Just wandering around the warren which is the Bitcoin rabbit hole looking for my place. How did you find your place are you still looking or you just stepped in? It seems the more you dig the bigger the rabbit hole gets; Economics Philosophy Metaphysical History Futurology I could go on. It's certainly mind altering without the need for drugs. Now I've found Stacker News a new place to discover thanks Darthcoin
I started by getting a cold storage wallet and DCAing into it. That made me realize I was "bitcoin-ing". Now I am reading through the lightning book and learn how to run a node on Voltage. Then from there, my big dream, is get to work to integrate lightning payments into an open source forum site I like similar to how @k00b does it here on stacker.news. I really think the innovation of having to pay (even a tiny bit) to participate in online communities and just generally use an online service is genius. You pay for the service you are using. Use the product, don't be the product. Straight forward and honest.
I kind of see it as you already have your place and Bitcoin finds you. That's kind of trick answer but I think it's true.
Anyway, "I found my place in Bitcoin" after moving to Austin. So I suspect there's something to be said for finding your place by spending more time around Bitcoiners.
You expressed this very well. I'm still looking too.
You will find your place when you get to know people ;)
When you have clear opinions on how we can shape the future for a better place. Then you can talk and connect to people who want the same.
There is no objectively right sub-group. We are lightning maximalists, liquid maximalists, onchain maximalists, Bitcoin as a currency, Bitcoin as an investment, solarpunks, undergroundpunks etc. But in the end we're all in this together.
Good luck ;)
Completely agree!
Talking to other people in the space is the best way to find your place.
You already found your place.
May The Bitcoin Be With You!
This too is a question I pondered on for a while...Best advice I can give ya that i was given is keep showing up, and don't be a dick. Opportunity will pop up we just have to have ears to hear and eyes to see..Good luck on your search have fun doing it!
I am familiar with economics before going into bitcoin. I am totally fine with fiat system and the money printer even, and I disagree with most that the inflation is largely caused by money printing (just take a look at Japan decade long QE policy).
But essentially the US is running a modern monetary theory system, and that is extremely concerning. If you are concerned about mRNA vaccine, then this is way worse. This is gambling on the fact that Japan didn't have any issue, and that they printed a large one before.
I understand why they want and need to print, but at the end we don't know how many more times they can print. It could be this or the next QE, or the next next QE and everything blew up.
I think it would take a few generations and complete collapse in fiat system for normal people to take bitcoin as default currency (especially since bitcoin will always be volatile due to hard supply curve), but I can see that happening.
i think i've figured out what my place will be, and now i need to make it for myself. it's a pretty big lift & commitment for me to do it, but i'm quite certain it's the only lifetime-commitment type idea i've had for the last decade, at least.
tbh, i'm a bit scared of failing completely, or failing to do it as well as it needs to be done... but fortunately, the idea is one that opens up space for a lot of other bitcoiners (and non-bitcoiners) so, it can be iterated on by others to be more successful.
it's also super subversive :D which is part of why i like it so much.
Your place is where ever you want to be. Simply hodling, contributing to the security of the network (run a BTC/LN node and/or bitcoin core dev), helping to develop a circular economy in your area, orange pilling family/friends/strangers, or even not being involved with bitcoin at all.
I'm still trying to find my place, in Bitcoin and in the world that is to come. I'm trying to think what's the best way to be useful and what's the most effective way to drive change. I have skills, resources and time, and I feel I should contribute more, but haven't yet figured out how.
It seems the more you dig the bigger the rabbit hole gets;
Your place, and your way there, are both for you to find.
Noöne can navigate it for you, but you never have to go alone.
And if you don't find a place, in this open system, you can make your own.