Some might have already guessed what this post will be about just by reading the title...
But many more might not, especially if they weren't there when it happened.
What am I talking about? About the legendary snail @orthwyrm that one day just showed up and said:
Day 1 of snailposting till BTC is $100k. __@_'-'
No one seemed to care [0] but no one did know that this was just the beginning ... a legend was born that day.
I want to think that @orthwyrm was thinking the following that day:
They don't know that it's not going to take much time that
However, on day 8, the following happened:
should we make bets on the number? I say you make it on day 411.
From the seven people that replied, only @orthwyrm, @grayruby and myself still seem to be around.
@orthwyrm said in 260 days (EOY)
@grayruby said in 655 days.
And I said 420 days. I even doubled down on my 420 bet:
Day 420 100k ez That will be June 8, 2024 Remember my words xD
@grayruby mentioned this bet some time later again:
I know awhile ago a bunch of us made predictions as to what day the snail goes away but why don't we do something more formal. A futures bet. Take a week to cultivate participants who want to put 1k sats into the prize pool and closest without going over wins the sats. Thoughts?
The day where we do something more formal has finally arrived.

This post is going to be the formal way to participate in the bitcoin $100k bet.

Anyone except the ones who already mentioned a number can still reply with a number. So this means that @orthwyrm, @grayruby, @SwearyDoctor, @ridsa, @LaserStack, @squatopia already locked in.
Anyone who deletes any comment of theirs in here is immediately out. No sat returns.

I'll try to get something going where we can collect sats into a pool; similar to how @artistformerlyknownasNFLsurvivor worked, I guess. Hopefully before bitcoin reaches $100k, lol.
Any ideas on the bet size we should go for? @grayruby mentioned 1k sats but I think more sats would be cooler ... what about 5k? Or even 10k? Or even 25k? :) I think 25k would be the maximum I would be willing to bet.
When bitcoin reaches $100k, Moscow time will be 1000. This means 25k sats will be worth $25 while currently, they are worth $10.

[0] except apparently me since I realized that 105 from the 106 sats are mine, lol. And @orthwyrm can confirm that I did not zap them today :) Not sure what I was thinking giving this weird snail ASCII art 105 sats of me at that day ... or did I sense a great disruption in the force that day? who knows, lol, i certainly don't anymore :)
From the seven people that replied, only @orthwyrm, @grayruby and myself still seem to be around.
I'm still around! I was just AFK for a long time due to some troubles in my personal life.
Did I miss the deadline?
50 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek OP 23 Jan
There is no deadline, your number only has to be 90 days higher than whatever day today is. According to @orthwyrm here, it's day 283 so day 410 is fine :)
Read here how to pay up.
357 sats \ 1 reply \ @Car 25 Dec 2023
This is a great post! I actually have a 50K sat bet with a friend that we reach 100K by end of April. 😅
I'm not late to the party am I? Since fiat is evil, I'll bet using the number of the beast. 666, locked in.
no you are not, i just have a lot of other priorities right now. and i think bitcoin is not reaching $100k any time soon
except if @orthwyrm indeed does win. then we all owe him, especially me
my current idea is that i will just use @oracle just like @grayruby did with @artistformerlyknownasNFLsurvivor
and then everyone can send their 1k sat bet (i really liked this idea from @Undisciplined to keep the buy-in small) to with a message attached and then we're basically good to go!
everything on top is just nice to have
but i have some "nice to have" things planned :)
edit: actually, this shouldn't take long to do this. i literally just have to announce that this is what we're going to do.
i will announce it later today CET
I wouldn't have changed the name of the account if I thought people were going to reference it. Haha. Oh well, it's awesome, some of my best work.
It will be poetic if we reach that number on 2024/11/05 remember, remember... so... 570.
365 ________________________ @'-' ....................🏁
I will go with 700 days
I was on the road over the last few days and have only just now had time to read through this thread thoroughly. That history you compiled is hilarious.
I hope I didn't upset Tony. I respect his work and content immensely.
That history you compiled is hilarious.
haha thanks, was also very nostalgic to go through all of these old comments :)
i think there were more such stories that i could have shared but at some point i just had to stop, lol :)
I hope I didn't upset Tony. I respect his work and content immensely.
did you not ping him in case you did? lol
I think Tony is just a very authentic person sometimes :)
I actually like to see it very much when people are toxic with each other in one thread, just to be cool in another later, lol, not sure if that's just me :)
Day 359
Less gooo
418 for me
584, which I believe is my birthday 11/19. That was close to the 2021 top as well.
Very interesting choice!
I'll create a chart of all picks soon.
Even though I already have a number locked in, don't I have to post my wager to get in the bet?
You do, I just haven't settled on a solution yet :) we might be talking about some serious money, depending on the bet size we're going for and how many people will show up over time...
But I'll think I'll just create my own puppet account @oracle and do it like you did :)
Except this time, we have unintended DMs LN address comments :)
I'll ping everyone who mentioned a number so far in the comments when it's time to pay up. And I'll take a quick look how much work the feature of pinned comments would be. And more ideas I have in the back of my mind for this here :)
I would love for everyone to just stake as much sats as they want on their answer. But this means in case they win, they might not win the full pot etc.
But not sure how exactly to implement this...
@Undisciplined, ideas? :)
Sounds good to me.
Why not do a hybrid of survivor pool and nba in-season tournament pool style payout. Everyone has a buy in but the buy in post and update posts as people are eliminated will earn zaps and rewards so just add those into the pot. That is what @Undisciplined is doing with the Nba pool but there is no buy in for that one.
That's exactly what I would suggest. Make the buy in relatively small (5k or so), but then keep adding post and comment zaps received by @oracle to the pot.
For reference, the NBA survivor pool has received over 20k in zaps and we've only been doing it for about a month.
Mhh, I see, very interesting!
I could announce everytime someone's number has passed... But they might still win if we're going for the closest number. Maybe announce new participants?
Announce price movements?
True. You could announce when people are totally eliminated, not just when their date passes but it will take some management on your part to keep track of. For instance if I have day 450 and we reach that day and the next closest entry is day 480, once we reach day 466 I am eliminated.
Damn, also a good idea
Maybe any zap in this territory should go to @oracle 👀 (/cc @k00b)
Just announce everything that you consider an interesting snail update and we'll all zap it like trained monkeys and the pot will get bigger.
Ohh haha, of course!
That's it, I forgot to embrace our degeneracy so @DarthCoin might actually be right to some degree with this territory, lol... :)
I will say 440
For those who missed it:
Ohh, any sat this post receives will be forwarded to the winner :)
__@'-'. By beginning of 7 August 2024 __@'-'
Wondering if I should enforce a number since everyone else also gave numbers and I said I want a number? 🤔
Of course you don't know which day will reach 100k so you can predict that would be the funniest thing too
I don't understand
Thanks for posting this. I will double down on 260...!
if you're right, may the lord have mercy with us since i don't know what happened that you still turned out to be right
Mhhh, wondering if a big sum comes together, maybe we should do something more clever?
Not sure if everybody trusts me with holding a considerable sum ... you certainly shouldn't :)
Wanna see something funny?
(I trust you)
oof, this is getting serious way faster than i expected lol
thanks! you just became an official sponsor and the winner has to say thank you to you lol
This should be fun!
or maybe you can pick 4 numbers now? :)
I'm actually hoping I don't win.
330 = Friday 1st November 2024. Later than most think.
Wait, if I picked 420 and I said that's 8 June, 2024...
One of us is wrong, lol
edit: apparently, I was wrong, too:
For the bet, should it be the exact day, month and year or the closest to the day that reaches 100k? I'm interested in bets hehe
The one with the closest number wins. We're starting counting from the first day of @orthwyrm's streak.
Does this answer your question?
If there are multiple with same closeness, we'll split.
Or the one who posted earlier wins all? That's has potential to be brutal though, lol
Yes brother thank you very much
No worries :)
I'm interested in bets hehe
Then you're right here :)
Right now I'm doing my calculations and I'll let you know my prediction.
25 k would be nice
but I am wondering if I should allow new numbers for everyone ... but I'll stick to 420.
What's your number?
Let me think one day or two. Where do we send the sats??
Ohh, any sat this post receives will be forwarded to the winner :)
So far, it's 5 additional sats!
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You can say a number without wanting to participate in the pool :)
I didn't say 420 because I did research. I said 420 because it would be fun to win this way :)
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going to hurt if you would have won :)
or maybe not ... but it will be fun - at least for some people :)
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I look forward to your responses every day.
Thanks for keeping me motivated. If it weren't you guys, I wouldn't have done +500 push-ups in a toilet.
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