No, not necessarily. It might, and if that person really cares about you, it will, but sometimes people drift away from us and we have to be OK with letting them go. Just, if they need space, give them space. What I primarily meant is that the feelings / the darkness you might be experiencing, will pass. They say it's the darkest before dawn... and if you've really seen, felt, experienced the darkness, the contrast of the light will be even more apparent & even more beautiful. This is why Jordan Peterson said: “If you gaze into the abyss long enough, you see the light, not the darkness.” You know, I compiled some ideas into a couple of posts not too long ago, maybe they could be useful to you: ON SUFFERING: #521959 ON ENLIGHTENMENT: #548857 Take care! :)
Well, I'll be happy to read the linked articles in my free time because now I'm going to go to school