One of my favorite text ~memes recently is people stating their "toxic" trait. Often the toxic trait is humorous and self-deprecating - overstating the trait's toxicity. Other times the trait is seemingly benign but surprisingly toxic when taken to the extreme. I've also seen it used to state something true about oneself, and even self-congratulate, using the meme only for its familiar packaging.
What's your toxic trait?
Some examples:
I always make prejudices about others.
We all do. It's good to have awareness about it at least so that we may open up to others more.
Mine is conflict avoidance, no doubt. I'm a real asshole deep down.
I totally agree with you, I also avoid conflicts even though I see myself as a big fool.
44 sats \ 0 replies \ @nym 19 Oct
Yes I do that a lot also.
Are you saying that avoiding conflict makes you an asshole or that you avoid conflict to avoid being an asshole?
11 sats \ 1 reply \ @siggy47 19 Oct
#2. I have strident opinions that I suppress.
I think I am a very loving person . And sometimes my love and passion can be seen as being an asshole. I can't control how other people receive me.
301 sats \ 1 reply \ @Taft 19 Oct
My toxic trait is always thinking I can handle everything on my own without asking for help.
Meeee toooo. I'm getting better at allowing help into my life.
I can be a kind of energy sinkhole sometimes I think. At times I can appear quite low energy and when someone comes at me with a positive energetic smiling demeanour I don't necessarily reciprocate that. Instead of bouncing it back it seems like it just sort of dissipates or absorbs. I have at times responded in a low energy way and felt a little bad about that. I don't mean to dampen the positive active energy but I think that may have happened sometimes. There can be a fine line sometimes between being authentic, not faking and being socially considerate, tactful or not a minor asshole.
254 sats \ 1 reply \ @Jon_Hodl 19 Oct
My toxic trait is thinking of posting but never actually posting because I know that the algorithms are never going to show my posts to anyone because we have all been shadow-banned by the big tech companies.
That's the worst.
Telling the truth, gotta stop that $
My toxic trait is that I can be honest about things I'd rather not be truthful to people about.
My toxic trait is I expect people to meet me at the level I'm at instead of meeting them at the level they'll relate better to.
My toxic trait is that I assume I can fix everything and everyone
I can relate to all of those things.
My toxic trait is overanalyzing everything and stressing about things that haven't even happened yet...
I used to be a big time over analyzer.
I'm with you on this, I'm like that too. Insomnia becomes your best friend at those times.
146 sats \ 1 reply \ @bief57 19 Oct
My toxic trait is that I procrastinate a lot and then rush through things at the last minute.
I've done this my whole life. I am surprised how well it has worked out. Part of me thinks it is good. I like taking as much time as I can to visualize things before moving. And then I move very fast.
My toxic trait is I think anyone can lose weight. When I see fat people I think they either eat too much or too lazy to walk
My toxic trait is fear of error. I always think I have to be an expert to start taking action.
This is a tough one. I deal with this often. I never want to be a beginner at anything. I am learning that it is just best to take steps. Making mistakes is how we grow.
Thanks for your understanding and advice 🤝
119 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b OP 19 Oct
My toxic trait is thinking anyone can do this if they work hard enough.
that's as beautiful as a mushroom cloud
I'm very critical of others but me not so much.
It’s a very ENFP thingy.
I get tons of great ideas, but I lack the stamina to bring them to life
I love to social engineer
Mine is to overestimate on everything. Be it my personal or professional goals. I basically don't know my limits.
I here that. I make crazy plans in my head and then once I am executing, I am like, "What was I thinking?"
My toxic trait is I think I'm gonna win the lottery one day even though I never play it
Suffer in silence and hope someone notices resonates lol
I've done plenty of that. That is a painful place to be. I hope you are learning to reach out.
Thank you 🙏
How are you today?
Doing well. Thank you for asking. How are you?
I am really well overall. I struggle with a general sadness that I feel for people in general. I feel sad that so many people are enslaved when I don't feel we have to be.
17 sats \ 0 replies \ @4rge 20 Oct
Commenting for 1 sat
Thinking or saying you have a toxic trait is a command to your subconscious Mind to "Make it So".
It is much better for you to think about every body's nice traits.
And your own nice traits.
I'm a miserly scrooge. #731391
14 sats \ 1 reply \ @Garth 19 Oct
I enjoy being contrarian and upsetting people
Is that toxic? Someone has to do it.
I think that we all have many toxic traits, I have always been very demanding or critical of myself. Many times, I have been very positive about other things and sometimes I have been excited about things that have never happened and because of that I have hurt myself.
14 sats \ 3 replies \ @nym 19 Oct
I’m pretty selfish IMO. I like alone time but sometimes that conflicts with family time and obligations
What have you done to improve that?
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @nym 19 Oct
I try to be more present and involve them more in things I enjoy doings, and vice versa.
Thanks, I'll try that too
i've got a few. First one that comes to mind is I can be very selfish and its not good for friends, family and loved ones. Definitely something I have improved over time though.
13 sats \ 0 replies \ @Taft 19 Oct
I have another one as well, which is related to the first one: My toxic trait is pushing myself past my limits and then pretending I'm fine...
This reminds me of the interview question “what’s your biggest weakness”, answered by “I work too hard” or some other similar response
41 sats \ 1 reply \ @Golu 20 Oct
I'm mostly negative when I start something new.
You mean you don't have confidence in you ability to do new things? That sucks.
Over thinking about the future