This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
I'm really enjoying working with Obsidian.
It's quite easy to adjust it exactly to your needs with couple plugins and you can also completely update the interface, hide all distractions, etc (Yay for Chrome based apps that have DevTools integrated and allow easy css overwriting)
I don't use any of the MOC, or graph visualization stuff... but for my various notes and TODO lists it's perfect...
What was that graph note app that was popular awhile ago? That initially focused on ml researchers
There's also Athens, Roam and logseq... one of those?
Roam is the one. Cool to see they're still kicking.
Also RemNote...
Same as with any note taking / todolist app... they are never perfect and there's always someone to come and say "I'll create the perfect one"
Writing an article on fiat morality. Question for people, what are some things the government makes you do that are considered "patriotic" or "civic responsibility"?
Recycling, supporting Ukraine are two examples.
Paying taxes
tipster hotlines
most of the patriotism in my country revolves around climate change.
I like to crawl through /recent but it seems some users are trying to make SN their personal twitter RSS feed mirror... and it's adding a lot of noise.
Yeah I see a lot reposted stuff
The introduction of sub-pages (Like subreddits) will hopefully help with that.
ive given up on /recent pretty much. there is no way to mark which ones youve read except upvoting them and i dont want to upvote everything for the reason you mentionend :) Maybe i am just greedy
Hello / good morning / afternoon / evening.
Wasn't sure where to ask this but is the database folder for Bitcoin Core portable between Windows and Unix? Meaning if I save the db or a backup on an external drive, can I use the files in their existing format between linux and windows executables of bitcoind ?
I would guess that it is (given people would seed the timechain as a torrent) but I don’t know for sure.
@DarthCoin what are your opinions on RaspiBlitz? Have you tried it out? I know that you're very critical of Umbrel so I want to know if RaspiBlitz is better.
My 2 sats raspiblitz was great but I kept having issues with it and wasn’t technical enough to solve them. I switched to umbrel and it’s been much easier. Things may have changed in the last 2 years since I ran blitz but I think it’s a cool project and they are always willing to help
Hey, there. Question: I've been wondering how to jump into node management. Whether I should buy an off-the-shelf solution like Raspiblitz, Nodl Dojo, or build my own SFF computer with beefier hardware, and install essential software? I'm quite the noob and not a technical person at all, really. I depend on tutorials from BTC Sessions and guides from Bitcoin Magazine to educate myself on how to run these for various purposes.
Buying an off the shelf solution is basically overpaying for an SSD and a raspberry pi.
Personally, I would buy the basic hardware separately (SBC and SSD) and use a case like this one for form factor. Then just flash an SD card and you're golden. The designer might have the necessary parts on hand (screws, sata to usb connectors, etc.) so let me know if you're interested.
RaspiBlitz is not an off the shelf solution tho. The off the shelf product is an optional product that finances the project like a donation.
Question, guys: I bought some tees/stickers (my first ever purchase using Bitcoin) from using the lightning network, and while the transaction was successful, it was only after 10 or so attempts, and took 30min. What do you think happened? I used Breez wallet. Don't have my own nodes yet.
Lightning store might have issues with liquidity. I suspect Breez’s node is well connected with lots of liquidity
Thanks for the response. 👍
Does anyone know of a bailout tracker? How many times have the EU bailed something out? It seems like its every year now
Just trying to focus on the blessings day-to-day. I've started longboarding.
Being a bitcoin advocate going forward is going to be difficult in the short term :) But i dont think that will stop them