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0 sats \ 0 replies \ @hodlme 3 Oct 2024 \ on: Meat Substitutes Still a Tiny Sliver of U.S. Meat Market food_and_drinks
If you want an alternative to take off, it needs to be some combination of better and/or cheaper and so far a beef burger still wins on both fronts. I agree that a black bean patty is a close second, and I prefer it to faux beef.
I agree this is huge for certain applications! CNC machines, 3D printers and many motion appliations can benefit here. It's been painful in the past to build an up to date kernel with RT support and I can't wait to see where this goes.
They're a bit too perfect, which begs the question of why you would want a natural diamond when you could have these.
There are also AC permanent magnet 3-phase and 5-phase un-geared servo motors commonly used in CNC machines.
In an appropriate aircraft, aerobatic fight isn't terribly dangerous. I don't recommend attempting it without some training though.
Hope they kept backups somehow. Maybe they'll find a more suitable country and ZZ-lib will reappear 😃
Even better, cut a check to the innocent owner for at minimum the interest due on the assumed value of the property for the time it is out of their custody. Determining value is trivial when cash is seized at checkpoints presupposing some nefarious purpose.
If they're going to argue that a preliminary hearing is redundant, then there needs to be a definition of the word "timely" that does not include phrases like "when we've finished investigating" or "eventually, if we get around to it". Set a reasonable time period after which your property is automatically returned if a hearing hasn't taken place yet. If there's a hearing later that rules that you're not entitled to the property then they can easily retrieve it.
You know, I can't find a "repeat underpayment penalty", though the IRS does have a "negligence or disregard of the rules or regulations penalty" so I think if you tried to pay 100% on tax day you may end up paying more than Bitcoin appreciates/holds purchasing power during the year. I agree Bitcoin is likely to be a better place to hold that 10% for the year.
There's a statement when you fill out a W-4 that amounts to "I affirm that this should net to roughly zero at tax day" and they'll likely point to that when you try to not pay incremental taxes.
It drives me nuts when people talk about what they're going to do with their refund, like they're getting this big windfall of their own money. Really you should be paying the maximum that you can without getting an underpayment penalty, which is the larger of either $1000 or 10% of the total tax liability for the year.
Let the cash sit in a CD or saving account and at least minimize some loss to inflation rather than give a free ~6 month loan to the government.
not to be confused with the LoRa long range radio standard 🤔
Had me excited until it wanted an email, not open source, and "AI-driven". Anyone know of anything similar that's open-source and we can host locally?
Edit: I wonder if it's based on pyspread