Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
bugged dups ? @k00b @ek
28 sats \ 2 replies \ @ek 9 Sep
Not really, the domain is the same
Got it, but it's not an exact match, right?
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 9 Sep
Yes, it’s not
Hello stakers! Hope you have a good day ❤️ Love from Nepal ❤️ Have a great day
Yes, you're welcome, I hope you have a nice day too, I hope we are all healthy and successful.
What is your spirit animal?
I cannot remember if I had one before 2020, but for the years after I've been 100% sure!
Its a cockroach.
Whatever the fuck is planned for 2030 I wanna be around to see! ;-)
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 9 Sep
#364589 👀
Gotta survive to take on all the dirty, fun fights with the Beast Machine itself! ;-)
Hello stackers. Today I am learning and sharing as every day on this magnificent platform. I am still active because I already feel the need to learn and share.
I am still concerned about the possibility that financial institutions associated with governments and governments themselves have the possibility of controlling large amounts of BTC, it is not happening at all now, but it can happen.
The circular economy, in its complete and closed concept around Bitcoin, is the solution to many social problems, as Bitcoin is the solution to social, economic and environmental problems.
May this magnificent platform continue to grow and may we be more united as a community every day, even if we do not always think the same. But we do want the same. Bitcoin
This morning I just arrived home, because last night my journey from Singapore to France was of course very tiring.
Hello @ek what is this error about
Trying to zap a stacker and I got this. Using LNC attached wallet
0 sats \ 3 replies \ @ek 8 Sep
Oh, I've seen this before when I retried a payment but I forgot about it. Did it happen on retry for you, too?
Thanks for the reminder, will look into it.
Yeah I tried to zap this stacker 3 times
46 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 8 Sep
hmmmmm I thought I fixed this. It basically means we didn't find the original invoice which we use to make the one for retrying.
This is a bug on our end to be clear.
“You need to look at all events as having value. If you can do that, then you’re in a zone of tremendous opportunity.” ― Phil Stutz A Stoic Resurrection: #662497
Hello! I have been playing around with Nostr apps for group chat. "NostrChat" is neat, but a thing I can not understand is the concern about privacy: it's permanently stated that group chat conversations are public, yet when I write something there, it isn't shown anywhere else (like via for example). So what I'm not understanding is: in what sense are group conversations "public"?
PD: I wrote a DM with yakihonne and was able to see the same conversation via NostrChat, what an absolutely orgasmic feeling, I'm insanely bullish on Nostr.
0 sats \ 5 replies \ @ek 8 Sep
in what sense are group conversations "public"?
Anyone could fetch these messages from relays with the correct query. You don't see them in clients like because clients are specialized and only show a part of nostr. That doesn't mean that these messages are private.
But, for example, the message I wrote in yakihonne was, in theory, encrypted by the NIP-04 protocol. What you imply is that anyone could still fetch the messages and decrypt them? My concern about privacy is that anyone could freely read the content of the messages, is that what you mean it's possible?
0 sats \ 3 replies \ @ek 8 Sep
Maybe the metadata as in who talks to who is meant then.
But I am not familiar with which NIP NostrChat uses.
It has to be NIP-04 at least, I wrote the DM in yakihonne with NIP-04 selected (it lets you chose between either NIP-04 and NIP-44), and NostrChat picked it up, so the protocol must be compatible. We can go a very long way with all metadata being visible, the privacy of the content is the only thing that matters for all practical purposes in our case. So if that's confirmed, then it's already a fully working solution for me.
40 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 8 Sep
I found this:
Step 3 — Create a new chat channel and share with Nostr friends
Once you join you can chat in the global channel or create a new channel for your project or friends. Just share the URL of the channel with your friends. IMPORTANT: These channels are all public. At this time, there isn’t a way to make private group chats.
I guess they mean that anyone can join the channel if they have the URL. There is no "invite only" mechanism that be configured by an admin or similar.
Thank you for checking :)
I did saw that but was confused too about what the definition of "privacy" was.
I finished testing going back and forth with two accounts and the state of the art for NostrChat is:
  • Messages do are encrypted for I need the nsec key to decrypt a message sent to me.
  • Groups are public as you described: anyone with the link can get in, and there's no admin capabilities other than being able to change the group title, description, icon, or to delete it. So groups can be easily invaded and not only you can not expel a user, but you can not even mute him. You can only hide one comment at a time. So the only thing you can do with a ruined group is to delete it. This is a fundamental deal-breaker sadly.
A group chat client I saw that has a lot of potential is "0xChat", but it's not available for Android 9 :'(
47 sats \ 2 replies \ @ek 8 Sep
The Wikipedia article about Wikipedia:
The Stacker News article about Stacker News:
exaggerately extensive...
Roglic first male cyclist to win Giro , Tour and Vuelta within the same year. What an achievement!!!
I use Strike for DCA. When I accumulate a certain amount of sats I send them directly to cold storage for no fee. This is a nice perk of Strike.
However, is it better to send sats to a lightning wallet that offers submarine swaps before transferring to cold storage?
Current: Strike -> Cold Storage
Proposed: Strike -> Lightning Wallet -> Submarine Swap -> Cold Storage
darthcoin recommends inserting a "cache" step between swap & cold storage. i think it's a good idea, in the long run. in light of ever-expanding attack vectors, the trick is figuring out a great cold-storage do-not-touch do-not-worry setup, so some of the wallets that i used to consider cold, i now consider cache.
as far as stacking is concerned, i do not "buy bitcoin" but make instant payments, or even more simply put i "use bitcoin" for whatever necessary.
42 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 8 Sep
It’s more private, yes
And you can use any lightning wallet because you can use services like
Home Depot kids workshop with my boys!
Good morning everyone. Please wish me luck. I have a long drive today. (among other things)
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @AG 8 Sep
Good luck 🍀
P sure I was ghosted, but thanks.
Day 226 of the #100aDayTil100k challenge, sets breakdown: 3x42 normal/narrow; Total: 126 (Day 330 of 100+ pushups per day in total; day 229 of 120+ pushups per day)
Killing it
261 sats \ 3 replies \ @anon 8 Sep
Day 510 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
__@_'-' life is in the slow lane.
Taking it easy. Life is good.
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.
This reminds me of Drake rapping about his humble beginnings and starting from the bottom meanwhile growing up in Forest Hill in Toronto. At least in Drake’s case he can claim artistic license. Kamala is just a fraud.
Ask her supporters why are you voting for her and their answers are fluff: she is a woman, she is half black, she is pro abortion… nothing about policy or substance
It's the same in Canada. People vote for Trudeau because he says stuff like "diversity is our strength" and promises to have half of his cabinet made up of women etc. All they seem to care about is moral platitudes. Until reality has hit them in the face 9 years later. Now they can't stand him. Well that's the shit you dummies voted for.
GM Cowboys! ⚡☕🧡
Anybody else having whisky in their coffee?
While not a regular practice, I occasionally enjoy a variation of coffee known as 'café com cheirinho' in Portugal. This involves the addition of a specific spirit, typically brandy or aguardente. I recall a time when this extra addition was complimentary, but due to overuse, many establishments now charge for this service. 🤠
51 sats \ 4 replies \ @AG 8 Sep
Here we are again with our The Magnificent Seven, trying to give you a hit of what you missed this past month in the ~AGORA territory.
Drumroll please 🥁 ... for the Top-Performing Ads #676777
Keep it up! One day P2P will rule the whole world!
11 sats \ 2 replies \ @AG 8 Sep
Working on it! Everyone can contribute ;)
Nice! It's really amazing!
I'm from India and will find ways how can I contribute here. I've read your discussion earlier with Iamsingle and I'm sure we've less numbers now but it won't take long when SN will be immensely popular here!
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @AG 8 Sep
Sharing SN content with people near you I think is the first step! Having conversations with people you know (and don't) here is the top! Kinda PlebLab is doing in ~builders. .... and then come trading and exchanging :)
Day 265 of posting mining earnings from the day before: 851 sats on 7Sep2024! Running total: 175,077 sats!
day 38: 46 sats on 9-7-24. total 1192 sats!
staying humble and stacking posts about sats stacking.
Good for all stackers. Today, as usual I started my section on SN to see what new and interesting posts there were and thus start my morning well informed and educated. I was very happy to see that yesterday I was among the 30 stackers of the day, I never managed to reach 30 which was one of my goals, but my biggest surprise was discovering that I had already stacked more than 10k SATs, and that in 17 days on the platform. Maybe other stackers have achieved it in less time, but I didn't think it was possible for me. I am very happy with having achieved two of my goals, and it has all been thanks to you. THANK YOU COMMUNITY
Do not act so narrowly when you have the entire universe inside you:
'Stop acting in such a limited way. You are the universe in motion. Become the sky. Strike the prison wall with an axe. Escape.'" Rumi
611 sats \ 1 reply \ @Lux 8 Sep

Sham Documents

People are scammed and deceived into requesting and paying for documentation that they do not even need. This scam is perpetuated because you were just born into it, and it seems it has always been this way; it hasn’t.
All these sham documents require a form of “registration”, meaning you are literally handing over control of whatever the thing is that “requires” the document.
Furthermore you are also unknowingly entering into a jurisdiction controlled by someone else, and accepting corporate polices you do not even know.
Here are a few examples:
  • Passport.
    • “Passport” means to pass from port to port, and the concept of a worldwide passport was created after the 1st World War.
    • When you register for a passport, it identifies your corporation and not you. Furthermore you are now a “postman” carrying a “document” and operating within the postal union.
    • The passport restricts you from travelling, not assists you.
    • To travel is a right; therefore under what authority are you asking to have the privilege to travel?
  • Driver license.
    • The word licence means to ask permission.
    • By registering for a licence you have given up the right to use your own car, and are now asking for permission from a higher authority and furthermore you are willing to pay for the privilege.
  • Log book.
    • All corporate countries request registration of all forms of transportation.
    • By doing so you have given up control, and in some cases ownership of the transportation.
    • Furthermore you have now entered the jurisdiction of any corporate policies placed upon the roads, which are in fact common land owned by all and without policies.
  • Identification.
    • Under what obligation do you have to identify yourself to anyone? The answer is none.
  • National Insurance number.
    • You are nothing more than a “product”, a human resource with a reference number.
Bookmarked it and gonna show as many as I can. Thank you so much for daily pills @Lux
42 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 8 Sep
Day #62 of nut 🌰 dropping 🥜 in the Saloon
Want to harvest this nut?
54 sats \ 0 replies \ @AG 8 Sep
deleted by author