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254 sats \ 6 replies \ @BTCLNAT 16 Sep 2024 \ on: Some little advice for new stackers on SN meta
When I read the “Zen of Stacking Satellites on Stacker News” by @siggy47, there was one paragraph that caught my eye under the subheading A WORD OF CAUTION and the following
"A Word Of Caution
One caveat : This is a bitcoin site. The site is filled with bitcoin maxis. If you're at the stage where you're experimenting with other coins, or if you think there is a place for sh... um, alt coins in this world, you are entitled to your beliefs. You will find your people here too, eventually. Mentioning it in your bio, though, might not be the best move. You can bring it up later. If you ignore my advice, at best you will be ignored. At worst, you shall suffer the wrath of @DarthCoin. Good luck, brave one. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger! (I don't buy that. If you live but lose a leg? Or suffer serious head trauma? Never mind"
At first I was shocked I was scared, even shivered, and now I understand the warning. But you know what: I am calm now because I understand the nature of someone who wants things to be the way they are. You have shown that you are intelligent, although inquisitive at times, but it is the zeal to take care of what is good. Bitcoin is the best and Stacker News is a great opportunity to do PoW and learn. We must take care of it. So when we invite someone, let them really deserve it. Thanks
And siggy also did an excellent "Darth translator" guide: #147162
Siggy didn't even tackle your iconic "Assmilking" phrase in that translation. We probably need a second volume.

The tides have changed a bit. Before, it was the case that the only shitcoiners left knew exactly why what they were doing was fucked up. They had experienced all the FTX rug pulls and shitcoin rug pulls and pump and dumps for themselves.
What has changed is that now we have a mix of new potential victims (a new sucker born every minute right?) who genuinely have no fucking clue why they're about to get fucked over or how them shilling to other people is going to fuck over those other people.
I wield my weapons appropriately to this changed landscape. Anyone who doesn't know, will receive an education. Any willfully ignorant or intentionally scamming (the only difference is whether the person has a cognitive dissonance or not) will receive social stigma and downzaps.
a new sucker born every minute right?
Remember this #685375 ?
Also very important to note that many Bitcoin promoted business things are scammy as well. Like remote mining, earning yield and any number of nonsense.
Always remember Andreas Antonopoulos advice on not investing in anything what you can not afford to loose. Andreas has a bit of shitcoin in his past (present?) but his Bitcoin work is solid,
Also,, clean up your loose ends of your "regular" life. It is probably full of nonsense and it will be revealed by focusing on a constant, Bitcoin. Be careful that you may in fact become religious which is what happened to me and I'm very grateful for this.