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100 sats \ 1 reply \ @0368d36190 28 May 2024 \ on: The Fight for Bitcoin with Ben Carman & Tony Giorgio — What Bitcoin Did bitcoin
Anybody knows, would I need a watchtower with Mutinywallet? Have Ln node in browser feels fragile, I have cln 24x7 on pi and I am still stressing out.
This is not nice, to say the least.
To change proof of work function, will piss off current miner cohort sure, as well put a stain on bitcoin reputation of stable and trustworthy and predictable
What's the guarantee that history won't repeat itself and new miner wave won't centralized around new/old bitmain again.
Solution should place incentives correctly, imo, it should be easier/more profitable to not be a member of a pool, or be a member of not a large one. It's easy to say though, I don't know how to do it.
we really need another client implementation, I have utmost respect and eternal gratitude for the core team, but it's a lot of responsibility, (single) point of failure, attack vector and stress on people when on 98% of network depending on it.
maybe with etf inflows some new team with new client ideas emerge
Thanks Matt! I've read BIP along with comments in github issue. You're very concise about HTTP drawbacks in there - a, b, c. , you don't have to expand on that a lot in DNS-focused spec obviously..
I just recall from my working experience dns is typically far away from what application has to deal with and would like to have dependency on
To make changes. I need to go to another team in the company, engage external service provider if it's smb - this is a friction I was talking about.
To top this with all the memes that often go around tech industry- "it's always DNS to blame"
I wonder if bitcoin payment scenario is close to OpenID, e.g. how keys are distributed for instance here https://accounts.google.com/.well-known/openid-configuration and what this protocol does in terms of authentication, signing access tokens, etc
There are many software libraries for interoperability.
it's still plagued by token theft, but smart guys in IETF and OASIS couldn't come with anything better over the years.
I am sure there are benefits to DNS, wildcard sounds easy !
fantastic demo!
I am curious about meaning of numbers of 45 and 36 for Alice and Bob and how they have to prepare and compute possible combinations of state upfront. If it's a function f(size_of_the_board x duration_of_game) ?
For some real world smart contract would that relate to business_task_complexity x duration_of_engagement?
Is it going to be straightforward for developers to understand and put into code..
Thanks for great overview!
What about all these fancy zksnarks and rollups, is it doable on bitcoin?
I think I saw a comment to this proposal somewhere to use /.well-known instead of dns and tend to agree to it. just looking at the list of use cases here just looking at this list of use cases here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Well-known_URI there are similarities all over - keys, identifiers, etc
The overhead and friction that comes with managing dns records as well as retrieving information from it in your typical app is not to be underestimated, it's one thing in system requirements to ask to configure and launch and run a software, but to require domain name, to talk to some providers is somewhat different.
p.s. I should read more about lnurl and bolt12 and issues that remain there that this proposal addresses, it may become more evident, why it's better.
Good job by Matt, ever enthusiastic to improve bitcoin!
Great, somewhat technical conversation between knowledgable people!
Much needed at this time when people won't stop talking about ETF-based scaling solution.
This node scammed me in 30M triangle swap, single negative it has on lnplus is from me and well deserved. Looks like it's corporate, would be a shame if indeed affiliated with Strike
50 sats \ 1 reply \ @0368d36190 13 Jul 2023 freebie \ parent \ on: Validating Lightning Signer - AMA bitcoin
Thank you for answer! Follow up about scaling, afaik in a typical ln node quite a lot going on, that require sig ops - htlc, commitments, etc. Is user input required for all of this?