Stacker News Chess Tournament II

I just created the tournament for next weekend. This time, we have the full week to find a time.
To make the process easier, I searched for "how to schedule a date anonymously" and apparently, we're not the first ones with this problem since I found this simple website. It allows you to create an account without any email or else required. Even a password is optional but I recommend using one. Ideally, you would also choose the same name as you have on SN. Anyone can see which times a name picked. Please don't create multiple accounts.
If you're interested in participating, please visit this link and enter at which times you're available.
I will keep an eye on it and update the tournament with a time where most are available.
If you want to know which time is currently selected, visit the tournament link. It will tell you when the tournament starts.

would be really cool if we had groups on SN so I could simply mention @chess
101 sats \ 1 reply \ @Alby 30 Jun
Signed up, but if not for certain hours - this weekend is pretty unavailable to me :/
No worries, we'll be here every weekend.
Also, it looks like for now, you will be able to participate. I updated the time to Saturday, 2pm CEST since that's where most are available.
As I told you, I missed the match yesterday because of the final match. But next time I will definitely be there. The timings of tournament was ok for me.
Can I also join? I'm not too good in chess but I wanna learn. Can I?
Of course! You only need a lichess account to join the tournament.
You're applying quite innovative solutions here. Recently, I've used your 'time converter' one in one of my posts. This 'meetupapp' will also be very useful.
I've mentioned my availability there.
Thank you so much!!
Yeah, the timezone converter is pretty nifty. I got inspired by @calle because he uses it to organize the cashu dev calls.
See you all next tournament. And now we we have time to prepare and study chess next to Bitcoin
I thought your timing of the tournament was ok. I just didn’t see the post in time.
But this time you did :)
there was a chess tournament that I missed?
Is it going to be a weekly thing? I overslept today, I missed a bunch of stuff.
yes, weekly thing on a "be there or be square"-basis
Hi @ek! Not lichess but it's interesting that's possible via nostr, it might interest you:
It's a client that allows to play chess via nostr!
Oh, another nostr chess client? I was only aware of
Thanks for the link!
I wasn't! Thank you for that link too :)
i followed the link but i dont understand the page
@ek just just login thanks
The next couple of weekends I’ll be out, summer has been very busy :\
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