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Whats everyone reading these days?
About to start Softwar
Sats for good suggestions
Best online article related to bitcoin
Shelling Out by Nick Szabo
Great article
Space boi is a gov sus. Don't promote his propaganda.
  • Fifth Harry Potter book in spanish (3rd language)
  • Gormenghast (in english)
reading those 2 right now
The Bitcoin Standard Bitcoin and Black America @Darthcoin guides.
Daemon by Daniel Suarez was pretty enjoyable.
Daemon series is just awesome, one of the rare books i've actually reread
Just finished this based on your suggestion. I enjoyed most of it. Thanks!
Yep, Daemon is one of the few books I have read more than once.
Community Technology by Karl Hess. I knew of him as a famous libertarian, and I read his stuff 30 years ago, but this book was recommended to me by @David_Boethia in response to my Bitcoin Pioneers post. It's an account of Hess's attempt to organize a self suppoting libertarian community in the Adams Morgan section of Washington DC. I'm about half way through, and I'm really enjoying it. His ideas can be applied to creating local bitcoin circular economies.
Also found this in that post and also about halfway through. Great find!
(Long time SN-lurker here, so testing if I can comment...)
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Related to bitcoin
  • Blockchain Wars - the best bitcoin book I've read
  • The Bitcoin standard - is a must read
  • The Price of Tomrrow - don't agree with everything but it's fine
  • Mastering Bitcoin - great to learn som technical details of bitcoin. Created my brain wallet manually after reading this
Mastering Bitcoin by Andreas Antonopolous is a classic
Katz, Lindell: Introduction to Modern Cryptography
I've read Katz, Lindell: Introduction to Cryptography years ago and thought this one was like an alternative edition, but it isn't. Really nerdy math stuff. :D
The White Pill by Michael Malice Stalin, The Court of the Red Tsar
Both very good so far.
One I want to start is The Blocksize Wars, but I've got a lot of other stuff rn like Meditations and Change: How to Make Big Things Happen by Damon Centola
Making my way slowly through The Orthodox Way by Bishop Kallistos Ware. Trying to make more time to read this faster and to read more in general.
There was a good thread on favourite books, worth looking through it. Use the search / magnifying glass at bottom.
Atlas Shrugged (Der freie Mensch, german translation) - On page 256 (1200 pages to do), started in December 馃
Fiction: Piranesi Non-fiction: Richard W Hamming - Art of Science & Engineering
The Art of Impossible: A Peak Performance Primer by Steven Kotler
Found out about it while listening to https://academyofideas.com/2022/10/how-to-quit-your-boring-job-turn-a-passion-into-a-career/ and proceeded to gift it to a friend, who loved it and lent it to me last week.
路 "The Impeachment of Abraham Lincoln" by Stephen Carter, for the first time 路 "The Meaning Of It All", by Richard Feynman, for the second time 路 "Getting Things Done" by David Allen, which I re-read every couple of years
Fiction: Re-reading Wheel of Time (The Great Hunt)
Non-fiction: Serious Cryptography
Serious Cryptography is a fantastic book on cryptography if that is a subject that interests you.
-Layered Money
-The Price of Tomorrow
-Check Your Financial Privilege
-21 Lessons
I usually have a few books started, I'm on the Bitcoin Standard right now but when I finish I'll go back to A History of Force, about the humanity's historical trend against the use of force.
Thank you 馃槉
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