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    • 389 stacked \ 1225 spent \ 1 post \ 14 comments \ August 6, 2022
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It's fun reading through those old suggestions for SN. So many have been implemented, already.
I haven't heard anything about SN nodes, before. That sounds really cool.
Making SN invite-only for a little while would be an interesting experiment. That's how gmail rolled out, IIRC.
Has New York already died ? 🤠 great post !👍
Thanks. It's weird how bad my memory is. I had forgotten about a lot of stuff I experienced just a year ago.
How's NYC doing, one year on?
I haven't heard from my relatives in the area recently.
I don't go often. I don't notice a lot of the decay that others do. I have lived there off and on my whole life. It still seems 10 times better than the late 1970s. My god, that could be scary. Watch Scorsese's Tax Driver to get an idea.
Was the city depopulating in the 70's, like it is now?
The most concerning possibility is that they enter a fiscal death spiral like Detroit did during the last financial crisis.
I don't remember actual numbers decreasing, but you heard a lot about "white flight" to the suburbs. There was a famous headline concerning the city's financial woes and bankruptcy: (President) Ford To New York: Drop Dead
I feel like I should first read all the posts from the past. You all were writing exceptionally enviable content in those days. A shoutout to @siggy47 for comparing innumerable deaths of NY City to those Bitcoin's.
This was a great post by @siggy47. I can't believe it is already a year. Also recall the discussion on "what's the worst advice". That was a really good post as well.
I was a little surprised no one had hilariously bad advice to share.
Imagine, top stacker stacked 8 sats. "Legends never die"
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stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.