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Hemorrhoidectomy for me, and by a large margin. Nothing worse than surgery right on the anus.
147 sats \ 2 replies \ @ek 8 Mar
I wrote about it in #454525 👀
I'm right on that razors edge of deciding on if I should comment on the absolute horror of that story, and tell you that I'm happy you're OK now, OR if I should jokingly comment about the poor lady who got locked out of her apartment, and how I'll never know if she got back in. So I decided on a bit of both.
Seriously though, that sounds pretty traumatic. Hopefully you don't have any lingering pain or health issues.
Did you ever make a part 3???
Ulcer and gastritis in 2018 and on and off for the next 6 years
I also threw my back out twice in 2023. Not painful but I couldn’t move my arms or legs or stand
Riding all the way around a mountain in Chiang Mai (Thailand), on a bicycle. I thought my heart was going to explode. I ran out of water, so was running on fumes until I spotted a restaurant. It took me three days to complete the challenge; I stayed overnight.
Herniated disc in my back a few years ago and fractured my elbow around 15 years ago. Neither were fun. I am not sure what was worse. Herniated disc was definitely painful for longer. I had to walk with a cane for 2 weeks or I was immobile. Elbow was ok after a few days. It hurt but was just a constant dull ache.
Back pain is hell. I've had a few minor injuries, but nothing like that.
42 sats \ 1 reply \ @grayruby 7 Mar
Not fun unless you like laying on the couch for days watching Netflix. I am sure laying on the lumpy couch wasn’t great for the healing process. Haha
I actually do.
Physical/emotional divide isn't -that_ clear... And I never broke a bone or hurt myself prooooperly — sooo imma say breakup anyways!
I'm sorry man, I never meant to hurt you, it's just that it would have never worked out between us... My father would have never let us be together, I had to leave you, for your own safety. I'll always remember our summer in Rome, xoxo.
It's ok, love; I forgive you
Thank you. You have no idea what that means to me.
They don't put you under for that?
Most painful for me was gout. The pain was so bad I couldn't walk
They put me under. The problem was that eventually you have to shit. The recovery was hell on earth.
Ouch indeed. Opioids make you constipated so I was terrified of taking the pain medication.
Thoracotomy for lung surgery
Until I had the prostate procedure with steam vapor with local anesthesia only.
I had a life threatening accident in 1997 and had my left leg's bone broken completely from 3 places. And also my left side of forehead was severely fractured. However surprisingly I didn't go unconscious and felt the severest pain of my life from my broken bones rubbing to each other while I was taken to the hospital which was 20 kms away.
Shiiiiiit. That sounds bad.
I had a plaster on the leg for four months and had to go 3 surgeries within 7 days.
The side forehead right next to my left eye was completely damaged and there were stitches everywhere, above my ear, on my eyelids - up and down both.
For nearly two years I couldn't even face the sunlight for longer durations. For proper walking, it took me around a year.
Although I now feel the doctors did a wonderful job because without giving a serious look to my face you can't even know that there are stitches.
I still get horrified when I remember that evening because those drunk men ran over the scooter on me in front of my eyes and left it on my little leg.
Pancreatitis. There isn't even a close second.
I hear that one is nasty! Sorry to hear it papa siggy.
42 sats \ 1 reply \ @siggy47 7 Mar
Hemorrhoid surgery doesn't seem like a walk in the park either. I think I'll keep mine.
It's the recovery that gets ya...
I was getting them really bad, to the point where I really had to do something about it. If you can live with them, don't do the surgery.
I had shingles some years ago, I still remember the pain.
It was as someone stabbed me with a electric needle in the back every now and then.
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @j7hB75 8 Mar
Though not as bad, a long time ago I fell ill with chicken pox when I was 21. Apparently I never got vaccinated as a child. That was one of the most agonizing experiences. Being covered in itchy pustules not being able to sooth the itching was torture.
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @senf 7 Mar
Some tooth problems that required root canals... Orajel doesn't charge enough, I would have given them all my money.
existence as a slave of a nation state.