Let us know what you forgot….
nah, no worry, nobody will understand what those 12 words means... In 2015 I even put this sign and hide a QR and the seed of a wallet. NOBODY bothered not even to move the rock to see it, not even after all these years. I check it quite often when I walk by that rock, on the trail.
Honestly, Darth is a walking experiment in the things we want to try and experiment with but are just too scared. Impressively fearless
I did many experiments with Bitcoin in all these many years in Bitcoinlandia. I like to play with people's mind when you show them the power of Bitcoin. Especially with kids. That image in the forest, was part of another experiment game I did with some kids. Like a geolocation game, they had to find the treasure, loaded with sats. 80% of locations were found, but this one remain there, undiscovered. So I let it be, for years, I wonder when somebody really understand it.
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Humans are very strange.
yes indeed, that's why I always laugh of them.
62 sats \ 3 replies \ @ek 17 Mar
I once wrote my lightning address on a tree with
send nudes sats
below. Still waiting for someone to zap me one bitcoin.
You forgot to put a nude picture, that's why they didn't send sats :)
I did put a nude picture... And that's why they didn't send sats. 🤢
10 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 18 Mar
Did you put a nude picture from yourself? Did they send you an invoice?
All you need…