This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Hey all, I’m just playing poker and thinking bitcoin! If anyone plays poker recreationally and wants some help getting better, hit me up! I have been a student of the game for 11 years and have students of my own for about 5!
Happy to help any SN folks.
Whenever I see SN I cannot stop my brain from saying "Satoshi Nakamoto"
Such a happy accident
Is it right to continue using this "uniques" chart (being that it appears that crawlers or bots or something are a major component)?
there were definitely crawlers this month, and a big spike in (real) visitors on the day we hit the top of hacker news.
but removing those two from the metrics would have still resulted in a big all-time high in unique visitors… likely in the 33-38k range.
I agree it’s probably super inaccurate. There’s no other way to gauge lurkers really though unless we want to start doing less privacy oriented things.
The user numbers are what I would pay attention to.
bought me a new Pony Plush. it did cost a fortune but its so cute :3
Did you buy it for bitcoin? :)
haha of course
How am I going to get my dopamine fix for the day when Pelosi's plane has already landed and WW3 didn't break out? :/
You should post SN tasks/issues on stakwork.
I submitted my camera ready paper for publication yesterday.
I'm going to present it in San Antonio in September.
You cant lie with emojis so they are a superior form of communication
There's a lot of spam in the recent page, sadge
@k00b are you going to implement also DM in SN?
I like this idea with some economics in effect to block spam etc.
This could easily be added by having a privacy / visibility selector. So a reply can be left at default (public) or changed to "private" (i.e., DM). Any further reply underneath is then private / DM (only).
This is pretty much how Mastodon handles DMs and it works pretty well. If there's no post or comment to reply to someone, then a reply on their profile (if they have one) would work to initiate a DM.
An alternate approach to this would be for SN to simply accommodate the comment (an optional field) on Lightning Address payments and display that comment in /notification when displaying that payment's "sats were deposited" notification. So for me to DM you I would send from my LN client to the Lightning address for your SN account and that would let me send my direct message to you through that. You would see that there is a new notification and then from that you could view my message in your notifications. You wouldn't know who it was from unless I gave you my SN nym, or Telegram, or whatever. If I added my SN nym, you could then reply by sending to my Lightning address. It's not threaded messaging, but this is minimalist approach requiring very little modification on the SN end.
And as far as spam,... maybe I can set a threshold to only show comments for "sats were deposited" notifications when they exceed some spam threshold, like 100 sats.
Or maybe not even show a ""sats were deposited" notification at all when the amount is below that threshold.
That last approach, using Lightning address comments, is vulnerable to spoofing though. I could send a Lightning address payment with a comment but in the comment make it seem like it was from someone else. Maybe SN withdraw that uses Lightning Address could be modified to add a comment field, and then if it was a withdraw to another SN account, SN could then (for the notification for the recipient) be able to add the sender's nym since it would be coming from the SN node and thus has account info for both sender and recipient.
I would love to put a price on the ability to message me
hahaha good point
I love puzzles and treasure hunts so I thought I would make one with satoshis as the reward. In my bio is the first puzzle with 10,000 satoshis waiting at the end if you can figure it out! I'll adjust the difficulty of further puzzles based on this one, good luck and Play fair y'all! Patience is key!
Treasure has been claimed! Next time maybe I'll increase the reward and make a boosted post. Good work @frostdragon !!
Thanks for writing it! It was super fun. Really hope this generates more interest, be on the lookout for these, folks!
Bitcoin is the future, bro It's the best way to store your dough And if the tx is moving too slow Just RBF, and it will flow
just trust me, bro
It seems like hosted channels is about to take off. Within next 6-12 months i think the LN is going to grow exponential. What helps this is the hosted channels concept. Need the reputable hosts, need reputable wallet, already have SBW but only android. But also there needs to be consensus that hosted channels is the way forward among current lightning users, so that they can help educate new users. 1) Get a wallet that supports hosted channels 2) Find a channel host. If this becomes mainstream within the lightning community, LN can really start growing fast but also in the proper way since hosted channels allows decentralized custody and privacy unlike current custodial solutions. But lets see :)
Weren't the hosted channels in BLW? When the project was abandoned people couldn't get their sats back.
You are wrong. BLW wasn't "bandoned", just migrated to SBW (Simple Bitcoin Wallet) and hosted channels are separate thing and are a good thing. There are many HC now, fiatjaf and others are offering them now. You also can offer HC if you run a node.
I personally lost sats in BLW, and know others who also couldn't get their sats because the BLW node was down for good. I see no benefits of hosted channels at all.
The hosted channels concept will mature and there will be less instances of this kind of thing, but there will always be someone somewhere who picks a bad custodian similar to someone somewhere always seem to find and use some shady exchange and end up losing money. Dilligence is needed wether u r using custodians or not.
Is someone as profoundly useless as Nancy Pelosi really going to be responsible for escalation of tensions and a conflict between the US and China? 🤡🤷
Puppets do what they are told in Clown world.
Honk honk. :)
If Pelosi had balls she would go to China and talk with Xi and try to work things out. Instead she seems to have chosen a more childish approach "I am going to Taiwan, nanana"... But who knows
she actually went to Tiananmen and opened a pro democracy banner in 1991.
I think this move is probably to open up a new normalized Taiwan/US relationship