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I started writing a long-ass comment on @avbpod's post, but instead of a comment we might as well have a standalone post. (will zap him a portion of what this post gets zapped.)

The substack linked ("Bitcoin books are a sham," by Alles Voor Bitcoin) is a lengthy and pretty sour take on Bitcoin books. They're all the same; it's all been said; it's all endless repetition of the same things. I sometimes say that I have the best bookshelf in Bitcoin, so I'll have if not a view then at least a reasonable insight.
Deep inhale.
So, this is both insightful and incredibly silly ("knock me over with a feather!").

First: Same in Fiatland

Walk up and down a bookstore, or look through a segment of a shelf with newly published books (in whichever field you know anything about) and you'll see titles upon titles of similar-ish content, retelling similar-ish stories. This is just what publishing is like.
I can't begin to describe how sick I am of books with titles How [X] Changed the World or How [X] Made the Modern World. Having studied economic history/the industrial revolution for real, I'm naturally interested in those topics... but not everything can have been the ONE MAJOR AMAZING thing that turned us from destitute farmers to flourishing digital.
What you're objecting to, then is just bitcoin mainstreaming itself into every aspect of human life. Of course people are going to look at it from a thousand different angles and try to make sense of it.

Second: Everyone Not the Same

There are exceptions of course, where authors manage to capture many subjects and blend them together in a coherent useful book, … these books aren’t perfect or “our bible”, but they at least are useful. Notably, Broken Money and The Bitcoin Standard come to mind.
Precisely. Here are some Bitcoin books that are clearly different, and clearly valuable in their own right:
  • Bushido of Bitcoin
  • The Genesis Book
  • Broken Money (#859969)
  • Bitcoin Age (#910275)
  • Inventing Bitcoin
  • Mastering Lightning
  • The Blocksize War
  • Resistance Money (#270434)

I think of this a little bit like music production (#796401), art, start-ups, academic papers etc (the 80/20 principle; the one-percent principle): we don't know, ex ante, which specific version of an idea will be the dominant, valuable one. So plenty of people experiment with slightly different versions of things... and only some of them, ideally the best ones, win out over time, crystallizing themselves as "the canon" to speak literature. In hindsight, it'll look like there was 99 versions of crap for every 1 good, valuable one.
You're right to be skeptical whenever you hear of a new bitcoin book ("Another one?!"), but should ask: what does this one bring to the table that the others haven't?
When the answer is "something new, something different" that's good enough reason to engage with it.
Those are my two book-related sats.
Yep, makes sense. Also, the writing style of one author may not speak to one group of people, but it may speak to another group of people. The only way Bitcoin can reach many different groups is if it has many different authors with many different backgrounds and many different styles.
That being said, I do think that the space can become a bit of a self-referential echo chamber, as any space can be. I've often critiqued academia for becoming increasingly self-referential. Let's hope Bitcoiners don't become equally so.
If Bitcoin books are sham, the greatest of prose or poetry ever written with the same inherent ideas are also sham. As an example all of tragedies written in renaissance should be sham because they were completely based on technique depicted in Aristotle's Poetics. But we enjoy them all. Don't we?
28 sats \ 2 replies \ @zapsammy 1h
my collection, in order:
Bitcoin Standard Inventing Bitcoin The Sovereign Individual Mastering The Lighting Network Thank God for Bitcoin The Genesis Book
i am still working on the Sovereign individual - this book is sooo dense, i read it only a chapter or a paragraph at a time, then i cannot take it anymore, the authors were super-prescient.
the lightning network book is basically outdated at this point, barely touched it, it's kind of like studying MSDOS, and it's also super dense.
the lightning network book is basically outdated at this point, barely touched it, it's kind of like studying MSDOS, and it's also super dense. that's funny, Shinobi (#911731) told me today that it's the only lightning book out there. You know of any others?
there is probably a reason why it's the only one, there are too many implementations and updates at this point to keep up with lightning.
28 sats \ 2 replies \ @Aardvark 2h
Broken money is my anthem.
what a jam! _now, aaaall the way to the west coast to the city of love...
Every throw your hands in the sky, if you're ready to rob then im ready to ride.
52 sats \ 4 replies \ @siggy47 4h
I agree completely, and would like to mention two more which are unique: Bitcoin Is Venice Cryptosovereignty (Erik Cason's psychotic rant)
I really appreciate Cason's book... not so much when I read it ("what is this incoherent drivel!") but now that I go back to it, it's like shite, he was on to something!
28 sats \ 2 replies \ @siggy47 2h
I felt bipolar when I read it. I would read a few pages, thinking "this guy is completely incoherent", then suddenly..."Holy Shit! He's a genius!"
He also believes in the adage: Never say in 5 words what you can say in 500.
I feel like that about Jordan Peterson sometimes.
equal reverence there
I see both sides of this. Firstly, I agree that we have enough books ABOUT bitcoin.
Most authors in the space simply want to reframe 'what is bitcoin' or 'why bitcoin'? for a normie audience. They think they can succeed where dozens of other books have failed.
I don't agree with the AVB post about poor editing. The topic is technical and niche - so it's not a surprise that there are few editors of the quality of Big 5 publishers. The author misunderstands how publishing works.
Most of the second-rate bitcoin books are due to self-pub and not paying for top quality editing.
I think there will be a shift towards Bitcoin adjacent topics (bitcoin+ if you will). We need more books about how increased adoption changes other aspects of society and life. Plus we need more fiction.
The best and shortest Bitcoin book ever: https://bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf Any new bitcoin user MUST start with that. Are just 9 pages, damn it! You can read it on the fly and understand all what is about. All the rest are just literature for when you are bored.