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  4. A Few Thoughts About Replacing the IRS with Excise Taxes and Tariffs
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  1. @PlebLab: 124.1k sats stacked
  2. @Undisciplined: 105.7k sats stacked
  3. @grayruby: 70.9k sats stacked
  4. @Aardvark: 44.6k sats stacked
  5. @BlokchainB: 40.1k sats stacked

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  1. @Undisciplined: 78.3k sats spent
  2. @grayruby: 63.1k sats spent
  3. @BlokchainB: 60.7k sats spent
  4. @ek: 52.6k sats spent
  5. @Aardvark: 32.6k sats spent

Top Cowboys
  1. @Undisciplined: 522 days
  2. @OneOneSeven: 515 days
  3. @BlokchainB: 501 days
  4. @grayruby: 465 days
  5. @StillStackinAfterAllTheseYears: 362 days

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  4. SystemErr0: Cypherpunk-inspired art will be shown in Prague.
  5. [DIY] Open-source Bitcoin signing device for less than 25 bucks
  6. Everything Engineer #2 (or #3) \ Stacker News \ Austin or Remote
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Yeehaw, Keyan A guy who works on Stacker News
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There are also obvious downsides to replacing the IRS with consumption taxes, as many commenters noted.
35 sats \ 1 reply \ @grayruby 1 Mar
@Undisciplined finally loosened his purse strings. Was predyx down? Haha
Ha! I definitely dropped more sats there than normal. No wonder my outbound liquidity is low.
@Aardvark has permanently displaced me from the top-5 stackers list :/
I'm such a disappointment to my animal species!!
Believe in your future!