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0 sats \ 0 replies \ @decentipod 24 May 2022 \ parent \ on: bitcointalk -> r/bitcoin -> twitter -> stacker.news bitcoin
Not suggesting anything... it's just funny.
Why should you "NEVER" store your seed in a password manager? Acting all crazy like this is such a turn off to most people that otherwise might get started with bitcoin.
Is it not okay to store my online banking info in a password manager? Is it not okay to store my online brokerage info in a password manager? What about my 401k login/password in a password manager?
What percentage of bitcoin loss occurs because of 1. phishing 2. user error/loss and 3. direct hacking? I'm guessing its probably 99.9% the first two and 0.1% the latter.
"thecryptobookstore.com" Tells you everything.....
😂 Same! Definitely a nerdy hobby vs income. I can make maybe 1000 sats a month and I'm super proud, but that's 50 damn cents!
Lnd node. I thought the whole thing was enabled by P2TR. I'm just running simple LN node via RaspberryPi Umbrel, but the idea of USD inbound and then send sats outbound... fuck that!
Not sure how I feel routing shit coins through my node, including eventually, possibly cbdc stablecoins. Actually, I don't feel that great about it, even if it solidifies BTC/ln.
Awesome idea! To ensure that good answers are getting paid, the Post could be of type "Question" and the rules would be that Tips must be distributed to answers.
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @decentipod 3 Apr 2022 freebie \ parent \ on: How to Back Up a Seed Phrase bitcoin
I use that too for it's password generation feature. But even that may scare people off. You can also suggest winrar or winzip which can add a password to a txt file and wallet backup files. Again, I think the depth to which this subject/paranoia requires your focus is proportional to how OG you are and whether or not you are a public bitcoin advocate. If people know your name and face and that you likely have >1000BTC, then yes you must go to great lengths exploring this threat space. Noobs can just run a virus scan, create a wallet, and write everything on paper. Greatest threat, imo, is social engineering or losing/forgetting how to access, NOT hacking or wrench attacks.
I love Lopp, btw. His guides and sites continue to educate me daily. But I would have gotten into bitcoin earlier had I not gotten cold feet in 2017 when i was reading all this paranoid threat analysis stuff. Scared me off.
Isn't the easy solution to suggest the following? I've only been thinking about this for less than 2 years but it's good practical advice. Maybe not enough for Bitcoin community celebrities, but def enough for no coiners and regular plebs. Maybe step 0 run malware scanner or do it all in Tails.
- Use password manager with strong pass.
- Multiple USB stick backups in different places.