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0 sats \ 0 replies \ @userbob6 4 Mar \ on: Bitcoin Fork? bitcoin
Any successful fork of Bitcoin will still be Bitcoin. It would just be the majority of hashpower accepting a new and updated topology or architecture or whatever. To date, there have been a few attempts, but they never achieved a majority of the hashpower. The minority continue to mine BCH to this day for no other reason than to legitimize the duplicated coins that they created. They hilariously did so a second time with a fork of their own fork, further lining their pockets with duplicated BCH and called it something different, dumping on retail investors whenever they feel like it.
No I'm absolutely sure that the pieces of shit are the ones going around making it OK to be fat. Obesity has been properly handled by bullying since the dawn of time. They are either inspired to change, or they go into hiding and kill themselves. The latter would be natural selection playing out naturally. We had a lot fewer obese back when this was how things were handled. Now we got a bunch of sissified therapists running around with words like 'fatphobia' and 'fatshaming'. It's a dog-eat-dog world and teaching people that it's not is what a piece of shit does. Nature makes the fat dog slow, and thus, fat dog gets picked on until faster or dead.
It's going to be much longer than 20 years because of all the stuff that's being rearranged in the government right now. The purchasing power of the dollar has already clawed back much of what was lost in the last QE.
I think that's largely the reason for the most recent sharp decline in Bitcoin's dollar price.
Of course you will never see companies bring their prices back down, but you will notice that they won't go up again for a while.
It's not forcing someone to change by making them feel bad. It's forcing them to feel bad about their bad choices, which eventually does lead to change. If they are cottled and babied and otherwise enabled and filled with entitlement about their bad choices, they will certainly make more bad choices. Removing consequences for bad choices leads to more bad choices.
I will entertain an argument that perhaps bullying is not the right word, but the evidence is empirical because I've seen it with my own two eyes. More than once. Anyone who says it doesn't work is a part of the problem.
It's the natural approach, because obesity is and isn't an inherited thing, so you can't just blame parents. Although they are more often than not the prime contributor. It's a culmination of bad choices. Habits that, when left unchecked, will run your life into an early grave.
Drugs and therapy definitely only enable these habits. Diet and exercise are what's needed, but most people who suffer this condition need to be pushed out of their laziness to do it. Sometimes rather harshly before they are finally awash with the motivation to change.
Bullying is very effective, as I've seen many cases cure themselves after being savagely bullied about their weight. It works by means of sheer incentivisation, that if they do the work, the bullying will stop.
If we are going to be unbiased, we should account for the fact that fiat jobs are also a sham. Jobs are shams because any profitable venture chooses capitalizing on labor rather than funneling profits back into the company. As long as labor doesn't exceed materials, they get to keep their profits. This is why owning a company is better than working for a company. You will never get what you're worth from working to build someone else's dream.
Let's not leave out the other dumb stuff, like:
- dozens of hitherto die-hard Bitcoin crusaders revealing their "portfolios".
- "did Saylor just shill shitcoins?"
- Blackrock ETF shitcoin
- BSR becomes Crypto Strategic Reserve
The dumbest sh# I learned recently though; that y'all might already know and many may think its a good thing.... I used to think NGU meant Bitcoin was winning, and Bitcoin seemed absolutely impervious to the unending barrage of various attacks of all kinds and magnitudes, but..... It would appear these attacks may not have been targeting Bitcoin to destroy it. From the perspective of a well established banker, that would be not only impossible---as i stated a moment ago---but also unnecessary. They've been attacking, and all but completely destroying, the only part of Bitcoin that threatens them. So Bitcoin is now firmly anchored in "store of value" with no tangible or even fleeting glimpse of the possibility of becoming a "medium of exchange". Having this aha moment was most non-non-heinoue.
Some businesses and services may preemptively increase their prices upon learning of the day and hour these payments will occur, but at $5000, the proportional adjustment would be very small. Not really worth the trouble.
Money supply increase is the only thing that causes inflation
Many of the things the president has done since the election have had explosive effects on the US dollar purchasing power, namely the tarriffs. More domestic production and export leads to a stronger dollar.
I really don't think our government has been honest with us about their money printing. I think they print it whenever they want more of it.
I remember when minimum wage was $3 an hour. If you ask anyone in government they will tell you inflation is not a bug, it's a feature.
The turnings are happening continuously all the time in various places. Somewhere in the city, strong men are making good times, and elsewhere weak men are making bad times. Meanwhile, somewhere in the world, good times are making weak men, and elsewhere hard times are making strong men. There is no global turning, only local.
Being given a number to count down from it's terrifying. Suddenly everything you may have had planned for the rest of your life has to get crammed into one year, so naturally some stuff is gonna come flying out from the sides. Might need to cut come things to prevent your camel from bulging as you pass through the needle. I would be reading Bibles, bhagavads, talmuds, korans, talking to Palm readers, calypso make sure im right with Papa Legba, etc. And maybe somehow do it in a way that i can keep stacking because i want my kids to have more than they need to get through life and get more than their kids need.
Wow, I never realized that Trump is a convicted criminal! You've helped me see, i couldn't before, you had to say that twice though, and now I get it! Now I totally understand why there are tampon dispensers in the boys restroom at the middle school my son no longer attends! I can see clearly now that there should be maximum benefits for asylum seeking illegal migrants, even more than American citizens! It's like you are Jesus!
Using this kind of language to define someone who has done their time does not account for their full humanity or leave space for the growth that can and would take place without it. Shame on you for spreading such hate!
He's already done a thousand times more in a couple months than his predecessor did in four years!
Also, again, profiteering implies goods in short supply. Shitcoins are not in short supply. And neither are weak and stupid people. I'm outnumbered everywhere I look.
Anyone dumb enough to think pumping someone else's bags is going to make them rich deserves to be broke.
They being said, people need to quit foghorning "Trump is a convicted criminal". There is so much evidence in your face now that his entire experience with the indictments and the NY judge was an absolutely shameful display of backfiring political bribery, and weaponized judiciary to have ever taken place. Get over yourself.
And I think it's been said here already, but profiteering implies there are goods in short supply, which meme coins are certainly not. Shitcoins are the modern apex predators, and thousands upon thousands of the weak and stupid fall to them daily.
It's a dog-eat-dog world, no pun intended.
Riddle me this: If Trump is a convicted criminal, why has he not been imprisoned?