Let me explain what I see as a use case. For what we think of now as a regular post, I think things are fine as they are. What I am looking for would be a static page, either like @grayruby 's idea of an expanded territory description, or a different type of post, that would be freely updatable and editable with the purpose of keeping items current, like an online bulletin board, index, etc. I think that's what @DarthCoin is looking for too, but I could be wrong. The purpose would be to update information without having to delete the old post and make a new one.
271 sats \ 3 replies \ @ek 13 Feb
So you're talking more about a new post type? Which can be edited indefinitely with no changelog?
Else I don't get how a changelog for everything (no need to determine beforehand if you want to edit this item in the future or not) would interfere with your use case.
Let's say I have a post with linked posts contained within it, like an index. Then let's say the stacker deletes that post and I want to replace it with a different link. It would be cluttered and pointless to have change logs visible if these updates are made frequently.
261 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 13 Feb
It would be cluttered and pointless to have change logs visible if these updates are made frequently.
Yeah, I agree. But that's what I am trying to figure out: how to make it not cluttered and not pointless in general. I imagine "infinite edits" could generally be useful. We usually don't build something for, let's say, a very specific use case.
But maybe we can just implement this with no changelog (would also make it easier) and then iterate from there.
That's a good idea, and I don't want to complicate your life, but you are right about the importance of change logs if we're going to have limitless edits. I also worry it could fuck up discussions if the op is editing on the fly while people are responding to the original text. The current limit is a nice compromise. I'm really talking about a different type of post, not one that is necessarily meant to invite discussion. It is probably too much to ask.