Last night I dreamt that @DarthCoin moved into our neighborhood and started building his citadel. The neighbors were upset and began threatening to bring a zoning proceeding against him. It was stressful because I used to be president of the HOA, and Darth kept saying "fuck the guvs. "
Exactly that I would say: fuck the govs and "permissions". If is my land, I will do whatever I want, I do not need anybody's permission.
I would be really happy if @DarthCoin moved into my neighborhood. 😂
131 sats \ 1 reply \ @siggy47 9 Apr
I was happy too, of course. But, everyone was calling me up. "You know this guy. Tell him he needs to get permits." You KNOW what Darth's reaction was to that.
sounds indeed that will happen 🤣
What a nightmare… you ok? 😂
It was as bad as those recurring school dreams I used to get, where you never went to a class all year because you didn't think you were taking it, and now you have to take the final.
Holy shit...I used to have a recurring nightmare that I missed the final on some class in H.S. and as a result, my diploma was revoked and this in turn caused my B.A. to be revoked and so on until my life was in ruins. To remediate, I found myself back in H.S. doing a semester over again. This was a spine shivering nightmare that would make Edgar Allen Poe blush.
I had my chain reaction version too. I missed the HS class, which invalidated my College Degree, which meant I couldn't properly go to law school, which meant my bar exam results were invalidated, which meant I had no source of income. So, back to high school. We can't be the only ones.
Yes, I have heard this chain reaction happening to a handful of others. Truly bizarre.