As you may know, I am quite old stacker here on SN and I've seen a lot during these years. For those new reading this post, please read my SN bio first.
I would like to give some advice for all those new coming to SN. I saw quite many coming lately.
1. To remember:
- I always read almost all new bio and I pay attention to what they say. And it says a lot, especially being their first words here...
- BEWARE SHITCOINERS! I am watching you! I truly despise any shitcoiner. But I am giving you only once chance to prove yourself. If you waste that chance, I will mark you as "shitcoiner"... FOREVER. I have no remorse for shitcoiners that ignore that chance.
- Do not try to fool my "bullshit detector". Is very well trained.
- Do not try to pretend being a bitcoiner, writing a "nice" bio about how devote you are to Bitcoin. During your time posting, I am testing you with trap questions that will reveal your true face... a shitcoiner.
- Do not try to change your bio from a shitcoining text into a bitcoining text. I am making screenshots.
- Do not try to change your alias nym. Your posting history will prove otherwise and I usually post specific comments on your posts, like trace to indicate me later who you really are.
2. What you should do:
- Once you arrive on SN, post a nice bio, no need to be a lot of text like mine or others. But at least show your true intentions on SN. Be careful what you write there. Be sincere and you get more credit from the start.
- Update your bio as you whish with more data, but keep in mind all of the above.
- Choose wisely your nym. The SN alias name it says a lot about you. No need to use your real life name. Your alias name (nym) should be something unique that represent you and your online personality (not necessary the real life personality).
- Don't try to fool SN system with multiple sockpuppets accounts. Yes, sometimes, if you create a territory and want to operate with another separate nym, is OK and necessary, but not for vote manipulations and other brigading and assmilking techniques. My "bullshit detector" is well trained also for these and I take notes.
- all the rest: post nice, useful posts, comments, links and you will get rewarded.
- avoid totally to post links from shitcoin webs and talk about shitcoins. You will get instant karma.
That's all. If you decide to ignore my advice, that's on you...