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Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
The dollar is king until the US defaults. After that alt money will grow organically?
172 sats \ 1 reply \ @Car 3 Nov 2023
starting SNL in the next 60min, sorry moving day
I just came here to check for this!
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 3 Nov 2023
we can't see the image, it's behind a login wall
good it’s so sad
One of the best scene in a series ever: explaining how you build an empire based on lemons scene from the series "Fall of the Usher family" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rIK-q6JoOeU
author is still deciding whether or not to delete this post
hahaha nice try
Anyone able to lend a hand on getting my Umbrel up and running again? Raised a thread on their community page, seeing a conflict with docker.
Maybe try docker network rm umbrel_main_network. Docker usually recreates networks if they don't exist.
No guarantees though, run on your own risk, lol
Thanks for the suggestion.
Turns out removing the env file and reconfiguring Umbrel helped overcome all the kinks and blockers I was seeing.
πŸ˜‚ I am finding their software extremely buggy these days.
and yet more and more Apps are popping up for you to download there πŸ˜‚
Only thing cringier than war propaganda is people pandering to and spreading more of it
those are just parrots, looking for attention. meaningless scum bags.
it’s very sad, since I see far more people that I personally know participating than I realized I would
what you can do with these people (aka sheeple)?
Looking forward to a weekend of yard work… not… but can listen to Bitcoin podcasts.
You better listen this amazing playlist, about to discover WHO you really are: https://www.bitchute.com/playlist/ZStP8WUpFB3m/
at least put a reason why do you delete it. Could be a mistake, but deleting it without a reason is cowardice...
Lol. I don't understand that either. I think the cool down should apply to deleting as well. Deleting posts or comments shouldn't be possible after a few minutes.
100 sats \ 1 reply \ @nemo 3 Nov 2023
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I wasn't refer to you specifically. I know why you are deleting all your comments
Meh, GitHub is down.
Repos 404ing is not cool
Git is a great example of what happens when people take a great tool with decentralization built in and centralize it.
Githubs down. Oh no!
Today's the last chance to join the NBA In-Season Tournament Survivor Pool. The pot is approaching 10k sats and at the rate it's growing 100k is not off the table.
No buy-in. Just upside.
Make your first pick here
Grilled delicious ribeyes from K&C Cattle via Beef Initiative for the family last night. They produce the best steaks I've ever had.
They use Oshi to accept bitcoin and offer rewards when you buy with sats. You can use lightning or on-chain. If you want to try it out you can use my referral link.
Oh man! Stolen valour. My son grilled the steaks. I just guided him.
Tested out the Nostr cross posting feature here on SN this week. Its very cool.
you when someone does something
Star Wars is for kids
No. SW is only for grown up people with brains that can understand the story way beyond the shity representation of Disney. Something that your 1 only neuron could not understand.
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Here's my latest cross post.
Not much to tell. It posts as a long form note type (forget the type number). I'm not sure how many clients support it but I'm using habla.news. I hadn't looked at habla in a while. Very cool client. Supports drafts which was kinda surprising to me but I'm guessing it posts to a private relay. Nostr has so much potential. Bullish on the protocol. Its more than a Twitter replacement.
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No the other way around.
  • You add your pubkey to SN settings.
  • Change your settings to cross post
  • Post a discussion on SN
  • SN will ask your browser extension perm to cross post. Alby or nost2x for example
  • You post on SN is published to the relays as long form content.
From the settings page.
  • crosspost discussions to nostr
  • requires NIP-07 extension for signing
  • we use your NIP-05 relays if set
  • otherwise we default to these relays:
    • wss://nostrue.com/
    • wss://relay.damus.io/
    • wss://relay.nostr.band/
    • wss://relay.snort.social/
    • wss://nostr21.com/
First gun print going well, about 10 hours away from completion.
Printing an Ark Rifle after this, then its the FGC.
And word on the street is that Start9 will be dropping some home security stuff in 2024
1042 sats \ 6 replies \ @nemo 3 Nov 2023
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Lol, I figure why not. Its not like I'm doing anything illegal. I've assembled and shot M4's in the past but was never too interested, however building one at home and testing it at the range seems really fun.
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True, hopefully PLA+ will do the trick, if not........the wife gets a few sats richer
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Coffee and a smoke with my SN to start the day! Let's Go!
After nothing but zap rewards in October, it's been nothing but post rewards in November.
Is there any chance the random number generator is picking one value for each month, instead of each day?
182 sats \ 3 replies \ @ek 3 Nov 2023
No, it's definitely flipping a coin every day:
const heads = Math.random() < 0.5
// if this category is selected, double its proportion
// if it isn't select, zero its proportion
const itemRewardMult = heads ? 0 : 2.0
const upvoteRewardMult = heads ? 2.0 : 0
Odd coincidence then
182 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 3 Nov 2023
Yes, or there is indeed something wrong with the RNG. Reusing seed or something? But no idea how that could happen. It's not even possible to seed the RNG ourselves.
I didn't immediately see in the code why the monthly hypothesis was ruled out, but I'm guessing it's run daily and that's why it should be different everyday.
I think those seeds are sometimes generated from the computer's clock, so my last grasp at vindication is that maybe it's pulling the month for the seed, rather than the milliseconds.
I was going to ask if there's software / a service that makes it easy-ish to set something up where people can email you or send you a message somehow but only if they send you sats over and above some reserve price.
But then I thought: maybe that could be an aspect of the DM feature on SN? People can only DM you if they zap a certain amounts of sats? Not that I'd want to turn that on in SN for my actual self, but it does seem a useful use case to solve somehow, esp going forward.
@k00b and @ekzyis, thoughts?
I was going to ask if there's software / a service that makes it easy-ish to set something up where people can email you or send you a message somehow but only if they send you sats over and above some reserve price.
You're describing what https://vida.live/ was initially. They've pivoted to video-centric services overtime though.
I just sent you a DM over SN... that cost me 1 sat (min). Check your SN wallet to read it.
152 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 3 Nov 2023
We definitely had this in mind (fee for DMs to prevent spam) but we're bad at writing down everything we discuss in Github
Seems like one of those weird accidental things that could turn into a surprising part of a business model.
so much creativity, especially in memes πŸ˜‚
maybe the font can be improved, this type is a bit hard to read πŸ‘€
exactly that is my intention: to make you hard read it πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ reminder: bitcoin is not for the weak, only for brave. it's starwars font... btw
oh I didn't know that's a font called the starwars font πŸ˜‚
SBF found guilty. Jail time.
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ScamMashinsky’s next….
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Should do a β€˜top ten crypto scumbags’…. But have too many contenders….
Circular economy:
Got a sizeable amount of sats in my SN wallet. Because of this I pushed sats to this project
nice, will send some too
In a bid counter the influence Alexander Hamilton had on establishing the modern banking system just for fun I am rewriting β€˜Hamilton’ and need some songs renamed. At the moment I have;
β€˜Hal Finney, Sir’ β€˜The Saylor sisters’ And my favourite β€˜My Sat’
Any help appreciated :)
Living near New York City I have been inundated with Hamilton propaganda for years. I have loathed Hamilton the historical figure for most of my adult life. I have been offered tickets and I repeatedly refuse to go. I know I'm a conspiracy theorist at heart anyway, but I believe the creation and success of the musical was no accident. Making this destructive asshole a hero really irks me. So, I applaud your efforts. I must say I can't help, since I don't know any of the songs. P.S. Burr- now there's a hero.
I honestly struggle to see any redeeming features to the man. Beside the professional setting up of the banks, unrepentant adulterer and that’s beside being a bully as a military officer.
My wife's away, so double the chores. Did anyone here ever pull a hamstring? I had no idea how much it hurts.
I have. It almost ended my pickup basketball career.
Ouch. Yes and yes it does. There is a significant strength imbalance between quads and hamstrings, add in being male and over the age of 21 and regularly use chairs and it makes them very prone to injury…. Rest & ice. Stretching done the line.
I was trying to reposition an outdoor table umbrella that got knocked over in the wind. I didn't account for the large cement base! Very dumb. I actually felt something give way, and then the pain. I have been hobbling around for days, looking older than I actually am.
I think that is technically a sports injury… usually take 5 days to start to heal but could be weeks to properly repair.
(And just to add the legal; am a sports therapist by training but I am not your sports therapist. Do not take this as medical advice and you should always consult your doctor etc etc.)
Thanks. I shall not take anything you utter as medical advice, just musings of a friend. Sounds about right. It's feeling better finally after four or five days. When a member of a pro sports team I root for gets this injury I always assume they're dogging it. Not anymore.
Dogging it…. Lol. Haven’t heard that term in a while.just be careful and get help moving heavy furniture as the cost of injury is annoyance and inconvenience if not worse.
Day 202 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
...and 2 push-up(s).
You are going to be massive!
Hi __@_'-' You will be ripped after this challenge ;) https://i.ibb.co/N7T6nS3/fbe097ca-89b9-42ee-baf6-2edaba1b697d.jpg
Also this AI stuff blows my mind
I'm glad you see the positives. I love AI because it does make my work life and side hustles much easier. I know there's some drawbacks but I'm loving the progress being made in this space.
It's extremely useful for my work.
I have a background in physics but my day-to-day is in software these days. I know just enough to be dangerous, but I'm first to admit that I'm no expert and have no formal training. I am no software engineer. What's worse is that I'm part of a small start-up company and I'm the only person who has any coding experience whatsoever.
ChatGPT is extraordinarily useful for filling the gaps in my knowledge. For example, just now I wanted to explore introducing some module testing into my code. I gave ChatGPT a snippet of what I've been working on, and asked it how I might go about developing some tests. Bam! 5 seconds later it gives me something to work with. That would have taken like 30 minutes if I put it together from Google searches etc.
That's really amazing! The possibilities are really endless with AI. I saw someone used AI to improve the dialogue of NPCs in the Unreal Engine 5.2 Matrix Demo. People are discovering so many use cases for these tools. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3QoL98oMZI&ab_channel=SmartPoly
Actually I should take a before and after picture so you guys know I am not bullshitting lol
Lol. Before and after pictures would be awesome but you've put in more than enough PoW. You don't have to convince anyone about your commitments.
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__@_'-' is gearing up for 300, like the movie. Lol.
Snail check…?
__@_'-' just got here.
Going where those chilly winds don't blow Don't want to be treated this way
That snail looks kinda sad…
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Silo was good
I hope they came with a season 2
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Archive seems quite interesting, movie of tonight!
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I do like @nemo's movie taste!
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100 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 3 Nov 2023
why new upload feature is not out yet πŸ‘€ @ekzyis
Had to incorporate some feedback from @k00b (make some code simpler and stuff)
But it's definitely 99.9% done
Next week I'm going to say, it's 99.99% done. And then 99.999%. lol
don't worry, I would keep reminding you πŸ˜‚
Sometimes I wonder if people in the past had better taste than the modern ones? or simply because of the money.
But honestly, doesn't it make more sense to build something beautiful and long-lasting, and then the place can keep running itself, even up to thousand years, like I still go to hundreds yrs still functioning places regularly, they offer me different feelings.
They had more time to think... not using AI and distracted by meaningless news.
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alternative frontend to Instagram?
@Alby where is that Satsgram you've started some months ago?
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2251 sats \ 2 replies \ @nemo 3 Nov 2023
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you should watch the SNL episode about that joke
Do you perhaps have the link by any chance?
You should watch ALL SNL episodes, every friday night. Here that episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZD5Easev38
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