News Of The Week
Welcome to the Books And Articles newsletter. Thanks for all of the quality posts.
This has been another good week for the territory. The top posts speak for themselves. Additionally, @BTCLNAT is posting in chapters the book La Vaca: a metaphor about how to overcome conformity and mediocrity. It has proven to be very popular. We also continue to get many book, movie, and television reviews.
As always, please reply with suggestions and opinions on how to make this territory better.
Top Five Posts Of The Week
Here are this week’s top posts:
Siggy’s Suggestions
Years ago I read a lot of Bukowski’s prose. @Nadia posted one of his poems, which I thoroughly enjoyed. Bukowski isn’t for everyone, but he certainly was unique.
@hasherstacker gave us this post which probably deserved more attention. The topic is one I struggle with often, as I’m sure most of us do here.
Writing Contests
Stackers’ Blogs
My Bitcoin Journey
Inspired by Writing Contest #1, this is where stacker’s bitcoin origin stories will be posted for easy reference.
Book Clubs
Happy The Hippo, an absolutely wonderful children’s book written by @cryotosensei for his son.