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I am getting tired of reading BS narratives about Milei (Argentinean presidential candidate) being a "pro bitcoin" candidate. Being Argentinean myself and living here knowing this is false, makes me wonder how many fake bs narratives are out there pumping politicians among bitcoiners. Stop being desperate and retarded please!
You need to push for new heroes and idols? Think twice, there is a fucking long list of idols swimming still in the Ganges. Just cut the crap will'ya?
There is absolutely no mention of bitcoin whatsoever in Milei's campaign platform. Also worth to mention his experience with "crypto" lead him to promote a blatant scam to his 1.3M followers about CoinX and got him a criminal complaint being filed a while back.
Bitcoin heroes can barely be counted with one hand, Satoshi, Hal, Adam,.. Sooner than later ur crush idol will go all full Nic Carter on you. Stop pushing bs!
It has to be hard to stop being retarded. Damn near impossible, I would think.
361 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 3 Oct 2023
"I was retarded, but one day I decided to be based instead. True story!" is how I imagine that would go 😉
I think I would enjoy your company in person lol
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Great fucking movie, lots of zingers
could never be made today for obv reasons
I think you have coined a term: "Going full Nic Carter" Excellent
That really was a good one
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"this is really gonna hurt them. my star will continue to rise" 🌟
my Bitcoin hero will be Andreas Antonopolous everybody else s talking bs
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his YouTube videos for the last year is pretty much all bitcoin content.
As long as people still use Ethereum - his books are valid I guess ¯_(ツ)_/¯
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I mean people say Ethereum is a shitcoin…
but it’s still being used today?
There is a lot of room between hero and villain. Here's the way I try to approach personalities in bitcoin and life. Don't trust, verify. With this approach you can listen to many voices. Research the things you are learning. Are they true? Are they logical? Do you understand them or are you just trusting the speaker.
Another principle is to follow the incentives. Politicians are incentivized to lie or at minimum have no principles except saying what they think people want to hear. There are countless examples of this. Don't be fooled. But, some things they say may be true. What really matters is what they do, not what they say. This is true of everyone. Words are cheap.
If you live long enough you will be lied to. You will be betrayed by someone you trust. Learn from this. Someone you trusted could have taught you good and true things. Just because they are not true that doesn't mean everything they said it not true. It just can't be trusted. Nic Carter provided good arguments but in the end he's no hero. You are right, there are few and we should stop looking for them. Instead, do your own research. Echo the best ideas. Don't trust politicians. Don't look for heroes. Look for truth.
One thing people don't get is a politicians job is to get elected and stay in office. Once in office he can do only cosmetic changes because his hands are tied by contracts. It's the same as if you got elected CEO of a bankrupted corporation, you have obligations to your creditors and they will make sure you play ball.
superb analogy. ceos of bankrupted corp.
Here's a mighty zap for you because I cannot agree more. Bitcoin is an anti fragile network that is not dependent on political "heroes" doing the right thing
thank you for some first hand knowledge,
all politicians are the same, at least where im from.
so they are just telling you what their polling has told you they want to hear
Sin querer entrar en preferencias personales, Tengo muchos amigos de Argentina aqui en España y sale el tema muchas veces, Recuerdo que muchos de ellos estaban encantados cuando Macri ha llegado al poder.. ¿Tu crees que Milei sera mejor que Macri o Fernandez? Y si, estoy hasta los huevos de leer que este tio es pro btc. y nada lo indica.. No tengo preferencias.. solo curiosidad
No hay como saberlo. De todas formas no es mi intención debatir candidatos presidenciales. Ninguno trabaja para quienes los votan. Culturalmente Argentina es presidencialista, pero en la realidad lo que puede hacer quien esta en el sillón es muy poco. Me refiero a cambios profundos y duraderos en el tiempo.
Un flaco mas arriba dijo algo interesante, los politicos son como los CEOs de las empresas en banca rota, tus acreedores van a asegurarse de hacerte jugar su juego. La realidad es que el votante no tiene representación manifiesta y tangile porque una y otra vez se cagan en los contratos electorales. Las promesas de campaña son solo promesas.
El mayor acreedor de la Argentina hoy es el FMI y nuestros politicos actuales cada vez que el fondo se toca la bragueta se tiran al piso de rodillas. El fondo es el brazo financiero de sometimiento que han utilizado las economias centrales de occidente para desangrar al sur global. De los tres candidatos con mas chances todos planchan las sabanas donde coje el fondo y los plebs apenas si podemos respirar de tanto morder la almhoada.
Que suban estandartes falsamente en nombre de bitcoin tratando de elevar politicos me da por el quinto forro del orto.
cambian las moscas, pero la mierda es siempre la misma..
Got You! But didn't he discuss BTC in recent interviews? Btw: I like his libertarian fighting spirit although I don't give a f.ck about politicians. Pero bueno... muchas gracias y saludos a Argentina!
You are where the bitcoin influencer's yield comes from.
Who the heck is Nic Carter?
“My star will continue to rise.”
say it back.
Ngl after realizing how many shitcoin minted on Liquid my respect plummeted for Adam Back. You make a tool & someone will use it for bad.
If anything, shitcoins and those who fall victim to them are OUR fault as Bitcoiners.
Perhaps he has learned better since then, He did talk about it on the news.
He is against central banking, the logical extension of that is bitcoin.
He is spanish speaking, so is familiar with Bukele and his talks about bitcoin and against shitcoins.
Also what kind of bullshit phishing link is that ?
shitcoins and those who fall victim to them are OUR fault as Bitcoiners.
What are you talking about? Shitcoins and cryto scams provide a service. Its a natural phenomena not limited to this space but also on the fiat realm. PPL with quick buck mentality need to get diplomas on scams by paying extra for tutoring experiences. Also capital needs to be relocated, ppl who don't understand where yield comes from can't own bitcoin in the long run.
Perhaps he has learned better since then, He did talk about it on the news.
Talk??? FFS he is a damn congressman, by now he should have done something to back whatever BS he or his zombie followers push on social media. One fucking bill,.. anything. Its not even part of his campaign government plan.
Also what kind of bullshit phishing link is that ?
Already explained used google photo for uploading a picture and it turned out to be a piece of shit.
As a libertarian he is the opposite of someone who makes bills.
How many has he made or supported compared to other politicians ?
Your frustrations with him, and that of the communist who will riot when he is elected, is that you do not understand libertarianism or economics.
It is very hands off.
IF bitcoin is the best thing for Argentina, Argentinians will choose it. A bill to support it is NOT what a libertarian would do. At best he might support a bill that makes confiscating it illegal (like any other property), or some other measure that REMOVES government power and interference. Like his main goal of eliminating the central bank.
You have to understand the free market.
By your logic a libertarian has no place in congress which is basically, voting and proposing bills. Lets call this democracy. Brilliant reasoning, maybe he got elected just to keep the chair warm, well.. only if he decides to show up.
Your comment is kind of all over the place, not quite sure what your point is.
According to core libertarian philosophy, running for an office where 100% of the people did not consent to be ruled by you is immoral (Non-agression principal) as is voting, since this is an exercise of force on others.
In reality, because our species is very immature, a libertarian who runs, wins and somehow manages to keep his promises to reduce government, and increase freedom, is the lesser of evils.
I have listened to several of his interview in spanish and english. There is one in particular where he goes into detail about what argentina's relationship will be with china. On one hand he positions it as a moral choice, that China is so evil argentina will not deal with them at the political level. What it actually is, is a genious political and economic move to move market decisions back to the market. He says in the interview, if individual people want to do business with China, his government will not stand in the way. This is a libertarian Mandate.
What this means for bitcoin is deregulation. He is a defacto Bitcoin candidate because of the very fact he is HANDS OFF. Decriminalization. Banks that want to offer bitcoin products will be allowed. There will no longer be an "Official" Peso rate. There will be just whatever the market wants.
In 3 to 5 years, if he maintains security, (stops communist cells, this can be done non-violently through shaming) you won't recognize Argentina. I guarantee you will see so much money coming in it will make your head spin.
Most of the world likes Argentina and Argentinians and is ready to invest in it. It has huge advantages over El Salvador for instance. A history of wealth creation, highly trained scientist and engineers, and less recent crime and trauma, than ES. ES has many years to recover psychologically.
Especially if we the west cut more ties with China. Our processor manufacturing will move to AG and MEX. We are severely confused at how you can be white, and have such a bad economy by the way. It's almost like Karma for whatever you did to your black population (we won't get into that).
I'll make a case for Javier, not "the politician Javier" and certainly not the "bitcoiner Javier". I don't believe any change will come out of voting, so I don't do it. That being said:
I'm from Argentina, I've always lived here.
The first time I hear about Milei it was trough a frind, one of those friends that you know they don't know much about politics or economy but that sparked my curiosity in the austrian school of economics and Atlas shrugged wich was the first step in what ended up being my journey down the Bitcoin rabbithole.
Javier Milei, since 2016, started to appear on TV making a case for closing the central bank, full libertarian, recommending one book after another. His charm and hilarious bursts of angry against some statist clown has proven to be an amazing tool to expose an enormous amount of people to libertarian ideas and that is what he called "the cultural battle".
Bitcoin and Milei: Javier has talked about Bitcoin in the past, I think before even he started his career in politics, and as far as I can tell he was consistent in his view as a tool against central banking.
No one in his or her right mind will argue that he is a bitcoin hero, and I don't know why some people portraits him like that besides the casual mentioning of Bitcoin here and there.

A bit of perspective

What I find valuable in this is that today, a big chunk of young people supports him, who knows how valuable that is in forming future generations of freedom loving people. For those who are not from here I can't even start to explain how far was the oberton window regarding economics and now we have a guy (with a crazy hair lol) that talks about making the streets private, talks about secession and even literally talks about demolishing the central bank.
I know that I ended up knowing about bitcoin thanks to him indirectly though, but still. I agree with you that you should kill your idols at some point, also the shitcoin stuff with CoinX, I agree with that, but what I don't understand is how can you not have at least some perspective in the positive side of this.
Even me as someone who advocates to not trust any politician and don't vote can appreciate that whatever he is doing is pushing forward the freedom ideas, who knows what impact that can have. I find this interesting to see, at least from people here and even for people outside Argentina.
Even Adam's recent btc price prediction is pretty cringe
It's not just idolatry. These same people will make apologies for Putin and any murderous dictator so long as a good word about bitcoin is overhead. They'll trash an academic's entire life of work if a single bad bitcoin take is shared on a podcast. They'll celebrate a Senator's death, pump BlackRock, tow the fossil fuel industry line, parrot whatever cults of personality on Twitter they follow recommend, and so much as just questioning the violation of civil liberties in El Salvador is congruous to being an IMF agent of debt slavery. And they love their whataboutisms using America's past to justify any-, and everything. Milei is just the latest shithead they think can enable NgU and pump bitcoin's USD quote price enough so they can join the unproductive class they obsessively admire.
Who thinks he's a hero? I just assume he's better than some commie alternative.
watch what they do, not what they say.
bitcoin twitter love to simp lol
Reason and evidence isnt for everyone. Its a complicated topic. But idols are not necessarily a bad thing?
Hear hear!
kill your hero's, they are simply anti-shadow of your weaknesses.
There's this video...
Nic Carter was always a shitcoiner
Javier is pro liberty and anti-central banks
And he is an incredibly retarded example of a "hero" in bitcoin since no bitcoiner gives a fuck about his opinion on anything. But feel free to not celebrate the turning tide against tyranny because you are a misidentifying it as something else that is a real thing.
Btw, no one who isn't retarded was surprised by Nic Carter. He was a known shitcoiner who did not have VALUES for which I repeatedly called him out on Twitter.
Have some perspective: imagine of instead of Javier Milei you had Bruce Fenton as your libertarian candidate, now that would be rather cringe-worthy.
Nic Carter was always a shitcoiner
Yup, fair, that's true.
Javier is pro liberty and anti-central banks
turning tide against tyranny
Doing that requires hard POW, wake up, He was elected to sit on the Congress representing plebs since Dec 2021 and for the most part he doesn't even show up for work. No revolution will come from just mumbling hysterical nonsense on TV shows. He failed to propose even a single bill of his own.
Have some perspective
Newsflash for you, most libertarians and liberals portrayed in the MM from Argentina are just conservatives in disguise.
Well I don't know the relative power of different people in different offices.
Maybe he is just a conservative, but think how much worse the world might be today if Hillary Clinton won in 2016.
In that we agree, it could be woke paradise going all Hillary. I rather throw my chips at a vegetable senile puppet.
Don't trust nobody, only trust the code
TBH, I have never seen someone in my feed call him a bitcoin candidate. So your post is a giant straw man or you just follow the wrong people.
As far as Michael Saylor keep shilling and buying Bitcoin he is my hero
Being Argentinean myself and living here knowing this is false,
Curious how you know it is false.
BTC idols need to always be memes :)
Look at what Bitboy is making his influencer do, one big example not to have idols in this space
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.
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Thanks for trying it out for us. Now we know.
I was never going to click a link like that, but I was curious, tbh. :)
Really? Sorry need to figure out a better way to post images. Any advice?
one way is to use a nostr image hosting service
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