I regularly see people make distinction between SN and social media. The difference isn't obvious on the surface but if you are a thoughtful person after you use SN you begin to see the difference .
Stacker News
The incentive structure added by bitcoin and the relatively small community make it very different from places like Reddit or Twitter. That said, personally I do consider Stacker.news a social media site.
Wikipedia isn't the authority ( there really isn't an authority over language, its anarchy ) but I think the definition is pretty good.
Social media are interactive technologies that facilitate the creation, sharing and aggregation of content (such as ideas, interests, and other forms of expression) amongst virtual communities and networks.
In my experience Stacker.news can be addictive if you find the discussions entertaining and valuable. Then when you add the dopamine hit from getting zapped it can really suck a person in. Is this bad? I guess it can be if you are avoiding more important activities. Its probably very subjective and personal.
When I contrast Stacker.news with Reddit or Hacker News the difference is profound. The level of intelligence for the most part is much higher. Social media sites like Twitter and Facebook use algorithms and they seem to feed into conflict. Its been said in documentaries that these platforms hire psychologists to help them manipulate their users into spending more time on the site. Thing is... Twitter wasn't always like that.
I was fairly early to Twitter. In my area there were only a handful of people on Twitter and I ended up meeting all of them. Made friends and connections that benefited my career. I learned many things on Twitter that were helpful. It wasn't really about fighting with dumb people or talking about the news. Back then it was mostly software devs and people working in tech. There was a commonality between the people using the site. As the audience grew and celebs started using it began to change. Once it became something everyone had to be on it was pretty shot for me.
Once it began to change I started saying Twitter is where you go to get sad or mad.
Stacker.news is small. That's good for those of us that use it. If it grows I believe it will change drastically. Many of us that use it today and find value here will lose interest. Why? Because we aren't normal. I don't mean that as a slight. Its just true. Most people don't really care to share their thoughts on the topics we discuss. Most don't even want to write at all. They don't want to argue / debate. They don't care about bitcoin. They also don't care about fiat.
So is Stacker.news a social media site? I say it is. But @k00b has tried to create an incentive structure using bitcoin that avoids many of the issues with other sites. In general I don't think the human race has figured out how to deal with the number of low fidelity connections the Internet has given us. I believe future generations will learn from our mistakes. I don't even think we really know all the mistakes being made yet.
Nostr is a protocol. Its not social media. Just like web sockets aren't social media or HTTP isn't. But the primary applications being created and used on the protocol are social media. They are clones of Twitter.
Why do people think Nostr isn't social media? Well, because its better for now. But you see normies that come to it and hate it. Why? Because its full of people like me. Talking about stuff they don't care about. Its full of self assured jerks that love to talk about how dumb everyone is that doesn't hold bitcoin.
If Nostr succeeds this will change. Is it good? Yeah. I think Nostr is good. I think SN is good. But they aren't perfect. They have some of the same issues that the old platforms have. Their creators have learned and tried to fix some of the issues.
What do you think? If SN isn't social media, what is your definition? What about Nostr?
on the other hand, I consider that being a small community, that is what influences the quality of the content you find here.Sats
) in the others you just burn your time, inSN
even if you don't stack a singleSAT
in an hour, you at least learn something new, so by farSN
is on another level with respect to social networks. And let's hope it stays that way, selecta. As people who seek Bitcoin to free ourselves from state control, we are and will always be a minority, the majority is too asleep and trapped in its short-term cycle to come toSN.
user and I think it's a very good application, I've also tried theMostro
P2P, something that's still new, but they're improving week by week, and it's developed by the same people 👥 fromLNP2PBOT
on Telegram step by step I'm trying other clients and learning more, but I definitely can't find anything similar toSN
on Nostr.