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from money illusion and money blindness (https://aier.org/article/money-blindness-and-money-clarity/) ... everyone to become a part-time money manager. ... "Should we just go travel and blow all the money?" ... It's the right thing to do in a world of sound money. ... Right off the bat, the problem with financial (il)literacy is that a dysfunctional money system forces

Popular culture extension of this MONEY CLASS conversation (https://stacker.news/items/737272/r/denlillaapan ... That's today's not-so-little money class, Peace /J : https://bitcoinmagazine.com/culture/bitcoin-and-gold-energy-debate ... economic questions—anyone in a market economy can relate to it, since they have to operate it every day ... (Money as a ledger, and who's in control of it, is the core message of Lyn Alden's Broken Money, a book ... That's why I love seeing money portrayed in fictional worlds.

Monetarists -- the traditional and dominant view of money in economics departments -- think of money ... If there is more money in the system than people desire to hold, people dispose of their money balances ... money balance that consumers wish to hold. ... Today's little money lesson. Peace, /J ... v=d7ID3fKAFQM) For fiat, money is much more leaky.

Anyway, this MONEY CLASS doesn't have much of a conclusion, except perhaps that I get to hammer home ... Time an ACH transfer for Christmas Day (oops, banks closed... #fiatmoney). ... It's actual money—our money!—in a fancy-looking card. What's not to like?! ... That's today's little money lesson Peace /J ... It's money, it's spendable, but it's a gift? Yes, nice try.

That's today's little money lesson. Peace, J ... One trope – especially among goldbugs, Bitcoiners and other hard-money types – is that the Federal Reserve ... dividends: EXPLICITLY to account for, and send back to the private sector, the seigniorage that befalls a money-issuing

This is what I wrote in a previous MONEY CLASS (https://stacker.news/items/793537/r/denlillaapan): Money ... I would urge everyone to skip the first 20 minutes—or, for the purposes of this MONEY CLASS, only watch ... Now, let's use money instead: apples sell to a worldwide market for $1, and you're paid $66 a day. ... Example: Imagine you pick 100 apples a day for an orchard farmer and he pays you 66 apples in wage—if ... (Money is a veil.)

and investments and all the other financial things we do every day. ... Hence “money blindness” or “money illusion.” ... The Resistance Money guys (https://aier.org/article/bitcoin-is-resistance-money/) had this observation ... off – even though, to the great disbelief and confusion of both my mother (https://aier.org/article/money-blindness-and-money-clarity ... Goods trade for goods, only with money as a temporary bridge.

at the end of the month (year, really), but have to pay for meat and eggs and, like, firewood every day ... I do not doubt that you can make some money on Bitcoin this year. ... I wouldn’t even be surprised if there was money to be made longer than that.” ... Tallies Solved a Liquidity Problem for Premodern Governments Christine Desan, Making Money (2014) ... between a creditor and a debtor, they were also used as a form of money, the same way as coins, to pay

“status” programmes, which offer airlines’ best customers a few perks to ease the strains of modern-day ... inevitable zero-sum exclusivity of an airline loyalty program: If the value of extra perks like first class ... Anyway, fascinating big read and great underlying theme of money demand When the money doesn’t work, ... They just miss why that is—hint: it’s the money, stupid. ... Point is: all money require some reason for consumers to hold it.

That's today's little money class. ... When a central bank prints money and buys assets (which is the way that QE took place and new money entered ... accounting tricks to cover it up by, for instance, recording decades (or centuries') worth of future money

CLASS. ... Today's little money lesson. Peace, J non-paywalled here: https://archive.md/5w8oI ... https://stacker.news/items/813188/r/denlillaapan) started as a link, but the commentary exploded into a MONEY ... The problem with an unstable currency and an intransparent money (supply) is that you can't know these ... There are some nominal-real/money-illusion type things (https://stacker.news/items/737272/r/denlillaapan

MONEY CLASS OF THE DAY: Money, or the Hidden Beauty of Human Cooperation MONEY CLASS OF THE DAY: Central ... MONEY CLASS OF THE DAY: My Journey Into Money, Argentina Anno ~2012 MONEY CLASS OF THE DAY: Macro Purchasing ... MONEY CLASS OF THE DAY: Price Matters & Why Bretton Woods Ended in 1968—Not 1971 MONEY CLASS OF THE DAY ... CLASS OF THE DAY: The Fed Did NOT Grow Money Supply 4x During the Pandemic all Money Class of the Day ... of the Century MONEY CLASS OF THE DAY: The Fed Isn't Private MONEY CLASS OF THE DAY: Financial Literacy

In my MONEY CLASS a few weeks back, I ventured into the question of the “nominal and the real.” ... It’s a chicken-and-egg problem, where the division of labor requires money to extend itself and money ... That's today's little money lesson. ... So, says Lewis discussing this topic, “if we strive for money, it is because money offers us the widest ... —the cooperative the world of money really is.

That's today's little money lesson. ... “I couldn’t find anybody that went bankrupt... those who lost money in the February crash did so only ... Anne Goldgar, whose book Tulipmania: Money, Honor, and Knowledge in the Dutch Golden Age is a great take-down

That's today's massively oversized MONEY CLASS. Peace, /J ... All that intrinsic value means in monetary economics is that the object used as money has nonmonetary ... money (go read up on it in case you’re not familiar with it: Wikipedia or the Mises Institute.) ... Gold, like all commodity money, is like that—which is why it comes up as a critique of bitcoin largely ... It explained, by using time, why an intrinsically useless item like fiat can become money and remain

I owe you guys another MONEY CLASS, since I short-changed you earlier this week, but since it's Sunday ... Hold the appreciating money: https://stacker.news/items/738907 On my daily walks to Spanish class, I ... peso numbers) by holding SEK and NOK in foreign banks and only withdraw pesos from local ATMs on the day ... years later in his many podcasts, say that every Argentinian he met told him they had two jobs: their day ... What is money?

Look, money ≠ wealth. Confusing the two is a perennial problem of Bitcoiners and precoiners alike. ... book doesn't work; it's all predicated on criticized insufficient wealth by pretending that better money ... that: https://mises.org/mises-wire/monetary-systems-and-economic-outcomes-yes-they-are-related The money ... But Bitcoin's success is wrapped up with a lot of people seeing their fiat money balances dwindle to ... That's today's (very) little money lesson Peace /J apologies for typos and brevity etc; wrote this

Money printing go brrr.... ... Anyway, nice little tidbit from the history of money. That's today's little money lesson. Peace, J ... At around noon of that fateful day, the Bank raised its interest rate by 200 basis points, but the avalanche ... Think money market funds, the USDC or GeminiUSD stablecoins, or the many successful currency boards around ... A peg under threat forces the pegging institution to put its money where its mouth is, actively upholding

That's today's little money lesson. ... Look, I’m a money guy—I have no knowledge of law and can’t speak to the legal options for Trump to somehow ... having a budget from Congress (Fed finances itself from seigniorage, a fancy word for the profits from money ... economy/central-banking/trump-allies-federal-reserve-independence-54423c2f : https://www.britannica.com/money

Money ≠ assets ≠ income. income** = the flow of earnings for a given time period, say a salary money* ... The money can be busy fulfilling transaction demands or saving elsewhere. ... wealth** = the money valuation/sum total of all the goods and capital in existence. ... (Without money, your income could still be ten fish and two loafs of bread and five blankets instead ... , but I've heard this perspective voiced by plenty of Bitcoiners—and I imagine more than one money-curious

That's today's little money class, Peace, J ... —so good and so important that it deserves its own MONEY CLASS post. ... Well, not these days since the bonds are runing off the balance sheet gradually. ... What the U.S. government “earns” from the Fed is, these days, nothing (Fed has suspended remittances ... It's almost a cop-out by now, since he teaches a class on bitcoin and writes for the Bitcoin Policy Insititute