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symolic support from EU
They don't have the money to help Ukraine, absorb migrants, support a welfare state and green new deal initiatives
Russia cares about no NATO membership for Ukraine and Georgia.
Then Crimea.
Then Donbas (independent and dmz)
The last 3 years of fighting could have been avoided but NATO decided to grind down Russia by sending money to Ukraine.
You have not advocated for Trump
I am definitely a Trump advocate and a hardliner on immigration especially from the third world such as India, Latin America, Africa, Middle East (did I miss anyone?)
not make IRS more efficient but cut payroll so they have less to do
fewer agents means less trouble making
very true
I have used Tax Act since 2008
I used to think using tax software and filing online reduced the chances of an audit, I think that was the case 20 years ago
The crackdown is on "illegal" or "undocumented" immigration.
Millions of immigrants especially undocumented also receive government assistance.
How many billions are saved by cracking down on illegal immigration?
An important question that is ignored by CNN
1099 or self employed are more likely to be audited
If you don’t take the standard deduction you are more likely to be audited
If you make more than 400k you are more likely to be audited
But they will send you a letter first so you can discuss with your lawyer and accountant