the same will happen in the future. Cash back has been an option for a while now and while sure it can initially help up front the value of the US Dollar has be wrecked by inflation making cashback not to attractive either.
Fold has long been working to offer a credit card. They have transformed over the years from a company that just offered BTC back on gift cards you could purchase through them to offering a debit card that earned you sats back. That was a huge step forward and from personal experience I was able to orange pill several of my friends and family. However, I did run into the issue with them and honestly myself to an extent on keeping the debit card funded at a high enough level for purchases and gift cards. If I started to run low in my mind on funds on the card I would transfer more over but when I used it heavily for some reason on a Friday night the quickest I could get it refilled from my bank account was often Tuesday if not Wednesday and that sucked.
Thankfully that will be addressed now (at least in my mind) with the credit card. Honestly the rewards for it are very very good as well. If you use the free version you will earn 1.5% back in BTC on your purchases and if you are a Fold+ user you will earn 2% which is a very solid amount. Plus when you factor in that they are going to continue the gift cards and the debit card you are in great shape to hit certain things that will be supercharged to get you +5% back. Hell if you are a golfer a Callaway Golf gift card gives back 20% in sats right now!
If opening up the credit card waitlist was not enough today Fold announced that starting tomorrow they will start publicly trading as themselves on the Nasdaq! The merger was voted on and approved about a week ago and tomorrow is when it officially goes through and FTAC Emerald Acquisition will become Fold. For those interesting it is traded under FLD (FOLD is currently used by a healthcare company). This will mark the first pure play Bitcoin Financial Services player to be publicly traded a monumental first step.
Interested in signing up for the credit card waitlist I have no shame to throw in my referral link here lol