what is your alternative?
alternative money – shhh. alternative music – Nirvana, duh alternative methods – new more efficient ways of getting things done alternative lifestyle – different way of living, culture, you know, illusions and stuff alternative news – @thebitcoinbugle, duh alternative history – everyone has there version of the story, here we may share them all alternative viewpoint – everyone has a 100% valid perspective alternative media – not the disney stuff alternative fuel – energy is everything alternative food – food is a journey, tell me about your journey alternative belief – I want to hear them all alternative ending – everyone loves a twist alternative politictz - duh alternative tool – Tool is a great band..., oh and new tools to fix and build things, man, I love tools alternative medicine – mushrooms, kambo, yoga, meditation, you know, the good stuff alternative stories – every story has as many versions as there was observers and re-tellers alternative building – we may make things on our own again using less alternative views – everyone has different eyeballs alternative religion – not sure which one is alternative, tell me about it down below alternative reality – I say we all got one, and they are all REAL
131 sats \ 0 replies \ @NRS 7h
Bitcoin , history , art , news , any beautiful thing
Thank you for providing that; it was the thing missing from SN.
How did you edit the posting fee?
I have had issues finding this page in the past as well. When you are in your territories main page. Click the small down arrow to the right of your territory name. The lower one. Not the one at the top of the page. And then there should be an edit button. Scroll down and it's at the bottom of that page.
I found the elusive edit button
Alternative News sources: I stopped listening to mainstream media after Trump won in 2016. I had to do something similar during COVID. I don’t understand people who rely on MSNBC for news.
alternative exercise: climbing trees and rocks
This might be the very best exercise. I would love to see a full length right up about why this is a great way to stay fit.
Alternative music, I seem not to listen to main stream music anymore. The new stuff is just too loud, too busy.
alternative food - Switching to a vegan diet was a game-changer for me! I realised that animal-based products were wreaking havoc on my body, so I made the switch to plant-based foods. And guess what? It worked wonders! All my aches, pains, and inflammation? G-O-N-E.
Hey, I havent seen you in a while! How have you been?
I still peak in here once in a while. I have been really well. We have been really busy with a big move. I am building in our new off the grid property getting it all ready for whatever comes.
I feel this an important topic. In this space most people believe in the carnivore diet. So this would be a perfect alternative topic to discuss here. For myself, food has been a journey. I think our beliefs about our food are very important. I eat just about anything but I do aim to more plant based. I have tried it all in the past. I leaned a lot through fasting. I'm my experience, dependingg where people are on their journey, different food serves them for a period. I do think plant based is where people end up eventually.
I would love to hear more about this in longer form as a new post.
how did I miss this comment?!? I will put it in my diary to write about it in the next few days :)
123 sats \ 0 replies \ @anna 25 Mar
Alternative medicine - avoid taking antibiotics, cold medicines, sleeping pills etc. and look if there are common herbs that help with the issue. There’s often an option with milder side effects that is just as effective
alternative religion – see "alternative fuel" :)
Alternative media is for sure 'traditional Hindu Barat (wedding) Party' Search for it and you will get the answer why it's alt media.
57 sats \ 1 reply \ @kytt 16 Mar
The earth is flat. Will not explain or debate.
I like this take. Seems more likely to me than the spinning ball. It would be cool if people could have discussions about this without getting heated and emotional. I think people get too attached to their beliefs. But I'm with you on this one.
The Bugle is the pinnacle of news. Though I've been enjoying Derrick Broze's work at the Conscious Resistance.
I fear the bugle maybe spreading mis-information though or alternative truths if you will. How would you respond to the allegation?
Sounds like a failure to trust the experts on your part. The Bugle is ran by the experts. We are real journalists
alternative religion – scientology
Almost autocorrect to diabetes
Statism is the best religion by far. Way better than scientology
I'm new to statism. What's that all about. Does it have to do with the states?
I saw that guy at the Phoenix costco. I am sure of it. Is he the Arizona statist god?
I think Arizona might have their own similar one, but you would probably fiend the god of Texas at the Alamo.
Ok Corral
I live close to tombstone actually. Are you familiar?
I have not visited the site of the shootout
General curiosity about that period
I got interested after watching Deadwood
I don't know much of anything about scientology. Do you practice scientology?
No, but that's a good alternative. Or Buddhism, but it's not really a religion.
Buddhism isn't or scientology?
I don't get it
Which one is not a religion?
Ah, ok. Buddhism isn't
That's interesting. What makes a religion a religion? I thought it was.