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Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
Is it just me or is today a little dead? Maybe I am not looking at the right posts, but wow, time is passing so slow!
Out sick
A lot of devops is paying a high, one-time upfront cost for tons of maintenance savings later.
"Make this thing fit in a container and then you can use a uniform interface for managing everything you've fit into containers."
‘ There are several asymmetries in Bitcoin. The first and most obvious is the asymmetric payoff. Becoming a new base layer money for the world will either work or won’t. And the current price of Bitcoin at any moment in time is the market’s belief on whether it will succeed at that mission. Asymmetric bets are the hallmark of radical innovations and have high volatility in the short and medium term. The asymmetric payoff has attracted much of the early investor interest in Bitcoin, many for the conviction that it will be the store of value of the future. ‘
Is it just me or is it always a surprise when an AMA happens?
Fortunately, I happened to catch todays but I usually end up noticing at the tail end.
Could we possibly get an @sn post early morning the day of saying there will be an AMA with so and so at this time today?
we usually post in advance on Twitter, but good idea to post in advance on SN too
This feels backwards. Shouldn’t the default be to post on SN? We are the loyal users, we deserve to know! :)
When you're late to an SN AMA:
Thanks would be great.
Thought this was interesting. The influence of the church on hop usage in beer. Big Church here to control your supply.
Stepped out with the wife to walk around the garden and look at what's starting to bloom. Cam back to see that an AMA with the Pubkey folks had started.
Which I guess is a good reminder that "you should always take the time to stop and smell the flowers" isn't necessarily true.
Made it to the top of Mission Peak this morning. Pleasantly surprised my ankle held up, hopefully will survive the trek down.
Absolutely perfect weather in the bay today.
Just want to say thank you all for helping me learn so much Bitcoin.
Hacker News is now mostly obituary. How many years do we have on stacker news until that happens?
It seems every time I open Hacker News it lists that someone died (like some famous computer science/tech person). I wonder when will that start happening in the Bitcoin space. 30 years from now?
Maybe less, 20 years
Ah about to enjoy the Sun and go run!
Never give up on your goals
"Bitcoin is bad for dictators" - Alex Gladstein https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TI3Xcei8d_I
concentrated my ideas to find ways to Stack more Sats
concentrated my ideas to find ways to Stack more Sats
Anyone else watching the Bitcoin Summit right now? The news from lawmakers and outlook by Members of Congress have been interesting to say the least… Looks like the Senate might move to go around Senate Chairman Brown to get something actually done
Fuck this policy shit ! Nobody elected these people to speak in the name of Bitcoin or bitcoiners. Bitcoin doesn't need any "policy", bitcoin need more people with big balls that do not comply with gov bullshit. POLICY MEANS COMPLIANCE. Don't fall for this fucking trap, they are wolf in sheep clothes. you have been warned
But.... some of them literally ran on crypto platforms so yeah they kinda were. Sen. Lummis is a prime example her platform was Bitcoin and how she owed it lmao she became the industry posterchild because of it
Which part you do not understand? ALL POLITICIANS and so called "lawmakers" are not Bitcoin friends ! There's no such thing as a friendly politician. Are all Bitcoin enemies and they only want one thing: CONTROL.
COMPLIANCE IS WHAT WILL KILL BITCOIN. The root of all evil stand in the gov and politicians.
One day I hope to live in the world you live in. Alas, it does not exist for me though.
And just because (for you) it doesn't exist, you are just giving up... right. Exactly the sheeple thinking.
Next time vote harder, maybe they will give you more privileges (because rights you do not have anymore).
It's not very long compared to many of the people here, but I just realized I've had my cowboy hat for ten days now! I remembered getting the notification that I got it but I completely forgot about it.
Imagine someone at a Bitcoin meetup was to exchange fiat for Bitcoin and vice versa ↔️
What margin above/below spot would you expect? It can't be zero because onchain fees and the kyc-freeness is more valuable. But it would of course be cheaper than on those online p2p exchanges.
73 days of 100 push ups a day until $100k down. Undetermined to go. 69 days of 100 squats a day until $100k down. Undetermined to go.
LOL what have you done @k00b ? You FC on NEEDcreations 😂😂😂
an #htlc was worth 14_352 sats, but it cost 12_216 sats to redeem in a channel between '⚡️ STACKER.NEWS ⚡️' and 'NEEDcreations'
Must have been automated. 🤖
Good morning stackers.
Day 72 of 100 push ups till $100k completed.
Beat me to it again. Early bird gets the worm as they say. I woke up bright and early at 9:30am est today. I didn't go to sleep until 3am though. I should do a test and see how late night posts on SN do.
I should do a test and see how late night posts on SN do.
Maybe can get a sense from the analytics page?
Looks like the absolute worst time to post but maybe that is a good thing. Less competition. Haha,
I've posted a few of my hiking posts during those times, around 12-1am Sunday morning PST. I don't think they did that well, because they seem to get flooded out by the large amounts of morning posts. But then, my hiking posts never really do that well on average, I think they usually get a few hundred to low 1k's sats, so it's probably not a good measure of how well late night posts perform.
Well, I enjoy the hiking posts.
Become self-sovereign, run a node.
Bitcoin only 🤙onward
How can be sovereign if as a bitcoiner comply with gov rules?
is that even possible?
Does anyone know if there is a way, on a desktop, to get the Stacker News view you get on your phone or when you have two browser windows up at once to pop up when you have a full-screen browser?
Ventured to some local farms and visited some old ladies because I want to understand how they turn wool into socks, bags, kilim, or even clothes with their skillful hands. 🤯
Sometimes I dream of getting a sheep so I wouldn't have to mow the lawn anymore.
smart thinking 😂
Did you have to save some sheep?
And this is a classic:
like what kind of imagination turns wool into yarn, then changes the color with herbs or roots, and then makes useful things with beautiful patterns. 😂🤯
much impressed!
Day 113 of posting mining earnings from the day before: 594 sats on 8Apr2024! Running total: 76,424 sats!
Congrats keep hashin'!
Met theese cool guys yesterday. Expect them on SN
Wow... url? Love those background memes.
Day 74 of the #100aDayTil100k challenge, sets breakdown: 5x25 normal/narrow Total: 125 (Day 178 of 100+ pushups per day in total; day 77 of 120+ pushups per day)
Hey hey hey gang, Tuesday is here and after yesterday's eclipse which by the way made me feel a tad strange, a small headache and dizziness, things were slow, but this Tuesday is time to bring the A game to the table, let's see how it goes and don't forget to check of your weekly strategy is working or needs tweaking, I might do some changes to one of mine about doing exercise, I'm not being consistent and that is not a good sign, so a tweak might be required, I wish you all a wonderful day, may it be filled with profit, success and love. We've got this!! Thank you for being and for existing, remember that you're awesome and what you do matters and it's important, thank you my friend, as always, be well and stay frosty!!
Interesting to see ATH for shiny yellow rocks.
I haven't been paying attention; did something break in trad-fi again?
Psyop to deflect inflow away from bitcoin. ;)
Still space available for the SN ~Stacker_Sports Fantasy Football League! See this link for details, #473247
Let's play ball! (All experience levels welcome)
At least I realized yesterday that the internet still works, it's independent of power. Just needed to plug my router into a socket that still works. Landlord said this morning that it should be fixed in a few hours. It's been more than just a few hours.
I think I have to accept that I need to move my PC and screen into the kitchen for now. I call it Operation Kitchen.
Your perseverance is an inspiration to us all.
I just finished up my setup in the kitchen and now they turned off all power to fix the problem.
When it rains it pours.
Power is back everywhere
GM Cowboys and Cowgirls
I hope your eclipse was amazing. The one I'm waiting on will be awesome!
So, BTC being the powerful Sun and fiat being the dead moon at the moment the eclipse ends and brings light to the world again 😋
Afternoon stackers!
~Musics Daily Discussion Thread is open, where we are Talking Music, Sharing Tracks and zapping sats!
Come check it out, maybe stay a while and listen. #499324
Whilst you're there make sure you follow the pinned link to the brand new release from our very own stacker news stacker EddieOz.
Let's go! 🤘🤠👊
Hello SN lovers 👋👋
Good morning :) ... remember
Just wondering if anyone else has seen this film by the way?
nice memories... the hacking part was "awesome" jajaja... too much drugs
really hard to come by those who have skills, taste, and attention to detail these days; many just want to get the thing done fast instead of making the best thing they could possibly, I mean nothing is wrong with that, but doing something extra can win you miles away in such mid-core society.
A co-worker posted this meme, and it made me think of @siggy47 and his love of a certain company. https://i.imgur.com/hOzp0Uv.png
See, now I would buy one of those.
Good morning Bitcoiners, How's your Tuesday going? I hope very well.
It’s going… like written by a Russian novelist.
Russian = Realism
Good morning stackers! Pedal power 💪
Last night I dreamt that @DarthCoin moved into our neighborhood and started building his citadel. The neighbors were upset and began threatening to bring a zoning proceeding against him. It was stressful because I used to be president of the HOA, and Darth kept saying "fuck the guvs. "
What a nightmare… you ok? 😂
It was as bad as those recurring school dreams I used to get, where you never went to a class all year because you didn't think you were taking it, and now you have to take the final.
Holy shit...I used to have a recurring nightmare that I missed the final on some class in H.S. and as a result, my diploma was revoked and this in turn caused my B.A. to be revoked and so on until my life was in ruins. To remediate, I found myself back in H.S. doing a semester over again. This was a spine shivering nightmare that would make Edgar Allen Poe blush.
I had my chain reaction version too. I missed the HS class, which invalidated my College Degree, which meant I couldn't properly go to law school, which meant my bar exam results were invalidated, which meant I had no source of income. So, back to high school. We can't be the only ones.
Yes, I have heard this chain reaction happening to a handful of others. Truly bizarre.
Exactly that I would say: fuck the govs and "permissions". If is my land, I will do whatever I want, I do not need anybody's permission.
I would be really happy if @DarthCoin moved into my neighborhood. 😂
I was happy too, of course. But, everyone was calling me up. "You know this guy. Tell him he needs to get permits." You KNOW what Darth's reaction was to that.
sounds indeed that will happen 🤣
all time low SN? 👀
idk what to say anymore 😂 Anyways, I am planning for the weekend a hiking trip to my citadel, regular inspection. Weather seems to get better and better every day, so is time for me to go... back to nature.
I am waiting for the part 3 of your adventures and tales :)
did you read the update in 1?
Jum... yes/no , what update? re read again and didn't get the update https://darthcoincitadel.substack.com/p/the-darthcoin-citadel-part-1
need to pay attention to the details
part 3 - will be this summer and yes, will be more adventures. Now comes the fun part: the roof, windows, front wall, door and some other stuff.
Day 9 of my daily posting journey in the MSM era. previously: #498223 🤠⚡

That's a classic.
Day 360 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
Day 141 of horseposting
Horse stance: 4 minutes 22 seconds
Almost 1 year!
🐌 round number, full cycle.
My proof of work today: writing this email to my principal lol
— Dear Principal,
Thank you for your blessings. Knowing that we have your support relieves stress for my wife and me.
Was working on my resume yesterday and got reminded of why the ‘L’ in NorthLight is capitalised.
When I was working on a S.A.I.L online lesson, my Head of Department asked you and the founding principal about the reasons why. I documented them in the lesson itself.
It seems a pity that outside of our institution, people tend to neglect to capitalise the ‘L’. I am particularly concerned because the notion of Light is an important one, because it metaphorically (positive presence) or scientifically (photosynthesis). I have a lesson on Light that made it all the way to Ministry of Education’s Facebook page.
Our students are used to articulating what they should do (‘Never Give Up’). I wonder if they understand why they should persevere. Making salient the ‘L’ could remind them to be a light to others.
Personally, I graduated from Anderson Junior College. I won’t say that I live by its motto (‘Non mihi solum’ which is Latin for ‘Not for myself alone’), but it’s one of the things I like about my alma mater.
I see that our official Facebook page bears our name with a capital ‘L’. Perhaps the next step is to inform our staff - veterans and newbies alike - of this interesting aspect of our history.
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Those emotions can turn quickly and have very little regard for how they impact others.
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what made you guys even want to have kids
Biological imperative?
I don't know, exactly. My wife and I weren't sure if we were going to have kids, but over time we became increasingly drawn to it.
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Big time!
Nothing compares to it for how rewarding it is.
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I think most people don't like it when you are challenging their thinking,