It is. Unions are calling for general strike now until Yoon resigns.
<Emergency struggle policy of the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions>
1. The Korean Confederation of Trade Unions will hold a press conference by the Central Executive Committee of the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions at 08:00 on December 4, and from this point on, it will enter an indefinite general strike until the resignation of the Yoon Seok-yeol administration.
2. Members of the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions must stop the scene in accordance with the general strike guidelines and abolish martial law! Yoon Seok-yeol resigns for treason! We will carry out national emergency action to achieve major social reform and realize popular sovereignty.
3. Metropolitan area union members will gather at Gwanghwamun Square in Seoul at 09:00 on December 4th.
Local union members gather at a location determined by the regional headquarters.
please keep us updated with notable details as you uncover them.
i'm specifically curious to understand more about who the president is aligned with, and what are the stated motivations of his opponents. SK doesn't really make it into the news i read about too frequently, so i'm especially especially fresh on the topic
His opponents are just tired of his nepotism/corruption/enriching himself/etc.
I'll write a summary on of these days of all the crap his wife has been doing.
Yoon is conservative party, opponents are the democrats.
The NK infiltration argument sounds like bullshit to me.
It's still a 5-6% kimchi discount if I'm calculating correctly. Seems like a great arbitrage opportunity, so I'm wondering why it's not being exploited.
Well, like every arbitrage opportunity, one needs to be able to close the loop.
In 2017 I managed to do it a little, it's much harder now with all the capital control regulations. At least for the little man. I'm sure some people are exploiting it.
In a crypto chat I'm in, people are just trying to buy some coins at a discount in the anticipation that'll reverse again soon.
EDIT: Some shitcoins even hit -80%. Gotta be fast.
I know they have regulations on dollars flowing out (exchanging KRW->USD). Do they have them for dollars flowing in (USD->KRW)? Because if you can withdraw BTC, you can sell them elsewhere pretty instantly for USD (or even USDT) and exchange them for KRW to close the loop. I'm sure I'm missing something about what's happening which is why I ask.
In order to protect liberal democracy and safeguard the safety of the people from the threat of overthrowing the Korean system by anti-state forces lurking inside the free Republic of Korea, the following is declared throughout the Republic of Korea as of December 3, 2024 at 23:00.
the activities of the National Assembly, local councils, political parties, political associations, rallies, demonstrations, and other political activities shall be prohibited.
prohibit all acts that deny the liberal democratic system or pray for its overthrow, and prohibit fake news, public opinion manipulation, and false propaganda.
All media and publications are under the control of martial law.
strikes, boycotts, and rallies that promote social disorder are prohibited.
All medical personnel, including specialists, who are on strike or have left the medical field must return to work within 48 hours and fulfill their duties, and violators will be dealt with by martial law.
Measures shall be taken to minimize inconvenience to the daily lives of innocent citizens except for anti-state forces and other subversive forces.
Violators of the above proclamation may be arrested, detained, and searched without a warrant pursuant to Article 9 of the Martial Law of the Republic of Korea (Special Measures of the Martial Law Commander), and shall be dealt with in accordance with Article 14 of the Martial Law Act (Penalties).
2024.12.3.(Tue) Martial law commander Army Chief Park Ahn-soo
I like that they prohibit false propaganda. We can keep the true propaganda that pro-state forces are disseminating for the good of the innocent citizens~~
Dec 3, 2024 · 4:02 PM UTC
우원식 국회의장, 비상계엄해제 선포
Speaker of the National Assembly Woo Won-shik declares lifting of martial law
Dec 3, 2024 · 4:05 PM UTC
현 시각부로 비상계엄에 동조하는 군인은 내란죄로 처벌할 수 있다고 합니다.
It is said that as of now, soldiers who support martial law can be punished for sedition.
Dec 3, 2024 · 4:07 PM UTC
국회의장 "원내에 있는 군인들은 모두 국회 밖으로 나가라"
Speaker of the National Assembly: "All soldiers in the National Assembly, get out of the National Assembly."
Dec 3, 2024 · 4:13 PM UTC
계엄군, 국회 내에서 철수중
Martial law troops withdraw from the National Assembly
Dec 3, 2024 · 4:23 PM UTC
형법 제87조(내란) 대한민국 영토의 전부 또는 일부에서 국가권력을 배제하거나 국헌을 문란하게 할 목적으로 폭동을 일으킨 자는 다음 각 호의 구분에 따라 처벌한다.
우두머리는 사형, 무기징역 또는 무기금고에 처한다.
모의에 참여하거나 지휘하거나 그 밖의 중요한 임무에 종사한 자는 사형, 무기 또는 5년 이상의 징역이나 금고에 처한다. 살상, 파괴 또는 약탈 행위를 실행한 자도 같다.
부화수행(附和隨行)하거나 단순히 폭동에만 관여한 자는 5년 이하의 징역이나 금고에 처한다.
Article 87 of the Criminal Act (Internal Rebellion) A person who causes a riot in all or part of the territory of the Republic of Korea with the purpose of excluding state power or disrupting the Constitution shall be punished according to the following categories:
The leader shall be punished by death, life imprisonment, or life imprisonment.
A person who participates in or commands a conspiracy or engages in other important duties shall be punished by death, life imprisonment, or imprisonment for not less than five years. The same shall apply to a person who commits an act of murder, destruction, or plunder.
A person who accompanies or simply participates in a riot shall be punished by imprisonment or imprisonment for not more than five years.
Dec 3, 2024 · 4:27 PM UTC
계엄선포 과정이 내란에 해당할 수 있다는 전문가들의 분석이 나오고 있습니다.
Experts are analyzing that the process of declaring martial law could be considered a civil war.
Dec 3, 2024 · 4:31 PM UTC
윤석열 대통령의 비상계엄선포 과정에서 국회에게 통고하는 과정이 생략되며 윤석열 대통령의 탄핵요건이 갖춰지게 되었다는 분석이 나오고 있습니다.
There is analysis that the process of notifying the National Assembly during President Yoon Seok-yeol's declaration of martial law was omitted, and thus the grounds for impeachment of President Yoon Seok-yeol have been met.
Dec 3, 2024 · 4:34 PM UTC
국방부 관계자가 조금 전 "계엄사령부는 계속 유지할 것"이라 밝혔습니다.
A Defense Ministry official said earlier that "martial law command will remain in place."
Dec 3, 2024 · 4:36 PM UTC
국회가 계엄 해제를 요구하더라도 대통령이 계엄을 해제하지 않으면 계엄사령부를 해제할 수 없다고 합니다.
Even if the National Assembly demands the lifting of martial law, it is said that the martial law command cannot be lifted unless the president lifts martial law.
Dec 3, 2024 · 4:38 PM UTC
대통령의 계엄해제가 없었기 때문에, 현재의 치안/행정은 군이 통제할 수 있는 상황이라고 합니다.
Because the president did not lift martial law, the current security/administration situation is said to be under the military's control.
Dec 3, 2024 · 4:49 PM UTC
윤석열 대통령이 계엄을 해제하지 않을 경우 군경이 즉시 대통령을 체포할 수 있다고 합니다.
It is said that if President Yoon Seok-yeol does not lift martial law, the military and police can immediately arrest the president.
Dec 3, 2024 · 5:00 PM UTC
일부 경찰/군인들이 국회의원의 국회 출입을 막으면서 내란죄가 성립되었다는 분석입니다.
The analysis is that the crime of sedition was committed when some police officers/soldiers blocked members of the National Assembly from entering the National Assembly.
South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol said on Wednesday he would move to lift a martial law declaration he had imposed just hours before, honoring a parliamentary vote against the measure.
recent elections went heavily in favor of the opposing party. afterwards, the parliament (or whatever they have over there) sent a significantly reduced budget which the president was (apparently) very opposed to.
This is scary for people in SK. Either there are NK sympathizers within the government or the current government is using military force to gain power. I don't see a great outcome from either scenario.
We sure are living in one hell of a timeline i saw a few posts about the Leader of the South Korean Democratic Party livestreaming himself climbing over the blockade wall to enter the parliament via YouTube, lol wtf?
He'll regret it later because this was all done to gain power with malicious intentions. If the opposition is a North Korea sympathizer, prove it and take the necessary actions against those who should be treated as terrorists.
Some friends are sending pictures of tanks near Yeoido, also reporting on helicopters flying around.
Most people are just wondering if they have to go to the office or school tomorrow. People seem mostly confused, but around me, people are telling each other good night.
South Korea's Yoon says he will lift martial law after parliament vote