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News Of The Week

Welcome to Books & Articles Weekly. Despite the paltry zapping and lackluster engagement, we persevere. @k00b got top post of the week, which I believe is a first. Due to his increased posting it likely won’t be the last. I’m going to make an exception this week and split fees with him, since he has more use for cowboy credits than anyone. The top posts were overall very good reads, and, as I seem to always say lately, deserved a lot more zaps and engagement than they got. Oh well. Let’s hope things pick up around here.
Reminder: For the time being (except this week) I will zap the top post half the rewards I receive about twenty four hours after the post, rather than split zaps into cowboy credits. I have forgotten until later in the week to zap the top post two weeks in a row. I apologize, and I won’t be offended by a gentle reminder.
Happy reading!
. As always, please reply with suggestions and opinions on how to make this territory better.
Logo design by @plebpoet Link to last week’s post: #900650

Top Posts Of The Week

Siggy’s Suggestions

@ek posted this just a few hours before the cutoff deadline for this week’s post. By the time you read this it might actually be in the top 5. I was always a fan of Steven Wright, so I loved the quote: "I read the dictionary. I thought it was a poem about everything." The book exists because of this, I guess:
Language is so fundamental to our perception, we’re unable to perceive the flaws built into language itself. It would be difficult to tell, for example, if our vocabulary had fallen badly out of date, and no longer described the world in which we live. We would feel only a strange hollowness in our conversations, never really sure if we’re being understood.
This is a great post, and I don’t say this because of the generous 10k boost. I’m glad to see @ek grace our territory with his presence. The man can write as well as code. Check out some of his original content.
This is a (very) short story by Leon Tolstoï. I really enjoyed it. Read it right now. You can then tell everyone you have read Tolstoy, without having to work your way through War & Peace.

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