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Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
SN magicians :) Im sure you are aware but youtube embeds are too small in comments
Hey! How's everyone doing this evening? I'm new to SN, trying to add value to this space ๐Ÿค™
Just got back from a nostr meetup, cool peeps.
This saloon is so outdated! 
They don't even accept โ‚ฟitcoin. 
GM ๐ŸŒž GA ๐Ÿ”† GN ๐ŸŒ‘
So, I'm as big of an advocate for raising posting costs as anyone and if they're going to cost 100 sats, that's cool with me.
I did want to check in and see if the post I just made should have cost that much or if there's a bug somewhere. It was the first post I had made in over an hour.
It might be a bug. Are you sure it cost you 100 sats? It says that in satistics?
Interesting. It said it would cost 100, but it actually only cost 10.
How's the higher cost experiment looking so far?
There might be bug in the cost calculation in the browser (it might cache an old value ... I'll keep an eye out).
How's the higher cost experiment looking so far?
Qualitatively at least it looks pretty good. Recent is way less noisy afaict
Everyone should check out @grayruby's latest post about the Perth Australia baseball team that has adopted a bitcoin standard, whether or not you are a sports fan: #317426
Thanks Siggy.
No need for thanks. This has got me really excited. I had heard about the team, but your post gave more details. This winter could bring some real visibility to the team/league. I wonder if WBD did an episode yet? Peter should, considering his Real Bedford project.
Yes they did one fairly recently. It must have been late summer because I remember walking by the lake when I was listening to it. Let me find it and I will add it to the comments of the original post for anyone who wants to listen.
SN + Zapstream (please)
@k00b has there been consideration given to enabling this option in NextJS: https://nextjs.org/docs/app/api-reference/next-config-js/productionBrowserSourceMaps ?
I think it might be useful to debug things e.g. our wonky service worker behavior.
โ€œOnce men turned their thinking over to machines in the hope that this would set them free. But that only permitted other men with machines to enslave them.โ€ --Frank Herbert
From now on, if I see a SN main post with a link to a twitter, substack note, nostr note, without any explanation (YOU HAVE THAT OPTION TO ADD IN SN) I will just flag it. Hard flag.
If you have something to say, say it loud on SN directly, don't post me shity links from other platforms, just to clickbait and get visits.
Following your lead captain ๐Ÿ‘
โ€œEvery person on social media should be verified by their name. Itโ€™s a national security threat," she said. "When you do that, all of a sudden people have to stand by what they say and it gets rid of the Russian bots, the Iranian bots and the Chinese bots.โ€
Hasn't anyone heard of fake ID? ๐Ÿคฃ Adolescence for many of us was unlocked with one of these.
Fale IDs is what drives the Adolescence unlocking economy. There's nothing anyone can do about that. Resistance is futile.
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Leverage. Not even once (more).
New book club candidate to come in time for Christmas. Announced here on Prestonโ€™s pod.
โ€œGradually, then Suddenlyโ€ - Mr P Lewis
Flying back home from an awesome trip in Atlanta!
Safe travels Peter Parker.
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Buenos dias amigos, it's that time again: the monster fourth part of Broken Money. This one was challenging for a host of reasons, and I'm trying something a bit different. Let's see if you can tell what it is :)
As usual, I'll be posting stuff throughout the day.
As usual, please stop by and share your thoughts.
Buenos dias Elvis. Would you like a drink on the house?
Always happy to drink with friends. Here's one for you too :)
is this real?
for sure, indeed ๐Ÿ˜„
They did know a lot of things, sadly not how to draw kids. Unless those are little aliens...
Unless those are little aliens
Jokes aside. You might be onto something. I've never seen any kid with an E.T. like body pointing home.
Yup. Weird head shapes... Also, what are those women hiding under those long hats?
The Difference Between Lawful And Legal - 0:48 min https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNZg0_E5I04
@k00b I know you are working on the SN subs features. Here are some thoughts about those subs. Maybe can inspire you for later. Maybe are too many rules, you know better, pick what you like. I am just throwing ideas.
sub owner can set his own fees policies for posting in that sub or for a post inside the sub:
  • only cowboy hats can post or free for all
  • only SN accounts older than x time can post
  • set specific min fee for a post comment
  • set where to go the sats from post comments
  • set where to go the sats received for the post
  • disable comments on a post (maybe the author do not want comments)
  • set a % of all sats received in that sub to go automatically to SN or FW to somebody else.
Yeah these are cool ideas! Once I release the basics we can begin letting territory founders experiment with all kinds of stuff.
oh sure, let it grow slowly, step by step, adding slowly new features.
disabled comment post could come at a higher cost than a discussion post.
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He only wants to catch me up to 12k+ comments on SN... ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
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that scene was real (except the Vader costume).
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why @DarthCoin no new post lately ๐Ÿง
you mean a meta post? Or a new Bitcoin guide? Not much inspiration. I am inspired when more people are asking interesting questions. Too much shitcoinery is going on and that is a distraction.
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I don't mind to see new people on SN. Is very good that they migrate from other scum places like reddit. But most of them are just grifters and/or shitcoiners that only create noise and do not want to come to the light (Bitcoin). It takes a lot of time until they can see what is going on, but until then, they are a distraction from things that matter.
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It's a mixed bag. There have been a lot of new posters over the past few weeks. Some have been really good, but lots of worthless nonsense too. I am finding it tough to keep up with the volume.
I feel the same, I'm mostly skimming the new posts atm
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Exactly. Sometimes I miss good posts because is hard to swim into the ocean of noise.
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Whole lotta shitcoining round these parts lately. A few need to be taken out back.
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Where's @elvismercury? I got addicted to his posts. I know he's lurking around because he still has his lid.
You sweet talker! That's very kind and it means a lot, thank you.
You're about to have as much of me as you can stomach :)
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Day 214 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
...and 14 push-up(s).
Recession is here, at least in my neck of the woods. Some big names you all know and hate have been laying off their R&D teams recently.
I'm assuming it only reached your neck of the woods now because a global recession has been here for months now. When prices rapidly increase then you need to know somethings brewing and its not coffee.
Ever since the interest rate hikes it's been harder to acquire funding. Initially this resulted in hiring freezes, but more recently I'd say that companies have been taking things a step further and shedding non-essential activities (usually R&D).
These have been large layoffs of several hundred people that also impact local communities. It's rough out there!
I can't speak to what you're seeing, but a related factor in my industry is the advent of AI. Most companies are only beginning to figure out how to use it, but a lot of executives really do see it as an opportunity to shed dead weight and bullshit jobs. This isn't happening in a vacuum, obviously, but it is absolutely a factor.
It wasn't just people playing culture war: Elon laying off 80% of Twitter, or whatever, did not pass unremarked in the lofty executive chambers.
I can see that. There are certainly people I know in high paying positions which can, frankly, be automated. Especially within the companies who don't "make stuff" and are more in the business of managing information (such as law, finance).
For myself, AI is a godsend. Our company is too small to hire dedicated software engineers, and I am a mediocre programmer with no formal training who has just sort of stumbled into the field over the years. AI has probably doubled my capacity thus far and I'm still learning how to incorporate it into my workflow. It frees me up for more work in the lab.
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Welcome __@_'-'
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Or you can just do enough for the entire week.
Started a 21-day challenge in which I aimed to learn something new about Bitcoin or interact with its ecosystem every day. I would also record my progress on Stacker News.
Day 19 - Was thrilled to encounter Zapread and registered an account with it. Though my excitement died down when another patron @Undisciplined mentioned that Zapread seems to be inactive these days, I have hopes that having another Bitcoin-focused Avenue would stimulate my brain juices and motivate me to write more.
It's a shame, because the site had some cool revenue sharing mechanisms, as I recall.
It's quiet... Too quiet
So that a select few can gain pro tips from you on how to stack sats
It's better to have the silence of stackers than the noise of the shitcoiners...
True. This saloon is a bit of a refuge.
at times...
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Way too quiet!
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Why would you quit sniffing glue?
It seems no matter what, I default to Airplane
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I just checked it out. It was a remake of a Canadian TV play? Did you see that too?
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Fair enough.
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I was just about to chime in with that one... Or, Billy, did you ever...
Sounds like you're having an amazing day ;)
Well I taught that weeping willow how to cry cry cry Taught the clouds how to cover up a clear blue sky Tears I cried for that woman are going to flood you, big river.
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Yes, the animals have it better than the humans in our home. They know how to relax
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I have to admit that these two lavish affection on their humans.
I should adopt this cat
Do you believe in superstition? Apparently, black cats bring good luck.
Our black cat died last year at the age of 19. Brought us luck
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So finally I can say I have a Trezor LOL
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they donโ€™t seem to accept LN payments
I smell an opportunity to onboard? Are you planning on going there just to see if it's possible to get them to accept LN payments?
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Like the bar in Budapest, named Bitcoin Bar, but doesn't accept bitcoin hahahaha
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Still missing. I will let you know when the snail arrives.