Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
Julian Assange and Donald Trump are convicted felons.
And you can track Assange's plane live here, he will arrive to Canberra, Australia, in about 45 minutes. He's already in Australian Airspace.
Day 151 of the #100aDayTil100k challenge, sets breakdown: 4x32 normal/narrow; Total: 128 (Day 255 of 100+ pushups per day in total; day 154 of 120+ pushups per day)
I’ve been getting a lot of referrals the last couple days. Anyone else?
I haven’t gotten a lot of referrals, ever.
Good job!
By a lot I mean 3 lol I also rarely ever get any
I'm still impressed. The most I've gotten in an entire month is two.
I’m reading Surveillance Capitalism right now, chapter “Rendition from the Depths” and had the bizarre and upsetting thought cross my mind:
Does TikTok (or any other feed-based app with camera access) use facial recognition on active users to emotionally read them and determine what content to feed them? Do they know how to emotionally/behaviorally guide their users into engaging further with the product? Do they prioritize that (product engagement) over any other imperative - such that, if it’s apparent that a user remains engaged with the product when anxious or angry, is the feed designed to keep the user anxious or angry in order to keep them engaged? Phew
when I go on the train 🚄 I look at the other people 👥 and it's incredible to see how without exaggeration, I would say that 80% of the people are stuck on their phones 📲 just swiping up with their finger, and watching short video after short video and so they go from one station to another only that they swipe their finger completely trapped, the other percentage goes in chat conversations, reading or playing maybe but for the most part they are trapped with their finger ⤵️
My understanding is that it’s used to inform your recommendations, but I don’t know how rapidly the recommendations respond.
Later in the chapter the author suggests that the technology available as of 2016 would be near-instantaneous.
I think we tend to attach our egos to our ideas too much. We claim ideas (and ideologies) as “ours” and as such, we define ourselves as those ideas, and we get offended if someone challenges or criticizes them. In reality, ideas are just “out there,” like a field where you can pick yours, or radio stations that you can tune in and out of, or like love, or God. None of those are anybody’s, yet they’re everybody’s. They are also not static. Like life itself, those concepts and the meanings assigned to those words evolve and change over time, according to the culture, environment and circumstances.
Takeaway of the day: Current behavioral foundations based on egocentric objectives are weak and destined to collapse. Modern earthly values have been instilled by the predominant globalist way of thinking. Only a spirit that leads our existence towards transcendent and eschatological objectives, rather than material or earthly purposes, can bring us back to balance, fulfillment, and happiness. Our divine nature derives from the fact that "God made us in His image and likeness" and not from the belief that we are ready to replace God through technological advancements.
we constantly screw up our true potential by following someone's demented or psychopathic ideas, because they reimburse well, and our income depends on these ideas.
What a ride! 3+ years in Bitcoin and just hit a monster Sat stacking goal!
How Bitcoin Saved Wikileaks. Must Read.
Also, now Wikileaks has more thar 4.000 BTC worth of 250M. What will they do with all that money and btc now that Assange has good control of it? I know that Assange is a pro bitcoiner and won't do anything that will affect it, but its another account to follow.
When you dance to your own beat, people don't have to understand you, like it, or even hate you... But mostly, they will wish they had the courage to do the same...
Looks like NYC near NYU.
Probably, I'm not sure. I took the photo on the web, to illustrate my thought. Not me in the picture.
Zero motivation to fiat mine.
Instead I scroll SN.
what is ur preferred way of gathering a collective of minds who think alike and want to spread a life-saving message?
have you heard of "the Sound of Your Voice" by Carol Flaming? exceptional audiobook that i have been putting off.
cymetic frequencies of the voice are some of the most effective actions to influence the minds and hearts of people.
what is a good source of learning paleo-hebrew basics, pronunciation, simple speech? i know some hebrew, but have not spoken or read in it for many ages. honestly i suck at reading and writing, but i get the basic speech pattern, make out some stuff, and can talk back with somewhat proper basic grammar.
i was listening to jack dorsey's 1 minute excerpt on free will in reverse, and i can definitely hear some repeating patterns.
thank you!
Two types of people that don’t like bitcoin..🤔
The central bankers and political class because they don’t control it.
Communists, socialists, statists because they want central planning and they don’t like decentralised systems.
it's not just a "dislike" for decentralized systems. the objective of both national and international socialists is to abolish all private property. then, according to socialists, the magic of redistribution will work.
properties such as life, creations, true knowledge, time, dignity. to abolish property by decree and violence goes against the laws of nature.
we need to get the terms straight, explain it to people like they're a 'tarded 5yo, and present solutions. project your voice clearly and confidently.
I don’t disagree. It gets quite dark when you deeply examine the core beliefs of some socialists and what they would do if they got into power. There’s people in my immediate family like that so it’s a sore point.
as they say, put on ur own gloves first before going swinging 🤣
"When you shoot an arrow of truth, dip its point in honey"
i suck at this one, cuz i feel too much urgency, so i must humble myself and continue accumulating knowledge and practice effective rhetoric.
Taking investment in myself today - and not sinking value into a company that doesn't advocate for me, or care.
Julian Assange is FREE
Free but not Free, pleads guilty for telling the truth? He had so much skin the game, I don't understand why he took the deal. All those years added to his credibility.
does not look like him. body doubles and body switches are all too common and trivial to accomplish with today's technology.
Going to post an update regarding the chess tournament today
Howdy!!! Tuesday is here, Monday sure went fast, been a tad busy with final exams for my students and didn't get a chance to post, but nevertheless I did send some good vibes your way, may your day be spectacular my friends, and may you have oodles of success and profit, thank you for all your effort and support. You're awesome and show this week how awesome you are, set your weekly strategies and let's do this!!! As always, be well and stay frosty.
This may mean nothing to any members of the saloon, but if any of you use Zeus connected to your lightning node, I just tried the LNC connection. My God! It's so much faster. Check it out. You can get it through the Lightning Terminal app on Umbrel. It's also much easier to set up.
GM ⚡☕🧡
Positive directional movement for Assange? Who's next?
Stack Sats and stay humble
Day 190 of posting mining earnings from the day before: 863 sats on 24Jun2024! Running total: 112,887 sats!
"As soon as the human mind stops understanding, it says "God!". Auguste Blanqui, "Neither God nor Master"."
In my country, we celebrate Youth Day. I was unceremoniously roped in to be part of the dance crew for a teacher’s performance. Reluctantly dragged my feet for rehearsal today because this meant that I was sacrificing a free afternoon, my ME TIME! But as I fumbled with the steps and talked to colleagues who I don’t interest with much, I felt better at the end of the rehearsal.
So it’s true what they say. You need to give energy in order to get energy.
The heat wave finally broke. I feel good. Then I remember Assange is free. I feel better. Then my cynical friend texts me to say something to the effect of "brilliant move by the U. S. Take the issue away from Trump, and now that he's free in Australia it will be much easier to kill him." The guy knows how to ruin my morning.
Your friend must be smitten by Rachel Maddow
He is ! He is very attracted to her. Let's leave it at that.
Can you imagine relying on this network for news and analysis???
I remember when Keith Olbermann had a popular show. My reaction was this is a sports news guy. He was funny when commenting on sports
I couldn't stand Keith Olbermann. Lawrence O'Donnell is almost as bad.
O’Donnell: listen to me, I sound so smart and serious, I must be correct
Do you think we should add Assange on that famous island with M.Popescu and McAfee?
Definitely. He needs protection, and they need a calming influence.
The Secret Meeting on the Island
let's see who's next...
But, he is right! He even didn't sleep last night just to give you the news and you calling him cynical....
I am an ingrate. He was safer in that Ecuadorian embassy.
Wow! Embassy! He is really safe!
That "plead guilty" is not freedom. I would prefer to die but not "plead guilty" for something I haven't done. You were trained in the legal system, so you know very well what really is "pleading". As Lux presented in one of his pills here: #581259
Something is very fishy in all this story. I have the feeling that is all fake. They killed him and this is a double, playing their dirty game.
I don't know about that, but he had better find his own off grid citadel quick and stay out of the public eye.
I have the feeling that is all fake
I also felt something fishy.
Will the years spent in detention be credited towards the defendant's prison sentence?
My earlier guess wasn't 100% accurate. This is from Celia Farber's substack:
54 sats \ 1 reply \ @Lux 25 Jun
interesting, Vatican citizenship in fabula :)
It wouldn't make him on equal grounding, though.
I think he gave up too early, if he held up a bit longer I bet he would have better terms as he was literally testing their patiences. Plus he's going back to Australia, like WTF they aren't that much better then the U.S.
Thanks for clarifying.
From what I read it's all done. He was sentenced to "time served." If that's true, they may not specify what counts. In other words, the embassy time might not count. Probably just since the extradition started.
Sounds like an intense comment
It was.
Quote with aesthetic media 😊
285 sats \ 9 replies \ @Lux 25 Jun

Officer in Court

If there is a police officer in court who is going to give evidence against you, then get them under oath. However, they cannot swear an oath as a police officer, as they are allowed to lie in court, so you must get the private living person, who is acting as a police officer, under oath.
Ask the Clerk of the Court:
“I require [Name of officer] to be sworn in under oath, but not as a police officer but within their own standing.”
Note: do NOT refer to the person as a police officer or mention their PC number, just refer to their full name.
For example: it is not PC John Doe, it is just John Doe.
Note: the word status within this court takes on a “legal meaning” and refers to the “status” of your “legal fiction” or “corporation”, so you must use the word standing, which refers to “standing on the land” or “law of the land”, meaning they are personally liable and cannot hide behind a title or office.
If the police officer refuses, then ask:
“Why are you, [PC name] refusing to be sworn in under oath?”
Note: if someone fails or refuses to swear under oath, then their testimony cannot be heard in court.
Day 437 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
...and day 2 of trimmin' the fat (97.5 | 80 | 0.1).
The truth finally comes out..
The story of the hare and the tortoise is a fake-I have proof.. 😎😂🐌
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117 sats \ 1 reply \ @suraz 25 Jun
Maths have lots of power.
math is the most important tool of all time
In my life, at least ;)
GM! Day 47 of my 10000 daily steps challenge. Today I bring a photo from last Saturday dusk. Have a great day!
My favorite time of day.
Have a great day.
Only dead fish go with the flow. Let's swim against the current.
Queens Of The Stone Age - Go With The Flow
Day 53 of posting till next Bitcoin halving
Step by step :)
1392d 22h 28m 01s to go 🤠
Nothing we can't ride 🤠
Day 10 of my daily posting journey, after my cowboy hat was blown off by the windstorm that blew in from the west.
previously: #584586 🤠⚡

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A very simple one is canva:
I use canva for simple designs, but I don't see it got the feature to extra elements 👀
is hand drawing the only way 😂😂 all these AI thing blah blah blah, yet I can't even find a simple tool to help expressing my imagination more easily.