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Every so often, conversations about how to improve SN will inspire solutions related to our beloved cowboy hats. (Perhaps one of our resident archeologists will dig some of those threads up and put them in the comments.)
I thought it would be fun to talk through some of these ideas and have a somewhat one-stop-shop repository for them.
Some of these ideas could be implemented together and some are mutually incompatible. We'll start with my favorite set of ideas:

Colorful Hats

I've seen a few different ideas for coloring hats (some might even have been mine). Obviously, only one of these could ultimately be implemented. They all are aimed at increasing the signal of the cowboy hat, by adding an intensive measure of how much of a cowboy the wearer is.

Cowboy Hat Streak

I believe this was the first cowboy hat idea I encountered. As you extend your cowboy hat streak, your cowboy hat becomes a more impressive color. I can imagine a few versions of how this could work:
  1. Everyday your hat just changes color slightly. That's the easiest, laziest, and least fun option.
  2. Every so often you are notified that you found a new, more impressive hat that a less experienced cowboy would have missed. This would be more like a levelling system with days acting as xp and the differences between the hats would be more noticeable. The simplest scheme I can think of is just an exponential series: i.e. new hat, 2 days, 4 days, 8 days, etc.
  3. The hat represents your rank on the list of cowboys. Implementation would look much like the idea above. (I think moving up on the cowboy list should come with a notification, whether or not this idea is adopted, btw.)

Other Engagement Measures

Conceptually, this is very similar to the ideas above. The difference would be that color is based on some measure of stacking or spending. Some options for the color metric:
  1. All time stacking rank
  2. All time spending rank
  3. Previous day stacking rank
  4. Previous day spending rank
  5. Our super top secret trust scores (this one is my favorite)


This is a neat category of ideas that could spiral out of control pretty quickly. I can recall three off the top of my head and I'll leave it there:
  1. A giant cigar for the cowboy with the longest streak. This was @siggy47's idea and he is that cowboy, so it gets top billing.
  2. A badge for the previous day's top zapper to recognize him (or her, I suppose) as the sheriff around these parts. This idea came with the complementary suggestion of displaying the sheriff streak when hovering over the icon. I imagine the star shaped badge being right in the middle of the hat, but there's a reason nobody pays me to do design work.
  3. A poncho: I don't remember what this was meant to signify. It may have just been an alternative to the badge.

Tilted Hat

Back in the days when people were zapping like one sat to each other, and resultantly losing their hats all the time (if that's still you, c'mon man), some kind of warning system was desired. This inspired the idea that the cowboy hat could be tilted, as though about to fall off, until the cowboy had secured it for the day.

Cowboy Hat Acquisition

It seems that bots have learned how to acquire cowboy hats and blend in with the population. Some ideas have been floated to change how hats are found that might make it more difficult for bots to find them or at least more beneficial to the SN community when they do.
  1. Just raise the threshold for earning a hat (whatever that might be).
  2. Randomize the criteria everyday, similar to what is done with rewards, to encourage a broader range of desired behavior.
  3. Limit the number of cowboy hats somehow. It's not clear to me what the best way to do this would be, because first-come-first-serve seems like a bad idea. However, the idea would be that current cowboys can always retain their hats, but the supply of available hats for the day is otherwise limited.
This post is starting to run long, so I'll leave it here and look forward to discussing ideas in the comments.
I just noticed the irony of seeing an engaged debate of rare hats, while many of the debaters are upset about rare sats ;)
The sats are not rare as they're not numbered.
Which side do you come down on?
Mostly indifferent, I turned off the notification for "hat lost or found".
Me too, for rare sats at least. I like the rare hats.
Yeah, the hats are nice innocent fun
1742 sats \ 1 reply \ @kr 10 Jan 2024
i like the tilted hat idea to show when someone is at risk of losing their hat.
this was a mockup i did for a new mobile nav bar on SN a while ago, where the cowboy hat is actually overlaid on top of your profile pic (which would be a replacement for your profile name) and tilted if you’re at risk.
this way you’ll always know the status of your cowboy hat no matter what page you’re on.
Nice! I could see a cigar and a poncho fitting in on that picture as well.
Yeeeehaaaw! Excellent ideas, hats by color would be great, I love the hat with a cigar for the longest lived cowboy. As for territory owners it might be cool a sheriff star on the hat. And why not? A poop shaped hat for the most active shitcoiners💩💩💩https://media.tenor.com/R3BmqIfqzwsAAAAM/tall-hat.gif
@OneOneSeven seven also pointed out that badges make the most sense for territory owners. I totally agree.
How do we judge the most active shitcoiner? Maybe whoever has the worst fees to zaps ratio.
I have the feeling that both most downzapped and muted users hide quite a few shitcoiners 😎
I always forget that we even have muting and downzapping. Yes, those are better metrics for the poop hats.
Fun read. I’m starting to care more about my cowboy hat streak than the sats I gain here. Soon, I will make it to 20th!
Thanks, that should be enough to get you to 20.
Very nice of you to oversee my journey haha
I got my 100 days Silver hat
hope to get my Gold hat one day :D
Those are some pretty nifty hats. I'm still hoping for my gold hat too. I'll give you a heads up that you're about to get one.
A while ago I thought different kinds of hats (tin foil for example) could be cool, depending on the territory you earned it or maybe rules set by the founder for how to earn and keep one, or maybe you earn a new hat type and can swap whenever you want, while maintaining the streak.
But, I've come around, I think keeping it a cowboy hat is better, I really dig the wild west theme since it kinda sums up SN. This really is the frontier, we should keep that energy going.
But maybe as a founder, I could pay extra and have a little alien dude with a cowboy hat unlockable if you spend time in ~UFOs.
I hadn't even thought about it, but of course founders should be easily identifiable. Maybe that should be the poncho.
Yeah that's a good point. The poncho or a sheriff badge maybe
Indeed, badges make the most sense for territory owners. Ponchos can be for big spenders.
Hilarious clip. What the hell is that?
I like the idea of an escalating hat rank.
There could also be unique hats that are rare and you only get to keep one day at a time regardless of your streak. Like a big zap hat (you get it if you zap over 100 sats to a post or comment at least 10 times in a day). Maybe you can only collect the rare hats once per month or something to that effect.
  • 👒 common — 51%
  • 🤠 rare — 24%
  • ⛑️ epic — 16%
  • 🧢 legendary — 8%
  • 🎩 mythic — 1%
no colors, just shapes
Your examples are very colorful, ironically.
it was just to exemplify different styles :)
So you see the value of different colors, but don't want to make use of them? Curious.
I didn't mean styles, I meant shapes ;)
I love the rare hats idea. I'd add that only one person at a time should be able to wear a rare hat. There are a bunch of options there: top post, top comment, biggest zap...
Yeah then it is truly rare.
Maybe a rare hat should come with a bag of loot dropped by a would be bank robber. 1000 sats get deposited into your account from rewards when you find one.
That takes me back to studying auction theory (that's a good thing). These rare hats are a form of all-pay auction. That type of auction has really complicated equilibria and in practice generates odd behavior.
Relevant to SN, in practice all-pay auctions often generate revenue that is far in excess of the value of the prize.
for rarity it's a good idea. no colors
The ability to steal rare hats away from other top users is interesting based on some engagement metrics. Sounds more nefarious than intended - but from a user perspective, very cool to say oh "I'm the owner of the hat xyz user owned."
A little bit of friendly rivalry is part of a healthy community.
How about increasing Daily ZAP from 100 SATs to 1000 SATs (I think it could be better) Cuz it's Hard to find one 🎩 and maintain streak! 🤠 @sn Cowboy hat should be worth more than 100 SATs
I agree that would be better. What do you think about the idea of randomizing it? Maybe, it's anywhere between 100 and 1000 sats (or whatever range).
Cool idea!
Intresting! but ZAPs for cowboy Hat to protect it, should be fair and equal to everyone.
There has to be a Sam Elliot cowboy something, or something in there.
That certainly deserves an implementation brainstorm. Hopefully, someone comes along with a Golden Ticket level idea.
Interesting. I like the sheriffs badge idea.. and the limited number of hats available is good. I don’t have anything to add - it’s not like I have a hat to show off anyway!
it’s not like I have a hat to show off anyway!
What devilry is this?
Covert cowboy mode was activated by @nemo and myself as an experiment… sometimes it’s there and sometimes it’s not lol.
What lessons have been learned from this experiment?
This is entirely unscientific but….
People aren’t interested if you have a hat or not when it comes to rewarding your commenting They may be bothered in a cluttered feed when it comes posts and just ignore you.
Reputation carries you further than a chapeau…. but a hat doesn’t hurt if you are new. Best evidenced in the Saloon.
In conclusion; everyone should get a hat, hang on to it, when people know who you it can be hidden but it doesn’t make much of a difference by that point.
Does that make sense?
That actually summarizes my filtering process pretty well. It also affects whether or not I zap a pretty marginal comment.
Amazing 👏🏼 Idea about colourfull 🤠 Hats
I will absolutely kill my ISP if i lose my level up hat because of their ineptitude at providing a consistent service.
No colorful cowboy hats, please! 🙏🏾
They don't have to be flamboyant colors.
deleted by author
Are you suggesting the hats could grow? That gives us another dimension to encode some signal in.