I've been carnivore for more than 7 months now, with great results. I'm eating all animal products, and lots of ground beef. I'm finding beef uniquely satiating.
Just recently I was reading the book The Brothers Karamazov, a classical Russian novel from 1880. I had the satisfying experience of reading this quote from the book. It's just after the Captain is offered some money from a wealthy benefactor:
And now I can get a servant with this money, you understand, Alexey Fyodorovitch, I can get medicines for the dear creatures, I can send my student to Petersburg, I can buy beef, I can feed them properly. Good Lord, but it’s a dream!”
So back in the 1800's, in Tsarist Russia, folk tradition recognized beef as a uniquely valuable food. Good to know.
FYI if anyone is interested, here's some of the carnivore related posts I've written: