Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
Just imagine if he was a presidential candidate on the debate yesterday
Day 229 of the #100aDayTil100k challenge, sets breakdown: 4x32 normal/narrow, 3x12 pike, 30 wide, 20 side-to-side, 32 diamond; Total: 246 (Day 333 of 100+ pushups per day in total; day 232 of 120+ pushups per day)
311 sats \ 0 replies \ @Golu 11 Sep
Today I was able to learn that the proportion of stupid people per group is unquestionably constant, Second Law, so no matter what circle we move in, we will always be in contact with stupid people.
A Miner Solo has mined another block, it must be that the BTG fork is bearing some fruit.
I was able to share with others both the map of conferences on Bitcoin, as well as the map of the Bitcoin ecosystem, excellent tools.
Today I learned about the Austrian school of economics and its concepts about the weight of the individual in the trend and behavior of the market and the economy.
Bitcoin is not an asset, it is a way of life. You learn about life in general. And that the majority does not accept it does not mean that it is not necessary, in the same way self-custody is necessary even if only a minority uses it.
Bitcoin makes me feel responsible for my future not anyone else.
drinking games for tonight's US presidential debate?? ideas??
118 sats \ 5 replies \ @k00b 11 Sep
  1. Kamala says "excuse me" - one shot of coconut rum
  2. Trump says "the likes of which has never been seen before" - one shot of everclear
  3. Kamala says "protecting democracy" to mean protecting the oligarchy - one keg stand
  4. Trump says "billions and billions" - a spoonful of lean
  5. Kamala cackles - a bong rip
  6. Trump stiffly holds an invisible box, lets go, then holds it again - a whippit
Trump stiffly holds an invisible box, lets go, then holds it again
Brilliant description. Also, if you aren't around for the next few days, we'll know what happened.
I was asking for an innocent game, not death!
tbf I mixed up the drugs
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 11 Sep
Trump pulled a reverse-Uno 'I'm speaking" on her
Thanks to everyone who joined the discussion at #679635 . Really helpful!
In a world where ppl barely have eye contact or talk to others in person anymore, maybe it's good to say hi or simply strike up conversations with strangers.
went to grab coffee this morning, and someone came up while I was ordering; I think he wanted to see if I needed help, but then he was amazed that I speak Turkish; It was quite funny, I guess he was also curious about where I'm from, and it turned out that I come from the same place as his wife! so he wanted to connect us.
Second story - went to Hamam later today and met some girls while Hamaming 😂 that's probably the least place I would expect to meet ppl while you are washing yourself, but then hey people used to socialize in the Hamam:)
"I have to condemn money printing in the strongest possible terms. Because it's one of the worst disasters that can come upon a society. It’s an injustice that is incredible! And it leads to hardship for the majority of people and it benefits a few profiteers.” ― Marc Faber
I followed Faber a long time ago. I even subscribed to his newsletter once where I had to pay with paypal!
NEVER assume that you know something well enough, chances are there is always something new to be learned.
Keeping an open mind is the way to grow.
Any recommended movie or series to watch?
not sure what mood are you in, but I just rewatched Willy Wonka:)
Thanks but I do not like musicals. idk why but I think music and movies must be separated things.
me neither, but this one is really dark humor 👀
Series: Twin Peaks Movie: Tombstone Documentary: Stutz First ones that came to mind :)
“The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.” ― Marcus Aurelius A Stoic Resurrection: #662497
Day #64 of nut 🌰 dropping 🥜 in the Saloon
Want to harvest this nut?
Saylor gave this talk this morning on the Digital Gold Rush
fuck this fiat cuck
Bitcoin will recover soon! Don't sell your baggages guys, just hodl strong!
And always remember... time in the market > timing rhe market! ;)
The current monetary system is a Ponzi scheme. But it’s not a Ponzi scheme in the sense that it needs more people joining it in order to continue (although a lack of people can be a big problem as demonstrated by China and Japan in real time). What it needs, in order to not collapse, is more units of the currency. Because the vast majority of money in existence today is debt - it’s owed by someone, to someone. What debt has is INTEREST. There always needs to be more new money to pay for the old money. If the money growth slows down or goes negative (less debt/money is created than is repaid) for an extended period of time, there will simply not be enough money in existence in order to fulfill the claims on the money. This is why deflation is not only incompatible with the current financial system; it's the biggest threat to it.
Congrats to @orange for winning the Meme Monday bounty.
You can view the winning meme and all others here #678047.
Fought the good fight now it’s time to pay off some debts! No more 0% credit card offers!!!
Smile, it gets worse.
i was thinking about starting a youtube channel talking about my trials and tribulations in the world of online freelancing over 10 years (and 10 years of analog freelancing before that).
i struggle with starting, like on the one hand i think it might be of some interest , then i have the other voice that just says it will be shit and who cares.
then i see some video from an incel talking about whatever on his phone with 46k view or something and think, maybe i should.
what do you guys think?
make it if it brings you joy to make it
fuck youtube! use
Perfect answer
Yes! You could be that incel.
It really depends on so many factors. What's your style, are you bringing anything new & interesting to the table, how well you can find and connect to an audience, how "good" the YT algorithm assesses you, etc. I think the main thing you should consider is - will this content be valuable to yourself? Will it be valuable for your family and (future) children? Will you enjoy and/or learn something in the process of making it? Will you be putting yourself out of your comfort zone in a way that both excites you and scares you at the same time? If the answer is "yes" to all or most of these questions, then I reckon go for it 🤠
ok fuck it, i will give it a crack and try to go peak incel. if after a year or something of uploading content, the channel is crap / low engagement, ill just delete it
Busy day. Gotta work, 5k speed workout day, Green Squad (cleaning up the woods by my boys school), then coaching them in soccer. Proof of work
Day 228 of the #100aDayTil100k challenge, sets breakdown: 4x32 normal/narrow, 25 pseudo, 32 staggered; Total: 185 (Day 332 of 100+ pushups per day in total; day 231 of 120+ pushups per day)
Day 512 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
Stack Sats and stay humble.
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 11 Sep
"I can't zip up rates while inflation continues to be this big and juicy." - Jerome Powell
Playing CHESS ♟️on Nostr: 2 Npubs playing against each other.
Day 267 of posting mining earnings from the day before: 851 sats on 9Sep2024! Running total: 176,787 sats!
day 40: 46 sats on 9-9-24. total 1285 sats!
the beautiful thing is that, even on the days the bitcoiner feels defeated, his miner keeps running.
Third eye opened 😁
269 sats \ 2 replies \ @Lux 10 Sep

Different Forms of Law

Although it is suggested that the word LAW is an acronym for Land, Air, Water, meaning that truth, rights and ethics are universal within these realms, and those who break the law can run but can’t hide, the history of the word seems to suggest a different origin.
The first recorded use of a word meaning “law” dates back to the Proto-Indo-European word Leg-h, meaning to lie, or lay, which may have originated from Proto-Germanic word Laga meaning “that which is laid down.”
The Old Norse word Log referencing law, means “things laid down or fixed.” This transitioned to Old English Lagu, then Middle English, Lawe.
This would explain where the term “laying down the law” got its roots.
Today the law is a complex web of misdirection, deception and fraud, with the last 2500 years of human history becoming blurred to such an extent that it is almost impossible to tell where the jurisdiction of one form of law ends and another begins.
This is by design and has been done to hide the truth; No single person will even reach the bottom of it all.
The law today is fraught with many grey areas that cause disagreement and argument, however the following listed laws gives an elementary clear map.
The only "law" is the Natural law
@k00b will be interesting to have a recap of all SN AMA showing a comparison table with:
  • link to AMA post, date
  • how many comments
  • total sats stacked by each
  • how many SN posts/comments made that AMA attendee after the AMA
I have the feeling that not all AMA atendees were still active on SN after that. If is not too much work...
Should teachers use Gen AI to write student remarks? What is your take on this?
correct! at least for the current AI.

Do you show your entire house to people visiting you, like a tour?

I saw people doing this (for no specific reason) and came an idea into my mind: what about making them a joke with this "tour"?
Let's say you are visited by some old friends and they never saw your house. As usual they expect you to make them the "house tour", showing each corner of the house, explaining how was built etc and bullshit like that.
But from the whole house, especially you are missing a single room. It could be an empty room, a closet or whatever space, but with a door and you do not open it. When you come close to that door, you just move away and try to evade the answer if they insist to see that room. Will be even more interesting to play an audio record in that room, with a creepy sound like torturing somebody or any other sound you think will bring more attention to the visitor and activated remotely by you when you are close to that door. Nothing scary, just more mistery.
Prepare previously that room with a video camera that start recording the door at any movement.
Then later, just relax with the visitors on the sofa in the living room, talking, drinking etc. You will see that their curiosity for that room is extreme and suddenly will ask to go to the bathroom. For sure they do not go to the bathroom, but to see that room.
And voila! Once they open the door, will see an empty room (camera is hidden). Nothing in there. But will be nice if you have somebody else taking the video of them entering the room (without permission) and put it on a DVD or a USB stick or something. Then when is about to leave, you just hand over the DVD/USB with the recording of them enetering the room and saying: "Thanks for violating my privacy, my friend, I was trusting you."
Seeing their face will be so fun, paramount.
This would be like a movie scene created to infuse sone horror! Will try it. ;)
LOL have fun!
I enjoy doing pranks on others, so that would be 2x fun
Do you show your entire house to people visiting you, like a tour?
depends, but most likely not the whole place 😂 private things / places should remain private.
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