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Calling all Bitcoin builders...
Leave a comment below to let the SN community know what you're working on this week. It doesn't matter how big or small your project is, or how much progress you've made.
Just share what you're up to, and let the community know if you want any feedback or help.
If you missed last week's thread, here are the updates SN users shared from all their latest work projects.
Made a bitcoin meme generator with react :D
This is brilliant fun.
Very cool
Hey @fred check this out. Meme Monday competition is heating up 😹
Thanks for this recommendation
this is very cool, how long did it take?
I'm out here researching the meme I will submit come next Monday on SN meme contest. It feels great to prepare and plan for an inevitable win 😅
Still working on the WYSIWYG. Functionality is done but it needs a lot of testing and I need to fine tune UI/UX and stuff.
Might ship the new editor to a url today and ask stackers to give feedback on it while do the above.
I learned how to make a chrome extension that I call Bitcoin Pulse. It shows block height, sats per dollar, and dollars per bitcoin at the click of a button. It also allows you to look at block info and clarkmoody's dashboard. It's currently being reviewed by the chrome webstore but should be available once that's done
Awesome! Please make sure it's not collecting, selling, or leaking any data.
You wouldn't want to accidentally (or intentionally) announce who follows Bitcoin.
Open source would be nice.
Why not also include the mempool.space Blockchain explorer? They have the code on their website.
Only thing it's doing is fetching block height from blockstream and price from coingecko.
It's also open-source :).
It's currently using Blockstream for the block explorer but I guess Mempool.space is better aesthetically. I'll switch out Block stream for mempool. Thank ya!
I just finished the cryptosystem for Indranet.
I now have working and tested algorithms that construct a message to be relayed from an exit node and it receives a series of ciphers and nonces that allow it to encrypt the message for the reply, but don't enable the exit to inspect the routing path information in the header, as they use same nonce, same public key but a different private key to generate the cipher in the header, versus the payload message.
I'm about to embark on a big refactor spree to tighten up everything and maybe restructure some things to be less kludgey and hopefully soon my protocol code will start connecting with the server parts that the super shadowy sponsor guy has started working on.
Seem to be pretty much on track to have a testnet live sometime in February.
I have no idea what I just read, but I'm excited nevertheless.
More power to you!
Good luck in your endeavors. Make sure to consider every option at every node.
I should try to keep it simple.
Indranet is the privacy layer for the peer to peer internet, that uses Lightning Network payments to compensate relay operators and as a spam limiter.
It's for stopping the use of network traffic routing data as a means to physically locate the origins of new messages.
  • It protects Bitcoin and Lightning Network users by hiding the location of the secret keys and creating opaque blocks against identifying the path of a LN payment.
  • It prevents criminal and authoritarian (ah but I repeat myself) organisations from physically locating journalists and activists who have found and are propagating evidence of wrongdoing.
It is not designed to replace Tor in that you won't use this to browse the regular Web.
It is intended to be used primarily with decentralised protocols like Bittorrent, IPFS, Nostr, and so on. It will also be possible to use it to access your own servers without revealing where you are connecting from, or even to create your own handy custom VPN path in or out of a hostile network
I like to say that this is the natural next evolution of internet routing: in the last 20 years we finally got full strength encryption to become normalised, in the next 20 years full strength anonymity is going to become normalised.
The internet is a hostile place. The less ways we leave traces the more we are protected from bad actors.
Hi, I am working on an educational project and I do not speak English. My project is a mobile application that integrates different services on a single platform, such as package delivery, taxis, and cargo transport. It is similar to Uber, it uses fiat currency and also uses cryptocurrencies and the second-layer payment network (LN) to allow users to make peer-to-peer (P2P) payments to each other.
My goal is to help those who are not yet familiar with the world of cryptocurrencies to enter it indirectly and without risks, learning through simulation. I know that many people are not willing to spend time learning about this topic, but I believe that the most effective way to learn is through simulation and real-life experience (as pointed out by Edgar Dale's cone of learning). In addition, I think it is important to accelerate the mass adoption of bitcoin and LN due to the way the traditional financial system is collapsing and abusing its power. So while users work and earn money in fiat currency, they can practice using cryptocurrencies without realizing it.
Make sure to only support Bitcoin.
No altcoins.
The links are worth the effort of translating.
Our project of smart academic literature research now gets data from multiple APIs. The next few weeks will work on deduplication and the actual "smart" part of the software. It will be pretty f***ing hard.
SEO for new ChatGPT3-android.app website. It's pretty handy that the app can write it's own promotional material lol
I can't tell if that's more genius or lazy. That's the goldilocks zone right there. Nice.
Lol best programmer is the laziest.
Bill Gates just requested your location.
  1. Porting JavaScript Bolt11-decoder to ES6 imports, for easier usage with bundlers and browsers: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@gandlaf21/bolt11-decode
  2. A cashu-wallet JavaScript library: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@gandlaf21/cashu-js
Navigating and perusing emeralize app that launched on 03032023 celebrating Bitcoin. The app is powered by Zebedee.
Just downloaded Inventing Bitcoin (written by Swan app’s CTO) at https://www.swanbitcoin.com/inventing-bitcoin/ N looking forward to scrutinising his arguments!
Why don't you just read the book to learn why Bitcoin was made as it was made?
The book is a story, not an argument.
If you want to argue, let's talk about your haircut in eighth grade.
Inventing Bitcoin is an excellent way to appreciate the engineering decisions that created Bitcoin.
I'm looking at writing bitcoin scripts that sweep funds from easily guessable private key addresses.
One of these things is not like the other.
Your idea seems to be a bit too greedy to be good for the Bitcoin network.
But hey, maybe it could be used as a tool to harden Bitcoin wallets. Who knows?
It's all about how you wield the tool.
Sorry which thing is not like the other? If you mean Bitcoin script and Miniscript I didn't say they are the same, hence the use of different names for them.
There are already scripts in the wild that sweep deposits to addresses generated with guessable private keys, its a fascinating area of research :)
Not really working on much, and mostly felt lazy through today... However, the thought of having @sn deploy a mobile platform would make it really cool to keep up with prompts as regards updates and interest on the platform..
Slacker app sounds good. My phone doesn't buzz enough.
We're building Hashbranch - a marketplace to find quality bitcoin miner hosting companies.
We launched in September and have been growing steadily! Very excited for everything we have planned for 2023!
Working on nostr newcomers guide https://uselessshit.co/resources/nostr for nearly two weeks 😁
I created a template email to send to every local shirt designer I can find, asking them to accept my BTC for their services. I'd love to locally buy and sell shirts just to get some BTC moving around!
What sort of tshirts are you selling? Bitcoin shirts or other designs?
Go further. Think bigger.
Create a multitude of templates. And create a program to inundate every business in every industry with emails to accept BTC and BTC lightning.
Create a bot to email every email address you can find for every business your can find an email address for.
Spam them. But try to make it not look like spam.
Spread the word.
Not a builder so the best I can do is to continue to stack them sats!
Orange pilling El Salvador and speed up hyperbitcoinization and some blog posts for bitcoin-only companies 😎
Working on finding out why da fuk do we pay taxes used to kill people.
There's all just one big pot where all the tax money goes into.
Plus military programs are very lucrative for a lots of businesses.
Follow the money.
You can't justify spending money on weapons if you never use them. So some people are going to get shot and blown up.
Exactly. Hence the question of why the populous keeps financing things they dont agree, nor give them any profit.
That's not how the system works. Your expectations are flawed.
"The populous" isn't an entity.
There's individuals organized into sovereign countries. Some more sovereign than others.
Everything has a cost and a benefit. Typically the cost benefit asymmetry of war is enough to be profitable enough for the war profiteers to continue perpetually, regardless of what any individual or individual country does.
In war, the defender will almost always has higher costs than the attacker. So it pays the individuals running the attacking country to attack weaker countries and exploit them.
One of the ways Bitcoin fixes this is that it's harder to pull the wealth of a nation through fiat money when they have Bitcoin as an alternative. El Salvador and the Central African Republic have already figured this out and adopted Bitcoin.
Either you misunderstood what I said, or I wasn't clear.
I didn't expose any of my expectations.
"The populous" isn't an entity, it's many people or inhabitants of a country afaik, and those are the financiers of a long list of things they don't necessarily agree with.
Anywho, we don't disagree, I'm fully aware of how things go. I'm just trying to say what should be obvious, but apparently it's not. Taxes should be looking like mob theft, then any kindness for the "little one".
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Currently I am working on a 3d motion design project. Over the longterm I would like to create 3d projects in the Bitcoin space
added github stars to https://www.nostr.net/ as a signal for which projects are more popular
Just learning and humbly stacking sats daily and sending to cold storage!
adding LN donation badges to nostr.directory.
I am working on freeing myself from my current North Korean "employers."
Sats appreciated. I use them to bribe guards into letting me sleep 1 night each week instead of not at all. All of the other slaves "workers" are so jelly.
On accepting bitcion as payment
Working on my stack goal for 2023 and my orange pilling goal for 2023.
Don't visit North Korea. Boy, is my face red.
I’m setting up a Lighting Bitcoin node, can’t do much cause I’m still waiting for Bitcoin Blockchain to download.
Just for a laugh, look what it takes to run a full Ethereum node.
SSD necessary for required write speeds."
https://ycharts.com/indicators/ethereum_chain_full_sync_data_size Currently the ETH "blockchain" is at 1.129TB. Never mind the "trust me bro" dips in blockchain size on the 5yr view.
I accept suggestions on https://bitcointogo.xyz to make it better and funnier!
Come visit sunny North Korea!
Testing out several different ways you can run tasks in the background on iOS or Android devices. Depending on the device and manufacturer, backgrounding and suspending of applications running can be quite aggressive. You can use hacks like requesting geolocation updates or audio streams, but they can unpredictable and even rejected from app stores for misuse. The ultimate goal is to find a reliable method to enable mobile applications to perform recurring payments over the Lightning Network.
Maybe you could look at the Phoenix wallet code?
Recurring payments could be done using a paynym right? Like how you can pop your username@stacker.news into your LN wallet and send money over and over to the same address.
Two things:
  1. Figuring out how to properly check for "no change" transactions [0] when addresses eventually loop back.
  2. Coming up with a scalable way of storing asset transfers for Barreleye [1] using Clickhouse.
TURNING MY EYES TO THE THEMES THAT MIGHT DEFINE BITCOIN IN 2023 Some trends that emerged in 2022, from regulatory developments to technical and cultural innovations, will grow to define Bitcoin in 2023. 1.REGULATORY OVERREACH
Just introduced Paypay cash outs via Bitcoin and LN on our website. :)
Freddy from AllArk
A sci-fi short story about Bitcoin, for a campaign run by Konsensus Network
learn how to use blender for 3d modelling. its even harder when you ve a toddler tho
Adding nostr support to https://coinos.io
I've been livestreaming my progress on my twitch channel: https://twitch.tv/asoltys83
I'm thinking about doing a marketplace site for generated images paid with Bitcoin, but I can only think of the negative ways it can go
Any RoF is welcome to take my draft guide for testing this amazing solution to offer private HC (hosted channels) to friends and family members. https://github.com/Darth-Coin/Poncho-OBW-testing
I like rbf better than rof
You don't know what is RoF... LOL
Recording 2 new episode of my Bitcoin Podcast! https://fountain.fm/show/yeyKUxKjAw151iZAQhcw
i added some new conversion tables to my widget on Stack Sats. still needs some polishing but it’s live (and should auto-update every minute)
right now i’m struggling with how to let someone input a USD or sat amount and have the converted price appear in the other input box.
right now it only works in one direction so you can see the dollar value based on your sats input.
полностью собранный LN кошелёк на коленке с NFS для оплаты. пополнение будет единоразово.
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