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0 sats \ 0 replies \ @Entrep 9 Mar 2024 \ on: What's One Movie Everyone Should See? mostly_harmless
The Bourne Movie series by Matt Damon
Notice that this is only a correlation. We don't know if poverty in a country leads to more corruption or if corruption leads to less prosperity for everyone.
It's a fact that poverty leads to more corruption
Some deep stance on security here such that you will see the fight for freedoms from the state has started a long time ago
I love the beats at the finger snap interjection and the dance at that same point
The Best Bitcoin Marketing Team are the doubters that became Evangelists, case in point Michael Saylor and the institutions providing ETFs
I love commenting and zapping on SN, I had to go look at my cowboy hat and I can't believe I'm on a 70 days streak which I didn't know because I kept losing it before hand
My personal opinion as a maxi, is it’s okay so long as they use bitcoin to do it.
The highlight of this post
I will say @DarthCoin was the best educator before he went on hiatus from SN
Feast your eyes