I feel like a fool admitting this, but if my experience can help even a Stacker out there save on sats, then I should be courageous in sharing my learning point.
Ever since I decided to acquire the Bitcoin Standard by hook or by crook, I have been transferring sats from SN to Muun so as to buy gift cards from Bitrefill. That is, until a Stacker enlightened me that Muun charges on-chain transaction fees, so it’s prudent not to use this custodial wallet in the first place. I then switched to using the Zebedee wallet.
This went on for 18 transactions because I wrote about them here and there. This would have gone on indefinitely, if it weren’t for DarthCoin who pointed out that I could have just used my SN wallet instead.
This was a Eureka! 💡 moment for me. I knew that I could send a Stacker some sats along with a message, but it just never occurred to me that I could use my SN wallet to pay for stuff. I think it’s because Zebedee doesn’t include Stacker News as a payment option, so that’s why I assumed I must use one of the wallets ‘endorsed’ by ZBD.
So I decided to put my SN wallet to the test. I pasted my invoice from Bitrefill.
Oh my goodness, it worked!
I activated the gift card I bought successfully on Bitrefill.
It arrived safe and sound on my food takeout app.
This is a game changer for me. Previously, I always pay ZBD a 1% fee for facilitating my purchase of Bitrefill gift cards. If I cut ZBD as the middleman, I just need to pay 1 sat for the transaction. Why didn’t I learn this earlier?!
TL;DR: Buy Bitrefill gift cards directly with your SN wallet.
116 sats \ 0 replies \ @nym 13 Apr
Yep! It’s for functional. Just be aware of sat limit for your wallet here
Love the title and the fact that you forwarded zaps to siggy and not darth 😂
Darth consistently says that he doesn’t need the sats. But we all need to help siggy47 turn in profits so that we can have ~bitcoin_beginners forever. So you see, I’m not entirely altruistic haha
I stopped using Muun wallet a while ago thanks to a recommendation from @Darthcoin also, now I'm using Electrum
I owe @DarthCoin many because whenever I read anything from him, I learn something.
Very nice article, I like it.
Remember to blur all numbers that could attach your identity to a transaction, in case you want some kind of anonymity.
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @pajdo 13 Apr
How much are the premiums on Bitrefill though?
Good to know!
Hell the fuck ya.
The future is here.
Great! As you said middleman, we need to omit them for Bitcoin's sake.
Thanks for sharing! Ah an Bitcoin is peer to peer. Great to get closer to basics!
Bitcoin is going away from middleman (the banks), yet we are getting some new forms of middleman our of nowhere.
I think CEx are also middleman.
P2P is the best way to trade Bitcoin.
Very nice! Thanks for sharing.
116 sats \ 0 replies \ @az 13 Apr
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