Is pointless to have 1-10-100-1000 sats zaps back and forth from numerous self-custodial LN nodes. That's why also I do not like the nostr zaps. It creates too much friction for nothing. Node runners zapping on SN in a non custodial way, will put more pressure on their own nodes: force closing channels, cheating, errors, liquidity, fees etc...
And comes the question: for what? For a meaningless zap?
You are the one who teaches us that each sat is important and valuable. As time goes on that will be more true. The LN was built to handle small transactions. You may be right that LN can't handle it, but we should find out. Also, someone on SN recently bought a canister of gas to cook for her family with what she earned here on SN. That's not meaningless. Even a few sats will soon buy a cup of coffee or maybe a whole breakfast before too long.
SN is Bitcoin L3.... few.
That's why I am saying that cowboy credits are better way to use SN. A poor guy that do not have enough liquidity to run a proper LN node and to pay fees for each zap will made on SN, will find out that is better to use custodial "cowboy credits" until a reasonable limit and then move out, or move in (deposit) is they need more credits.
Let me ask you a question that's related to this. What if a stacker just used either his own node setup or Alby Hub, or some easy neutrino node, and just opened one big, private channel with SN. Would that be pretty frictionless with little risk of closure?
Also, maybe we are talking about different things here. I was under the impression that cowboy credits can never be converted to bitcoin. They seem valueless to me. If you're right that cowboy credits can be converted to bitcoin, I agree with you completely.
Remember what is a HTLC (a LN payment): a not yet broadcast onchain payment that is bigger than 540 sats. Anything else is dust.
Yes, it cost way too much to cheat stealing this HTLC, but still remain as dust. Yes, in some cases, when we pay let's say 100 sats for a slice of bread, it probably make sense, but sending zaps back and forth between users on a public forum, with no practical gain other than upvoting, it doesn't make sense to me to use a non-custodial node.