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Why Richard Greaser Is The World's Second Most Important Journalist | Late Friday Night Musings Stacker News Special
So a lot of people ask me why I'm the world's second most important journalist instead of the first. The reason is because Jullian Assange is easily the most important journalist alive today without a doubt. His work at Wiki Leaks may go down in history as the most important journalistic moment in human history, despite how many times Gary Kasperov will say Assange was a Russian asset.
The timing of Wiki Leaks publishing while Bitcoin was so young, and being one of the first media companies to use Bitcoin as a result of financial censorship is truly incredible. There is a reason that he is being publicly tortured in front of the world right now. To claim I am more important than Jullian would be blasphemous.
But now I must humbly explain why I am the second most important journalist. Richard Greaser is the second most important because of the amount of cigarettes I consume on a daily basis, and because I write exclusively using a type writer. Both of these things allow me to keep my integrity as a newsman as I am not infected by the fiat CIA controlled social media platforms. All technology is insecure, but typewriters writing analogue letters (I know you kids don't know what I'm talking about) exchanged through non CIA controlled bird drones, allows us real journalists to communicate truly privately with each other.
This level of privacy allows for superior investigative journalism to happen without interference from the globalists and shitcoiners. I'm surprised that it's not a more common practice as it seems like everyone is set on trying to communicate via internet connected devices.
Given my higher level of knowledge and superior communication channels, I am the only journalist in my elevated milieu that is covering Bitcoin related topics. Bitcoin by default is the most interesting thing happening in the world, and I am the only one of the superior journalistic class that is covering it. Many will wonder what it takes to become one of my status.
It's not that difficult. To become a journalist like me, all you have to do is reclaim your mind from the CIA brainwashing, smoke a bunch of Marlboro Reds, post profound thoughts on Stacker News way too late at night, and buy a damn typewriter.
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The Bugle is for Stacker news like Lightning Network for Bitcoin. It help each others, it complement each others, it evolve together.
It's not that difficult. To become a journalist like me, all you have to do is reclaim your mind from the CIA brainwashing, smoke a bunch of Marlboro Reds, post profound thoughts on Stacker News way too late at night, and buy a damn typewriter.
Bingo! You're so generous that you told your secret of success. For me Julian had been at the top for over a decade and now as he is not actively smoking that many cigarettes as you do, I have to gift you the first place and lovingly accept the second for me. There are a few common connects that are abundant in you an I. One of course is our love for cigarettes (Marlboro Red definitely) and Beers (I exceed you in this). The second one is our love for Bitcoin. The third one is that we are twins seperated in a downtown fair in our childhood.

The Big Reveal

You inspired me to write such articles.

Swifties Will Cry Like Babies If There's No Taylor In Nashville Bitcoin Conference2024 Do you still think that you are at second because I am not going to surrender my 2nd spot to you. You can take the first. πŸ’•πŸ–ŠοΈπŸ»πŸš¬πŸš¬πŸ»
Oh! Seriously! Are you foin an AMA? Let me ask you the first question.

What inspires you to smoke cigarettes?

Nice job.
What drives me to smoke is self care. Only by smoking am I my best self. Tobacco uniquely opens the human mind to creativity and profound thinking. That's why they want to ban it so badly.
So you're accepting the crown and bestow me with a less decorated chair, the second one that is without handles.
I quit smoking recently but I still consume nicotine via vaping products.
Nobody likes a quitter
Don't be a quitter. You know what they say. You either live by the cigarettes or die by the cigarettes.
The above proverb is derived from the Gospel of Bugle (Greaser 26, 26:52)
I have to ask, how did your typewriter works make it into the digital realm? If I can see your text on a screen, does this mean your integrity may have been compromised?
I write everything on my type writer, than my wife transcribes it via a digital device, meaning I personally never interact with the internet.
You’ve inspired me to start SNUFON, like MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) but here on SN, and begin reporting on government incompetence and UFOs myself.
Dream is to become the fourth most important journalist, and if anyone’s selling a typewriter post it on AGORA so I can pick one up.
Don't assign incompetence to where there is malice
You ask and you now got it! #473170
Seller is cryptocurrency ok so I assume you can orange pill freely
Hahaha was just replying!
Nice, leave us a review if you are happy with the service ;)
More people need to smoke πŸ’¨ for sure.
Have you noticed that freedom of speech started to decline with anti smoking agenda?
Freedom of speech is a weird way to frame the conversation. There has always been restrictions on speech and an attempt to control the narrative. What happened is that individuals had their spirits crushed following the smoking ban
Freedom of speech is the wrong lens, my mistake. I should have said freedom in general.
People who opposed covid vaccines were treated like smokers.
What Julian did would make him someone's favourite and someone's foe. But what you're doing will harm only your lungs. I hope your lungs are made of steel. What would you chose if you can only chose one of Bitcoin or cigarettes? Your preference?
His right to harm his lungs 🫁
Unless you can bequeath your lungs to someone what is the point of dying with pink lungs?
I have the right to free my spirit