You might find this post interesting reading:
I know smart bitcoiners who willfully destroyed their credit history to buy bitcoin and dgaf about their credit history.
What's your experience with debt? #129044
You should read the Operation Saylor, posted here on SN in many episodes:
no, you should never take a loan if you can avoid it. loans help bankers and bankers are evil.
вопрос в другом... сможешь ли ты отдать вать кредит если у тебя только биткоин) банкам нужно будет подстроиться под тебя))) это забано делать некоторых странах...
it s not a good idea execpt if you have revenue that can cover it quickly
I don't think there's any one size fits all answer to this question. It depends on each individual's financial circumstances. What might be a highly risky move for one person might be a great opportunity to accumulate for someone else.
скажем что у тебя есть 1 монета и 23000 долга перед банком. попроси банк принять твои сатоши... на юридическом формате) ответ тебя удивит...