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Consider this to be a pen&paper game.
You and your friends want to get into a festival with common security protocols. This means to enter the camping ground and stage area, it is sufficient to wear a matching wrist band.1 This isn’t about backstage access (yet).
Most creative but still plausible approach wins 5k sats. I will judge if an approach sounds plausible. I will also reply with how you failed and what the consequences probably are if I think your approach wouldn’t spark joy. Security is a lot about risk management.
Mention what you assumed about the scenario or ask if you need details about the scenario. I will provide them if they wouldn’t make the scenario too specific.


  1. Correct me if I am wrong but I believe festivals like RaR or Southside just give you a wrist band not linked to your ID after they verified your ticket.
5,000 sats bounty
This is how I would write it as the plot of a Mr. Robot episode (or something similar - idk if this is possible for every real life situation, but I think is 100% plausible).
Step 1: Try to ID the wristband supplier via OSINT, or possibly via a customer service agent. "Hey, can you let me know who makes the wristbands? I'm allergic to polyester and I wanted to look them up to see if I'll get a rash again this year" or something like that. No idea of a polyester allergy is a real thing, but I'm sure customer service doesn't either.
Step 2a: Once you have the supplier, the trick would be to impersonate someone from the venue to get more wristbands. You could contact the supplier posing as a venue employee and start with a benign question, like "can you confirm when the wristband order shipped?" This is just to feel out the situation. Are they more than willing to give you information? You might be able to find out more useful things.
Step 2b: If they're used to dealing with a specific venue contact, you can say something like "oh yeah, that makes sense - just to confirm, who was it that you spoke with? I work in a different department and I've been asked to help pick up the slack on a few things".
Once they've identified that person, then you'll need to need to get a little hacky. Let's say for creativity's sake that the venue has a missing or misconfigured DMARC record, which means you can easily forge emails pretending to come from their domain.
Step 3: Once you've established trust with the supplier (either via a forged email or via the supplier's complete lack of due diligence), ask them to ship 20 backstage passes to your PO Box and say it's for a production company so their employees can invite friends and family. Or, if the company is local and you don't want to register a PO Box, ask if you can send an intern to pick up the passes since you'll be out of town.
As an added flair, ask if the venue will add a special logo of your own design to the band.
this guy social engineers
21 sats \ 5 replies \ @ek OP 28 Feb
This is the winner imo! I’ll pay you the bounty in sats when I fixed my node.
woo! thanks!
Or send me a lightning invoice for 5k sats and I’ll do it now
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Crew all wear suits, with lapel mics, sunglasses, and an acoustic coil
1 dresses like a retard and wears a privacy mask and sunglasses like a celeb at the airport
Crew forms a security posture around the fake celeb and brisk walks past the perimeter while point throws a confident thumbs up
This should get you backstage too
EDIT: In a past life I've done physical pen-tests
Classic. Bonus points if you got cute girlfriends to pester you + get in your way asking for autographs only to get shoved aside by your "security detail" who quickly rush you inside.
Though maybe that would cause too much of a commotion
If you wanna go HARD you get a horrible colorful face tattoo and some grills on your teeth. Mumble rapper aesthetic.
Wear hi vis clothing with either wheelie bins or ladders and walk straight in the main entry.
Stand tall and look sure of yourself that your here to do the thing walk straight past security
Home and hosed
Basically, that’s my solution. I think it’s one of the best—everything looks natural! nice!
If you get pulled up go hey buddy where’s the main stage or whatever makes sense for that event and get directions
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek OP 27 Feb
Playing the game of confidence. I approve.
Be confident but pissed off because your working
Wear dark clothing as if you were a staff member and a cap, smoke a cigarette near the stairs that lead to the stages, and then accompany a staff member as if you were going to the same place. If someone approaches you asking for identification or a badge, say "Marcelo (or any other common name) saw that I didn't have one and asked me to speak to Adrian. I went there and couldn't find him. Since we're setting up and doing the sound check, I don't have time to see that, so he asked me to go back to the back and get a 10-meter p10 p2 that they need" or something like that, speak with authority and look very tired. Approach people who look like freelancers and give them orders with a lot of energy, so that they think you're really a staff member. Don't do this near someone who looks like an organizer. Then just go to the area you want and bye.
100 sats \ 2 replies \ @Kenobi 27 Feb
Get a ladder and some high vis vests with a friend.
Then go through the front, say that "the guys in the back said it would be better to go through here, not enough space for the ladder because of the (make up excuse, doesn't even need to make sense)"
Once you get in, leave them somewhere and enjoy
5 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek OP 27 Feb
Very similar to #898691 but I like that you included a reason why you didn’t use the crew entrance (assuming it exists).
However, I think it’s better to only have an excuse in mind but don’t immediately tell the security, only when asked. If you tell them immediately, it can look like a guy who is guilty and immediately tells the police in detail when they arrive what he allegedly didn’t do.
Like my point if you get stopped you get pissed off that your trying to do your job just like them
100 sats \ 3 replies \ @OT 27 Feb
Music festival?
Wear a hat and jumper. Jump the fence with as many people as possible. Run into the crowded area and rip off the hat and jumper.
54 sats \ 2 replies \ @ek OP 27 Feb
Yes, music festival!
Not bad, I can see this work to get in, especially if you’re a fast runner. I didn’t mention this in the post, but how do you get out without consequences though? And are there no security patrols that would immediately see you don’t have a wrist band? Essentially, what is your exit strategy?
I also assume you choose specifically hat and jumper because it’s easy to get rid of a hat and update your description and with a jumper, you only have to undress since you can wear other clothes below.
77 sats \ 0 replies \ @OT 27 Feb
Most security guards these days probably can't run. They might make an attempt to catch some of you.
The guy I saw do this was a pro. He must have done it at a bunch of music festivals. He ran straight into the most pit and ditched the hat and jumper.
I think once you're in, you're in. If you get pulled up for not having a wrist band come up with an excuse like a crazy girl ripped it off.
Most places that I've used wristbands for don't care about folks leaving without them. They're mainly to confirm ticket purchase and to confirm age for purchasing drinks. The bigger question is what to do if someone sees you mid-concert without a band, or (if you've got long sleeves) asks to see your band.
77 sats \ 0 replies \ @Lux 27 Feb
buy early bird heavily discounted tickets support the artist and festival organizer bring in your own drinks not very creative but how i like it
a friend once stitched a wristband that looked similar to the official festival wristband, but if looked closely it was obviously fake, it worked
I know people who’ve gotten into festivals and backstage areas just with a simple reflective vest. With the vest and a few crates of beer, it’s likely it would work, making you look like a staff member.
The most easy way to enter is to steal a valid wrist band. :)
find the janitors (preferably ones from the global south, they are typically under weaker mind control), tell them that you love the artist, but have no money for the entrance, can they take $20 to let you in thru the back doors.
This is one hell of a forum
Who would have thought that stackers would ever be so successful?
This plan has higher requirements than the others, but will probably result in greater long run benefits and if executed successfully you will not only have penetrated the event one time, but you may become recognized as a member of the penetrated organization for future events as well, thus not requiring any special actions for future penetrations.
  • High proficiency in devices for modulating acoustic vibrations, or simulating such via electronic devices
  • Team members with a similarly high level of proficiency in such devices
  • Time to rehearse the plan because precise execution and synchronicity between team members is a requirement.
  • The ability to transport acoustic modulation devices to the venue
  • With your team members, develop a signal sequence on the acoustic modulation devices that would generate a pleasant or exciting feeling for people within audible range
  • Rehearse this signal sequence repeatedly until precise execution and synchronicity is achieved regularly with a minimal rate of error
  • Submit a proposal to the event organizers detailing your signal sequence explaining why it would be beneficial for event goers to receive said signal
  • If proposal is not accepted, modify the signal sequence until acceptance.
  • Transport devices and team members to the festival venue
  • Walk onto the stage with equipment, in the open, and execute the signal sequence.
  • If sequence is executed successfully, you'll have penetrated the organization not just this one time but may become a trusted member of the organization be given access to future events.
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek OP 28 Feb
No, my own poor attempt at humor
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